PIB Headquarters


Posted On: 17 JUL 2020 6:24PM by PIB Delhi


(Contains Press releases concerning Covid-19, issued in last 24 hours, inputs from PIB Field Offices and Fact checks undertaken by PIB)

Updates on Covid-19 from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare:Actual case load of COVID-19 patients in the country is only 3.42 lakhs; Recovered Cases are 6.35 lakh and increasing;

The actual case load of COVID-19 cases in the country is only 3,42,756, as on date. More than 6.35 lakhs (63.33%) of the total cases have recovered. India, being the second most populous country in the world with 1.35 billion people, has 727.4 cases per million. On the global scale, cases/million population in India are 4 to 8 times less than some European countries.The case fatality rate at 18.6 deaths/million of the country is one of the lowest in the world. The effective clinical management strategies have shown to yield positive results. Almost 80% of the asymptomatic and mild cases have been advised home isolation under medical supervision. The moderate and severe patients are being treated in either the Dedicated COVID Hospitals or Dedicated COVID Health Centres.Medical infrastructure to ensure quality treatment of the admitted patients is being continuously augmented across the country. As a result of concerted efforts, the COVID-19 Hospital Infrastructure to treat COVID-19 is stronger today. It has 1383 Dedicated COVID Hospitals, 3107 Dedicated COVID Healthcare Centres, and 10,382 COVID Care Centres.

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Sowing area of Kharif crops 21.2 % more compared to last year

As on 17.07.2020, total kharif crops have been sown on 691.86 lakh ha area against 570.86 lakh ha area during the corresponding period of last year, thus increase in area coverage by 21.20% compared to last year in the country. There is no impact of COVID-19 on progress of area coverage under kharif crops as on date.

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Adequate availability, manufacturing, supply and storage capacity of Medical Oxygen in the country

In the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, the Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal today reviewed the Medical Oxygen supply and enhancement of capacity storage in the country. As of now, there is no major problem reported in manufacturing, storage, transport and supply of Medical Oxygen. It was mentioned that average monthly consumption of Medical Oxygen was 902 MT/day in April’20 and had gone upto 1512 MT/day by 15th July. There is sufficient stock of over 15 thousand MT, as of now.It was observed that the overall position of the present production and supply of Medical Oxygen, as compared to the total projection of the requirement by end of this month, is comfortable in all the states. In States, Metros and Districts, where the active cases are large in number, the position of supply and storage is adequate. Similarly, appropriate arrangements have been made for making available Medical Oxygen at remote places.

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ARCI & Vehant Technologies co-develop UV System for baggage Scan Disinfection to fight COVID 19

Both domestic and international travel has been a major reason for spread of the COVID 19 infection. In order to control spread of infection through baggage, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, an autonomous R&D Centre of Department of Science and Technology (DST), and Vehant Technologies, Noida have co-developed KritiScan® UV Baggage Disinfection System. The compact UVC conveyor system developed can efficiently disinfect the baggage passing through the conveyor within a few seconds and is suitable for use in airports, railway and bus stations, hotels, commercial and private establishments for rapid disinfection of baggage. UVC based disinfection systems are known for their rapid disinfection capability, and the disinfection process is dry and chemical-free.

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ECI decides not to extend postal ballot facility to electors above 65yrs of age in Assembly Elections in Bihar & by-elections due in near future in view of constraints of logistics, manpower and safety protocols of Covid 19
In view of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown guidelines, Election Commission had recommended extension of optional postal ballot facilities to voters above 65 years in order to minimize their vulnerability and exposure at the Polling stations and to Covid positive voters and voters under quarantine so that they are not deprived of their voting rights. Commission has been constantly monitoring the electoral preparedness for the coming by-elections and General elections of Assembly in Bihar, in the wake of this unprecedented environment. Commission has already limited the number of electors to one thousand for each polling station for ease of voting, especially for elderly and vulnerable sections of electors, in COVID-19 situations. In view of this, the State is creating additional 34,000 (approximately) polling stations (45% more), which will increase the total number of polling stations to around 1,06,000. This would entail formidable logistical challenges of mobilizing 1.8 lakh more polling personnel and other additional resources including requirement of much larger number of vehicles in the State of Bihar. Similar challenges would be there for the coming by-elections also.Considering all these issues, challenges and constraints and in view of the decision to limit the number of electors at each polling station to 1000, Commission has decided not to issue the notification to extend the facility of postal ballot to the electors above 65 years of age in the coming General Elections in Bihar and by- elections due in the near future.

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Govt helping nation to combat Global Pandemic; will do whatever is possible to protect the plastic industry : Mandaviya

Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Shri Mansukh Mandaviya has assured that government within the ambit of law, will do whatever is possible to protect the plastic industry from the impact of COVID-19. Shri Manadaviya was addressing a Webinar yesterday. Shri Mandaviya said for Indian Plastic industry to become environmentally sustainable, innovative and competitive in the world, “we must acknowledge and define the challenges that lies ahead. World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 89 million medical masks, 76 million examination gloves and 1.6 million goggles will be needed for Covid-19 response every month while the pandemic lasts. So, this indicates the need for the industry to rise to the challenge to ensure coronavirus free India.” He saidwe do not want to fragment the internal market by creating internal barriers or competitive imbalances but come together as a one nation and power.

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Department of Biotechnology and its Research Institution’s Accelerate development of COVID-19 Vaccines, Therapeutics and Diagnostics

Department of Biotechnology and its 16 Research Institutes are working relentlessly to mitigate COVID-19 crisis and are deeply engaged in multifaceted R & D for offering potential COVID-19 solutions.DBT-AIs (Autonomous Institutions) have focussed their research efforts on the development of indigenous diagnostic tests to achieve self-sufficiency.A low-cost colorimetric PCR based assay-technology andan aptamer-based SARS-CoV-2antigen detection technology developed by DBT-THSTI, were transferred to Genei and Molbio Diagnostics Pvt. Limited, respectively.In-house IgG ELISA technology by DBT-THSTI was also transferred to XCyton Diagnostics Limited.DBT-RGCB along with POCT services, New Delhi developed a low-cost viral transport medium and RNA extraction kit that is ready for commercial use.Sharing of Biospecimens accelerates COVID-19 related research towards development of kits, therapeutics and vaccines. DBT-THSTI has distributed over 2500 sample aliquots in response to requests from industry, start-ups and academia.

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Grants-in-aid of Rs.15187.50 crore in respect of 2.63 lakh Rural Local Bodies in 28 States released by the Ministry of Finance on 15th July 2020

On the recommendations of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation and Ministry of Jal Shakti, an amount of Rs.15187.50 crore, as grants-in-aid, in respect of 2.63 lakh Rural Local Bodies (RLBs) spread in 28 States of the country has been released by the Ministry of Finance on 15th July 2020. This grants-in-aid forms part of the Tied Grant as recommended by Fifteenth Finance Commission (XV-FC) for the period FY 2020-21 and is to be used by RLBs to facilitate taking up of various developmental work concerning supply of drinking water, rain water harvesting, water recycling, sanitation and maintenance of ODF status, which are national priorities. Giving this information, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar said that the release of this fund to the RLBs signifies the most appropriate timing when the RLBs are fighting the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic situation.He said availability of this fund with the RLBs will boost their effectiveness in delivery of basic services to the rural citizens and would also empower them in providing gainful employment to migrant laborers who have returned to their native places owing to Covid-19 pandemic situation as well as in augmenting rural infrastructure in a constructive way.

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Indian Council of Agricultural Research celebrates its 92nd Foundation Day

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) celebrated its 92nd foundation day yesterday. Speaking on the occasion, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar appreciated the efforts of the agricultural scientists due to which ICAR has contributed immensely in the progress of agriculture in the country during the last nine decades. He said that today India is surplus in foodgrains production due to the research contribution of the scientists and hard work of the farmers. He congratulated the farming community in the country for record production of crops even during the lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic.

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Wheels of  ER’s Parcel Express  Trains for  COVID-19 to Roll Till December 14, this Year

Eastern Railway (ER) has run time tabled Parcel Express trains in different phases on different routes, to carry essential commodities including consumables, perishables, medical equipment, medicines etc during the COVID-19 lockdown period to ensure swift transport of material to the different corners of the country. Presently, Parcel Express trains originating from ER are running between Howrah & Guwahati, Sealdah & Guwahati and Howrah & Amritsar. The ER has now extended the running of Howrah-Guwahati-Howrah, Sealdah-Guwahati-Sealdah and Howrah-Amritsar-Howrah Parcel Express trains till December 14, 2020 on their nominated days of run, to facilitate swift transport of essential commodities.

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  • Punjab: To check profiteering by private hospitals during the current pandemic, Punjab Government has fixed the COVID treatment rates for these hospitals. The rates, finalized for Private Hospitals and Medical Colleges by Dr. K.K. Talwar Committee, cover isolation beds, ICU treatment and hospitalisation charges per day of admission. The move comes amid several complaints received by the state government of private hospitals charging exorbitantly for Covid treatment.
  • Haryana: Haryana Government has issued guidelines for protection and safety of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. It has been decided that the State Government employees working on regular basis/ contract/ daily wages who are unable to walk having physical disabilities of 50% or above and also those who are blind from both eyes may be allowed to work from home.
  • Maharashtra: 8641 new positive cases have been reported in Maharashtra’s highest single day spike of COVID-19 patients on Thursday. The state tally of corona virus infections has shot up to 2,84,281. Also, 5527 recoveries and 266 deaths have occurred in the state on Thursday. While there are 1,14,648 active cases in the state presently, till date the total recoveries stand at 1,58,140 and the death toll is 11,194. Greater Mumbai Region recorded 1498 new cases along with 707 recoveries and 56 deaths. While the count of COVID-19 positive patients is 97751 in Mumbai as per the latest report, the active case of MMR is 23,694. The total number of recoveries has gone up to 68,537. Toll is 5520 till date in Mumbai. While the recovery rate of the entire state is 55.63%, the recovery rate of Mumbai district is 70%.
  • Gujarat: The state tally of COVID-19 stands at 45,481. There are 11,289 active cases at present, while 32103 patients have recovered till date. With the report of 10 deaths on Thursday, the death toll has gone up to 2089. A four-member central team today visited Surat city which is emerging as a new hotspot in the state. The team comprises Director of New Delhi AIIMS Dr. Randeep Guleria, NITI Aayog member Vinod Paul, director-general of ICMR Dr. Balram Bhargav and additional secretary in the Union ministry of health and family welfare Arti Ahuja. The team held a meeting with local authorities on Thursday night. Today, the team members held a meeting with doctors, nurses, and paramedical staff at the civil hospital. It also provided the necessary guidance to the health teams regarding the treatment. The team members visited Katargam and Varachchaa areas which have emerged as the new Covid hotspots in the city. Dr Guleria said testing, contact tracing, and proper treatment will help control the rising cases in the city.
  • Rajasthan: 159 new positive cases have been reported today morning. The state tally of COVID-19 cases has gone up to 27,333. Also, 737 positive cases were reported till Thursday night. While the number of recovered patients has crossed 20,000 mark (20,028 patients), there are 6,666 active cases in the state. Maximum cases today are from Bikaner (32 cases), followed by Nagaur (26 cases) and then Jaipur (22 cases).
  • Madhya Pradesh: 735 new positive cases have been reported in Madhya Pradesh on Thursday in the highest single day spike of cases so far. The state tally of COVID-19 has crossed the 20,000 mark. It is 20,378, as per the latest report. However, the active case load of the state is 5562, while total number of recoveries has touched 14,127 with the recovery of 219 patients on Thursday. The death toll has also gone up to 689 with the report of 7 deaths on Thursday. 
  • Chhattisgarh: Highest single day spike of 197 cases have been reported in Chhattisgarh on Thursday. The state tally of COVID-19 is now 4,754, while the active case load is 1,282.With the discharge of 127 patients after recovery from various hospitals in the state, the total number of recoveries has gone up to 3,451.
  • Goa: 157 samples of patients tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. It takes the state tally of Coronavirus infection to 3,108. The active case load of the state is 127this week.
  • Assam:  The CM of Assam Shri Sarbananda Sonowal visited civil hospital in Nagaon to interact with doctors & nurses on ongoing COVID-19 treatment practices. He also held a meeting with DC, SP & other district level officials to discuss how to upgrade COVID containment measures.
  • Manipur: Door to door rapid antigen testing was conducted at Moijing Awang Leikai, Thoubal district of Manipur following infection of a Pradhan and four persons testing COVID positive.
  • Mizoram:  A total of 194 church halls are being used as quarantine facilities in Mizoram.
  • Nagaland: Mon district task force  in Nagaland notifies committee to revive the economy of Mon district and creating job opportunities for returnees.In Nagaland, Peren District Task Force on COVID-19 earmarks CMO Office building,  RSETI building and Tourist log huts as COVID Care Centres, while St. Xavier College Auditorium Hall and  Vet College Hostel have been made Isolation Centres.
  • Kerala:The state government has issued an order regarding the operation of COVID First-Line Treatment Centers (FLTC) under local self-governments. These treatment centers will be established in each region as recommended by the health department. Meanwhile, two more COVID-19 deaths have been reported in the state.  With this, the death toll has gone up to 39. In both the cases, the test results came after their deaths. The operations of crime branch headquarters have been suspended after two policemen tested positive for Covid. Meantime, the transmission of the virus is rising in the capital city. Five new containment zones have been declared. All coastal roads in the district have been sealed to check local spread. A record 722 new active Covid-19 cases were detected in the state yesterday. 5,372 people are undergoing treatment. 1.83 lakh people are under surveillance in various districts.
  • Tamil Nadu: Puducherry Covid-19 death toll climbs to 25 with three fatalities in 24 hours as total cases reach 1,832; presently, 793 persons are undergoing treatment, of which 684 are in Puducherry, 74 in Karaikal, and 35 in Yanam. A start-up incubated at IIT-M has developed a 15-bed pre-fabricated unit called MediCAB comprising separate rooms for doctors, isolation and medical checks, in addition to an intensive care unit. Chennai, along with six of the northern districts, reported more than half of the 4,549 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday. Total cases till yesterday : 1,56,369; Active cases: 46,714; Deaths: 2236;  Active cases in Chennai: 15,038.
  • Karnataka: High Court directs State to invoke Disaster Management Act and penalise private hospitals denying Covid treatment. Karnataka breached 50k Covid-19 cases mark after 4169 new cases were reported yesterday taking the tally to 51,422. 2344 cases were reported in Bangalore city. Total positive cases till yesterday: 51,422; Active cases: 30,655; Deaths: 1032.
  • Andhra Pradesh:  Government has decided to make wearing mask mandatory in public places, work places and during travel; orders have been issued to this effect today. Tirupati Municipal Commissioner directs staff of various universities to do work from home till further orders. Fifteen people working at GVMC (Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation) headquarters have so far been infected and some departments have been temporarily shut; covid test being done for all employees. Guntur District Collector imposed full lockdown for a week across the district from tomorrow due spike in number of positive cases of Covid-19.  2602 new cases, 837 discharged and 42 deaths reported during last 24 hours.  Total cases: 40,646; Active cases: 19,814; Deaths: 534.
  • Telangana: The Covid-19 cases are expected to decline over the next 15 days, according to experts. The number of cases has come down in Telangana despite more tests being conducted during the past one week. In the state, the positivity rate has come down to 10% from 20% in the last few days, especially when over 10,000 tests were being conducted per day and antigen tests are also being done. 1676 new cases & 10 deaths reported yesterday. Total cases reported till now: 41,018; Active cases: 13,328; Deaths 396; Discharges: 27,295.




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