Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
India reaches another peak of highest single day recoveries
68,584 recover in the last 24 hours
26 States & UTs report higher than 70% Recovery Rate
Posted On:
03 SEP 2020 3:00PM by PIB Delhi
Matching the achievement of highest single tests of more than 11.7 lakhs in the last 24 hours, India has scaled another peak of success.
India has registered the highest recoveries in a single day. 68,584 COVID-19 patients have recovered and been discharged in the last 24 hours. This has led to a surge in the total number of recovered patients which is nearly 30 lakh (2,970,492).
With this, India's Recovery Rate amongst the COVID-19 patients has crossed 77% (77.09%). The number of recovered patients has outpaced the active cases (8,15,538) by more than 21.5 lakh.
The recovered patients have increased to more than 3.6 times the active cases, as on date. The record high recoveries have ensured that the actual caseload of the country viz. the active cases, has reduced and currently comprises only 21.16% of the total positive cases.

Focus on improved and effective clinical treatment in hospitals, supervised home isolation, use of non-invasive oxygen support, improved services of the ambulances for ferrying patients for prompt and timely treatment, upgradation of clinical management skills of doctors treating COVID-19 patients by active technical guidance through tele-consultation sessions of AIIMS, New Delhi, use of steroids and anti-coagulants, etc., have together resulted in seamless efficient patient management.
These measures have ensured that India’s Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is maintained below the global average (3.3%). Witnessing a decline every day, it stands at 1.75% today.
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Technical queries related to COVID-19 may be sent to technicalquery.covid19[at]gov[dot]in and other queries on ncov2019[at]gov[dot]in and @CovidIndiaSeva .
In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free). List of helpline numbers of States/UTs on COVID-19 is also available at
HFW/COVID Recoveries/3September2020/2
(Release ID: 1650970)
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