Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

List of Outcomes: Prime Minister’s visit to France

Posted On: 14 JUL 2023 10:00PM by PIB Delhi
S. No. Documents Concluded Type
Institutional Cooperation
1. Letter of Intent on the New National Museum and Cooperation on Museology Letter of Intent
2. MoU on Cooperation in the field of Digital Technologies
between MeitY and French Ministry of Economy
Memorandum of Understanding
3. Technical Cooperation between Direction-Générale d’Aviation Civile, France and Airports Authority of India in the field of Civil Aviation Memorandum of Understanding
4. Technical arrangements for Civil Aviation Security (AVSEC) between India and France Memorandum of Understanding
5. Letter of Intent between Prasar Bharati and France Media Monde Letter of Intent
6. MoU between Invest India and Business France Memorandum of understanding
Cooperation in the area of Space
7. India-France joint Earth Observation mission TRISHNA Implementing Arrangement Implementing Arrangement
8. Maritime Domain Awareness short-term programme Implementing Arrangement Implementing Arrangement
9. Agreement on Conjunction Analysis and Evaluation Service: Alerts and Recommendations (CAESAR) and use of Exert Modules of JAVA for Assessment of Conjunction (JAC) software Agreement
10. Joint Declaration between ISRO and CNES Concerning Joint Developments in the field of Launchers Joint Declaration
Scientific Cooperation
11. Letter of Intent between India and France for Cooperation in the field of Health and Medicine Letter of Intent
12. MoU between the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Chennai and Instiut Français de Recherche pour l’exploitation de la Mer(IFREMER) Memorandum of Understanding
Cooperation in Strategic Areas
13. Head of Agreement (HoA) between Indian Oil Corporation Limited and M/s Total Energies Gas and Power Ltd (Total Energies) to establish a long-term LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) Agreement
Cooperation in Political/Strategic Areas
1. Roadmap on Indo-French Strategic Partnership Horizon 2047 Joint Press release
2. Roadmap India-France Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Joint Press release
3. NSIL and Arianespace intent to collaborate in commercial launch services Letter of Intent
Cooperation on Sustainable Development
4. Joint Commitment on Eliminating Single-use Plastic Pollution Joint Press release
Cooperation for People-to-People Exchanges and Welfare
5. Opening up of Consulate General of India in Marseille Announcement
6. Cooperation the Area of Sports Joint Declaration of Intent
7. Increase in CEFIPRA (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research) Funding by € 1 Mn on each side and increased scholarships Included in roadmap
8. Issuance of five-year validity short-stay Schengen Visa for Indians who are degree holders from French educational institutions (Masters and above) Included in roadmap
9. Exemption of Visas on Official Passports Included in roadmap
10, Agreement between Proparco (subsidiary of French Development Agency) and Satya Microfinance for $20 million to support Satya in growing its microcredit/MSME portfolio and foster inclusion of unbanked people, especially rural women (96% of the beneficiaries) and young people Included in roadmap
11. French support to the 2nd phase of the Indian programme on sustainable cities - "City Investments to Innovate, integrate and Sustain” (CITIIS 2.0), co-financed with Germany and the EU
to support competitively selected projects promoting circular economy with focus on integrated waste management at the city level, climate-oriented reform actions at the State level, and institutional strengthening and knowledge dissemination at the National level.
Included in roadmap



(Release ID: 1939814) Visitor Counter : 1095