Prime Minister's Office

English rendering of PM’s address at the Centennial Foundation Day celebration of University of Lucknow

Posted On: 25 NOV 2020 9:02PM by PIB Delhi


My senior colleague in the central cabinet and MP from Lucknow Shri Rajnath Singh ji, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Yogi Adityanathji, Deputy Chief Minister  Dr. Dinesh Sharma ji, Minister of State for Higher Education ShrimatiNeelimaKatiyarji, all other ministers in UP government,  University of Lucknow Vice-Chancellor Shri Alok Kumar Rai ji, teachers and students of the university, ladies and gentlemen,

Warm greetings to the University of Lucknow family on completion of 100 years.  This period of 100 years is not just a Mumbai. An obvioushistory of immense achievements is associated with it. I am happy that I got the opportunity to release a commemorative postal stamp, commemorative coins and special cover in memory of these 100 years.


I am told that the peepal tree near Gate No. 1 outside is an important witness to the university's 100years of continuous journey. This tree has seen many talents being flourished in the campus of the University for the country and the world. In its 100 years of journey, several personalities from here became President and Governors. Whether it is the field of science or justice, political or administrative, educational or literature, cultural or sports, the University of Lucknow has chiseled and nurtured the talents in every field. The University’s Arts Quadrangle boasts a lot of history in itself. In the same Arts Quadrangle, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's voice was echoed and said in that heroic voice: "Let the people of India make their constitution or pay for it". Netaji SubhashBabu'swar cry will enthuse new energy when we will celebrate our Constitution Day.


There are so many names associated with the University of Lucknow, the names of countless people, that it is not possible to list the names of everybody. I admire all of them on this auspicious event today. Many people have contributed in many ways in this 100-year journey. They all deserve appreciation. Yes, one thing is for sure it can’t be that there will not be a glow in the eyes of the students who have passed out of the University of Lucknow, when I get an opportunity to talk to them and about the University. I have experienced many times that they become very excited when they recall the days spent in the University. Therefore, one can truly understand the meaning of लखनऊ हम पर फिदा, हम फिदा-ए-लखनऊ. The affinity and romance of the University of Lucknow has been something different. From Tagore Library to tea-samosas of different canteens and bun-butter are still in the hearts of the students. Now, with the changing times, a lot has changed, but the mood of the University of Lucknow continues to be Lakhnavi, still the same.


This is a coincidence that today is Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi. It is believed that life comes to a standstill due to problems in the movement in Chaturmas (four months). Even the deities go to sleep. In a way, today is the day when the deities have woken up. It is said here - “या निशा सर्वभूतानां तस्यां जागर्ति संयमी", i.e., when everybody, including the deities, are sleeping, the austere human being remains engaged in the public welfare. Today, we are witnessing how the citizens of the country are facing the challenge of corona with patience and taking the country forward.


Educational institutions like these make motivating and encouraging citizens towards the country. The University of Lucknow has been diligently doing this job for decades. The students and teachers have provided several solutions to the society even in the wake of corona.


I am told that it has been decided to expand the jurisdiction of the University of Lucknow. The University has also set up new research centres. But I wish to add a few more points to it. I am sure you will discuss this. My suggestion is that why don’t we have a detailed analysis in our university regarding the local disciplines, the courses associated with local products, the conducive skill development in the districts where you have an academic domain.  Our university can also research the production of local products, modern solutions for their value addition and modern technology. The strategy related to their branding, marketing and management can also be part of your course curriculum.  It can be part of the routine of the university students. For example, how to make products like Lucknow ‘Chikankari’, locks of Aligarh, brass wares of Moradabad, Bhadohi carpets globally competitive. We can definitely have a fresh start, a fresh study and a fresh research. This study also helps the government in determining and formulating policies, and only then the spirit of One District, One Product will be realised in true sense. In addition, we have to continue to work for global reach of our art, culture and spirituality related issues. India's soft power is very helpful in strengthening India's image in the international world. We have seen the power of yoga all over the world, some call it Yog, while others call it Yoga, but it has motivated the entire world to make yoga a part of one’s life.  


University is not just a centre of higher education.  It is also a very large power house, a huge land of energy, a land of inspiration to achieve big goals and resolutions. It is also an inspiration for our character building and awakening our inner strength. Year after year, the university teachers develop the intellectual, academic and physical development of their students andenhance the capability of the students. The teachers also have a big role in realizing the potential of the students.

But friends, for a long time, we have had a problem that we do not fully utilize our potential. The same problem was previously there in our governance, in government practices. I want to give you an example today of what happens when there is no proper use of the potential. And this is more suitable for UP. The Raebareli rail coach factory is not very far off from Lucknow. Years ago, investment was made, resources and machines were installed andseveral big announcements were made to make rail coaches. But for several years, only the denting and painting was done there. The coaches, which used to come from Kapurthala, were painted or fitted with some attachments.  The factory was capable of making coaches but never worked to its full potential. After 2014, we changed the mindset and the ways of functioning. And the result was that within a few months the first coach was made here and today hundreds of coaches are being produced here. You can see for yourself the proper use of the potential and the world is taking note of this today. UP and you will also take pride that in the years to come whenever there will be mention of the world’s biggest rail coach factory, it will be about Raebareli rail coach factory.


The will-power and intention are equally important along with the proper use of the potential.  You don’t get the desired results if there is no will-power.  There are many examples before the country of how can will-power bring about changes and I would like to mention only about one sector and that is urea. There was a time when there were many factories of urea production in the country. But despite it, India used to import urea heavily from abroad. One of the major reasons for this was that the country's fertilizer factories did not work to their full capacity. I was stumped when I talked to the officers after the formation of my government.


We took one policy decision after another, as a result of which urea factories are functioning at full capacity in the country today. There was another problem of black marketing of urea. Though meant for farmers, urea used to reach somewhere else, there used to be theft of urea. The farmers of the country had to bear the brunt of it. We found a solution to the black marketing of urea by making it 100 percent neem coating.  This concept of neem coating did not come after Modi came to power. It was there, known to everybody and neem coating used to be done, but at a very small scale.  Theft can’t be prevented by doing things on a small scale. There was no will-power to do 100 percent neem coating. Today, there is 100 percent neem coating and the farmers are getting urea in sufficient quantity.


We are restarting the old and closed fertilizer factories by introducing new technology. Fertilizer factories in Gorakhpur, Sindri and Barauni will restart in a few years. A very huge gas pipeline is being laid in eastern India for this. What I want to say is that positive in thinking and possibilities in approach should always be kept alive. With this approach, you will be able to face the toughest of the challenges in life.


You will also come across several people in your life who will not encourage you, but will discourage you. You must by now have listened to such gibberish things like this can’t be done, or you can’t do this, this is not your work, how it will be done, there are so many problems in it, this is not possible.  You would meet at least 10 people daily who would only talk about disappointment and despair and your ears might have also been tired. But you move ahead in your life by trusting yourself. If you feel that what you are doing is right, it is in the interest of the country and it can be done in a just manner, never let your efforts slow down to achieve it. I would like to give you another example.


My views regarding khadi have been slightly opposite, given the prevailing state-of-affairs. I have always been excited about it since the days when I was not part of the Gujarat government and would dabble as a social and political activist.  We take pride in khadi and want that there should be commitment; inclination and love towards khadi and its fame should be all over the world. I also had this feeling. So, when I became the Chief Minister, I also started propagating khadi a lot. I would visit a khadi store on October 2 and would buy something. I had a positive thinking and my intention was also right. On the other hand, there were people who would discourage me. While I was contemplating about promoting khadi, people started commenting that khadi is very boring and un-cool. How can you promote the use of khadi among our youths? You see what kind of suggestions I used to get. It was due to this negative thinking that all the possibilities regarding the revival of khadi had died down within us. I set aside such remarks and made a fresh beginning with a positive thinking. I planned a fashion show of khadi garments in Porbandar in 2002 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and gave the responsibility to young students of a university. Fashion shows are common but the khadi and the youth created such a magic on that day that it demolished all the pre-conceived notions. The youths had made it possible. Later on, the event was much talked about. At that time, I had also coined one slogan -- Khadi for nation before independence and Khadi for fashion after independence. People were surprised how could khadi become fashionable and how there could be a fashion show of khadi garments. How can somebody imagine bringing together khadi and fashion?


I didn’t have much trouble with it. My positive thinking and my will-power had made it possible. I am reminded of those days whenever I hear that khadi stores are selling products worth crore of rupees every day. You will be surprised to know this fact that the amount of khadi which has been sold in the last six years is more than the amount of khadi sold in 20 years before 2014. Look at the business turnover of 20 years versus six years.


Poet Kavi, who was from the University of Lucknow, from your university, has penned from this campus-- Sometimes talk to yourself, sometimes speak to yourself. What are you in your eyes? Weigh it on the scales of mind. These words are guidelines in a way for students, teachers or public representatives.  In today’s hustle-bustle of life, the habit of talking to oneself, self-introspection is being missed. There are so many digital gadgets and platforms that take away one’s time, but you will have to find time for yourself amidst all the distractions. 


Earlier, I used to do one thing which has not been possible for the last 20 years because of the responsibility given to me by you. I am pre-occupied with it. When I was not part of the administration, I had one programme. Every year, I used to visit myself. The name of the programme was “Main  mujhsemilnejaatahoon” (I visit me).  I used to go to a place for five-seven days where there was no human being.  With just a little waterthose used to very cherished moments of my life. I am not asking you to go to jungles, but find some time for yourself. What is more important is how much time you are giving to yourself. It is very necessary to know yourself. You will find that it will have a positive effect on your potential and your will-power.


Student life is a precious time and it is difficult to revisit it. Therefore, you should enjoy and encourage your student life. The friends that you make now will remain friends forever. The friends from your school or college days have a special place in your life no matter what post you are holding, or doing a job, or business. Make lots of friends and live up to friendship.


This is the purpose of the new National Education Policy that every youth of the country can know and test himself. With this aim in mind, radical changes have been made from nursery to Ph.D. There should be self-confidence among students. This self-confidence comes only if somebody has the freedom and flexibility to make his own decision. A body in bondage and a grooved mind can never be productive. Remember, you will encounter many people in the society who oppose changes. They protest because they are afraid of the breakdown of old structures. They are of the opinion that change only results in disruption and discontinuity. They don’t consider the possibilities of a new beginning. You young friends have to come out of this fear. Therefore, this is my request to all the teachers and young friends of the University of Lucknow to discuss, brainstorm, debate and communicate on this new National Education Policy. Work with full force for its early implementation. The new education policy should become part of our education system in letter and spirit by the time the country completes its 75 years of independence.  Let’s dedicate ourselves for realizing the message of वय राष्ट्रे जागृयाम पुरोहिता.


From 1947, the 100 years of independence will happen in 2047. I will request the University of Lucknow, its policy-makers, to make different teams and debate for five-seven days where will the University of Lucknow be when the country will celebrate 100 years of its independence, what the University of Lucknow would have given to the country in the next 25 years, what will be the requirements of the country for which the University of Lucknow will take a lead in fulfilling them. When you are celebrating the centenary with big resolutions and new beliefs then the stories of the past should be inspiration and trail for the days to come, and new energy to move forward at a faster pace.

These celebrations should not be confined to the memory of 100, these celebrations are meant to realise the 25-year road map for the 100 years of independence. The University of Lucknow should think what this university will give to the country by 2047, when there will be 100 years of the independence of the country.  One can’timagine the outcomes if a university dedicates its 25-year period to take the country to new heights. The last 100 years have been witness to the achievements of the University of Lucknow.  Therefore, I would urge you to make a move with the pledge of 2047 in mind that what I will contribute as an individual in the 100th year of the country’s independence, what the University will offer, or what will be our role to take the country forward. Today, once again, I extend my greetings to you for this centenary function and I am very grateful to you for this opportunity of meeting you.

Thanks !!


DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.



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