Ministry of Home Affairs

Government prohibits supply of Non-Essential Items through e-Commerce under Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID-19

Posted On: 19 APR 2020 1:00PM by PIB Delhi

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) issued an order to exempt certain activities under the consolidated revised guidelines to all Ministries/Departments (, regarding the Nationwide lockdown to fight COVID-19.


Under the above consolidated revised guidelines, it is clarified that, e-commerce companies supplying essential goods have been exempted from lockdown restrictions. Further, vehicles used by e-commerce companies, engaged in supply of only essential goods, would be allowed to ply with necessary permissions. 


In line with the above provision of consolidated revised guidelines on lockdown restrictions, Government has prohibited supply of non-essential items through e-commerce under lockdown restrictions to fight COVID-19.


Click here to see the Official Document 





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