PIB Headquarters
Posted On:
23 SEP 2020 6:43PM by PIB Delhi

(Contains Press releases concerning Covid-19, issued in last 24 hours, inputs from PIB Field Offices and Fact checks undertaken by PIB)

India maintains trend of High Recoveries, New recoveries have exceeded New Cases for 5th day in a row, Recovery Rate continues to rise, crosses 81%
With its focussed strategies and effective, coordinated and proactive measures, India is reporting steep increase in recoveries. New recoveries in India have exceeded the new cases for the fifth consecutive day. 89,746 recoveries have been registered in the last 24 hours in the country, whereas the number of new confirmed cases stands at 83,347. With this, the total number of recoveries are 45,87,613. The Recovery Rate is 81.25% today. India has the highest recovered cases in the world. It contributes 19.5% to the global recoveries. As India records more recoveries than the new cases, many States/UTs follow the suit. 17 States/UTs have more new recoveries than new cases.75% of the new recovered cases are being reported from ten States/UTs, viz. Maharashtra, Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Delhi, Kerala, West Bengal and Haryana. Maharashtra continues to lead with more than 20,000 new cases of recovered patients. Andhra Pradesh contributed more than 10,000 to the single day recoveries.
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14 States/UTs have higher TPM and lower Positivity Rate than India average;74% New Cases are concentrated in 10 States/UTs
India's testing capacity has surged to more than 12 lakh daily tests. More than 6.6 cr total tests have been conducted across the country. A high level of testing leads to early identification of positive cases. As evidence has revealed, eventually Positivity Rate will fall.As India rides the wave of very high testing, 14 States/UTs have demonstrated better COVID response with higher Tests Per Million (TPM) and commensurate lower Positivity Rate than the national average.The national cumulative Positivity Rate is 8.52% and the Tests Per Million stands at 48028 today.A total of 83,347 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours in the country.74% of the new confirmed cases are concentrated in 10 States/UTs.Maharashtra has alone contributed more than 18,000 followed by Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka with more than more than 7,000 and 6,000 cases respectively.1,085 deaths have been registered in the past 24 hours.10 States/UTs account for 83% of the deaths in the last 24 hours due to COVID.Maharashtra reported 392 deaths followed by Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh with 83and 77 deaths, respectively.
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Dr. Harsh Vardhan chairs AarogyaManthan on 2nd Anniversary of Ayushman Bharat- Pradhan Mantri Jan AarogyaYojana
Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare chaired ‘AarogyaManthan’ 2.0 celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of Ayushman Bharat- Pradhan Mantri Jan AarogyaYojana (AB-PMJAY) yesterday in the presence of Sh. Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare.Lauding AB-PMJAY as a ‘historic step’, Dr. Harsh Vardhan noted, “As the world’s largest public-supported health assurance scheme, it provides financial risk protection to over 53 crore Indians from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds by assuring them with a health cover of Rs. 5 lakh per eligible family per year to avail cashless inpatient secondary and tertiary healthcare. It has provided treatments worth more than Rs. 15,500 crore. It has saved crores of lives and households from getting wiped out due to catastrophic expenditure on health that pushed an estimated 6 crore families below poverty line each year. Nearly half of the beneficiaries have been girls and women. He also added that in these two years, the scheme has provided free treatment to more than 1.26 crore beneficiaries. Over 23,000 hospitals have been empanelled so far and more than 12.5 crore e-cards have been issued. 57% of the total amount utilised under PMJAY has been for tertiary procedures related to treatment of major illnesses like cancer, cardiac ailments, orthopedic problems, and neo-natal.Dr. Harsh Vardhan pointed out that 45% of the empanelled hospitals are private facilities providing 52% of the overall treatments and raising 61% of the hospital admissions claims amount. He presented awards to the winners of the Ayushman Bharat PMJAY Start-up Grand Challenge to support the implementation of PM-JAY along 7 implementation challenges such as beneficiary empowerment, increasing quality of care, minimizing fraud and abuse control, and hence, help transform healthcare delivery to the poorest citizens. The Union Health Minister also launched the AB PMJAY Joint Certification Programme. He also released the “AB PMJAY Anti-Fraud Framework: Practitioners’ Guidebook”.
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Lucknow lab records shortest average time to process Covid-19 samples among institutions in India
As the COVID 19 patient numbers are recorded, a testing hub in Lucknow for the disease has recorded the shortest average time to process samples among institutions in the country.With 1000 to 1200 samples being tested per day, the story of the rise of BirbalSahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology, to the top institution not only in the state but throughout the country in terms of average processing time of samples is one of sheer grit and dedication.With a small team of 8 members, the lab is running 24x7 to test samples from various districts of Uttar Pradesh. The number of samples tested by BSIP has crossed 50,000, of which approximately 1600 samples were reported positive for SARS-CoV-2 with zero pendency. Keeping in light the present scenario and to aid the authorities to contain this pandemic, BSIP has provided testing reports (on daily basis) to the concerned districts in record time of 24 hours.BSIP joined hands with the Government of Uttar Pradesh to combat COVID-19 in the state, becoming one of the five Central Government research institutes in Lucknow, which took initial steps to start laboratory testing of COVID-19.
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Department of Biotechnology launches Programme for “Strengthening Clinical Trial Research Capacity in Neighbouring Countries”
The Department of Biotechnology, Government of India through the Ind-CEPI mission (India Centric Epidemic Preparedness)for Rapid Vaccine Development and Supporting Indian Vaccine Development which is aligned with the Global Initiative of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), aims to strengthen the development of vaccines and associated competencies/technologies for the diseases of epidemic potential in India. One of the key focus areas of the mission is to support capacity building and regional networking with LMICs(Lowand Middle Income Countries).In the current COVID19 Pandemic situation it is important to build capacities for clinical trials of vaccine. Keeping with the principles outlined by Science Diplomacy initiatives, DBT hasinitiated the First phase of the “Training program to strengthen clinical trial research capacity for neighbouring countries” in partnership with Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. The objective of these trainings would be to support researchers and investigator teams for enhancing and strengthening their clinical trial capabilities for conducting clinical trials in compliance with ICH-GCP (International Conference on Harmonisation - Good clinical practice). Through,this training program and knowledgesharing efforts, Govt of India is fulfilling its commitment of building various technical capacities in its neighbouring countries. Efforts to network with South Asia, ASEAN and African regions for this purpose would be aided through Ind-CEPI.
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In wake of Covid 19 pandemic, permission granted to the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisationto introduce ISO Tank Containers for movement of Liquid Oxygen for domestic transport
In the wake of the Covid19 pandemic, urgent need felt to move oxygen in sufficient quantity, at a short notice, from surplus areas to deficit areas, it was felt necessary to give permission to ISO containers to move liquid oxygen for domestic transport.Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), M/o Commerce and Industry, has given permission to the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) to introduce ISO Tank Containers for movement of Liquid Oxygen for domestic transport.Amid Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, the movement of oxygen within the country through the ISO containers shall greatly enhance the translocation of safe and fast movement of oxygen through road network. The proposal to introduce ISO Tank Containers for domestic movement was initiated by DPIIT after a consultation meeting with cryogenic oxygen manufacturers. This permission has been given for one year initially to expeditiously deal with the emergent situation.
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Measures to Boost Industrial Growth Rate
- growth depends on a number of factors including structural, external, fiscal and industrial factors. The moderation in India’s industrial growth coincides with deceleration in growth of global output. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has severely impacted some of the major economies of the world. Government has implemented several measures to address the sluggish growth of industries, which, inter-alia, include: Relief measures taken for MSMEs such as collateral-free lending program with 100 percent credit guarantee, subordinate debt for stressed MSMEs with partial guarantee, partial credit guarantee scheme for public sector banks on borrowings of non-bank financial companies, housing finance companies (HFCs), and micro finance institutions, Fund of Funds for equity infusion in MSMEs, additional support to farmers via concessional credit, as well as a credit facility for street vendors (PM SVANidhi), amongst others, several regulatory and compliance measures have been taken, viz. postponing tax-filing and other compliance deadlines, reduction in penalty interest rate for overdue GST filings, change in government procurement rules, faster clearing of MSME dues, IBC related relaxations for MSMEs, amongst others. Structural reforms have been announced as part of the Aatmanirbhar Package which, inter alia, include deregulation of the agricultural sector, change in definition of MSMEs, new PSU policy, commercialization of coal mining, higher FDI limits in defence and space sector etc. This information was given by the Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Shri PiyushGoyal, in a written reply in the RajyaSabha today.
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Shri PiyushGoyal participates in the G-20 meeting of the Trade and Investment Ministers
Union Commerce and Industry & Railways Minister Shri PiyushGoyalyesterday took part in the virtual meeting of the G-20 Trade and Investment Ministers. Making interventions during the meeting, he called upon G-20 to play a leadership role in crafting a pathway to recover from COVID19. He said that one of the key lessons for all countries is the need to strike the right balance between their external and internal economic policies, with a view to ensuring balanced and sustainable development. He said thatIndia stands ready to engage constructively with all G-20 Members to push an agenda that is inclusive and development oriented.Shri Goyal said that it is important to recognise the important role of small retailers in sustaining food chains and essential supplies to help sustain lives and economic activity through the Covid-19 pandemic and in future. The minister said that under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi, India has used the current crisis as an opportunity to usher in bold and transformational reforms. Shri Goyal said that India’s economic expansion is now premised on the policy of being ‘Aatmanirbhar’ or self reliant.
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871 scheduled formulations of Essential medicines are covered under price control mechanism
Government has said that The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has fixed the ceiling prices of 871 scheduled formulations of medicines under National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM), 2015.This information was given by Union Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers Shri D. V. SadanandaGowda in a written reply in RajyaSabha today. Shri Gowda informed that besides Cardiac Stents, Knee Implants, 106 anti-diabetic and cardiovascular medicines and 42 non-scheduled anti-cancer medicines have also been brought under price rationalisation in public interest by exercising extra-ordinary powers under the DPCO, 2013.
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Maintaining supply of essential commodities during lockdown
As part of economic response to Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, the Government distributed foodgrains at the rate of 5 kg per person per month, and pulses at the rate of 1 kg per household per month, free of cost, to all beneficiaries of the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 under Pradhan Mantri GaribKalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) for the period of eight months from April to November 2020. The Department of Consumer Affairs was entrusted with distribution of pulses. In phase - I of PMGKAY, out of the total allocation, 5,48,172.44 MT of pulses was distributed from April to June amongst 18.27 crore beneficiary households. Phase-II of PMGKAY has been extended upto November, 2020. In addition, under the AtmaNirbhar Bharat (ANB), foodgrains at the rate of 5 kg per person per month, and pulses at the rate of 1 kg per household distributed, free of cost, to migrant workers who are not covered under NFSA for the period of two months from April to May 2020. Distribution of foodgrains and pulses under PMGKAY and ANB have contributed to ensuring the availability of essential food items during lockdown.This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs Food and Public Distribution, Shri DanveRaosahebDadarao in RajyaSabha today.
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Parliament passes three Labour Codes to pave way for enactment of historic “Game changer” Labour Laws
The RajyaSabha in its sitting today passed three labour codes namely, Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (ii) Code on Occupational Safety, Health & Working Conditions Code, 2020 & (iii) Social Security Code, 2020. With this, the decks for enactment of these codes have been cleared as LokSabha had passed these Bills yesterday.Speaking during the discussions on the bills, Shri Gangwar described the Bills as historic game changer which will harmonize the needs of workers, industries and other related parties. He said that these Labour Codes will prove to be an important milestone for the welfare of the workers in the country. Mentioning special provisions made to strengthen the rights of migrant workers in the scenario of COVID-19, he said, the definition of migrant workers has been broadened. Now all the workers who come from one state to another state, and their salary is less than 18 thousand rupees, they will come under the definition of migrant labour and will get the benefit of welfare schemes of the government. Apart from this, there is a provision to create a data base for migrant workers, portability of their welfare schemes, a separate help line arrangement and travel allowance to be given by the employer once a year for them to go to their place of origin.
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- Chandigarh:The Administrator, UT Chandigarh directed Principal Secretary Health to ensure that adequate number of ambulances are available for patients in home isolation, who need to be transported from home if their condition deteriorate. He also directed Special Secretary Health to coordinate with the three medical institutions in Chandigarh and other institutions in Tri-city so that covid patients who stay at home, but need maintenance dialysis can book their slots and can get regular dialysis done on time.
- Punjab: As Covid cases in the state continue to surge, with peak projections suggesting further increase in the coming weeks, Punjab has ordered ramping up of facilities in the 13 districts with the maximum Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and augmentation of medical oxygen supplies from within and outside the state to ensure that there is no shortfall of the same.
- Assam: In Assam, 2073 more people tested positive for COVID-19 and 1817 discharged yesterday. Total discharged patients 130947 and active patients 29857. Total cases 161393, active cases 31674 and deaths 586.
- Mizoram: In Mizoram, 22 new COVID-19 cases confirmed in the state yesterday. Total cases 1713, active cases 690
- Nagaland: In Nagaland, 60 fresh COVID-19 cases detected on Tuesday, 35 are from Dimapur, 22 from Kohima, 2 from Mon and 1 from Tuensang. Business community of Zunheboto area sensitized on COVID-19 during awareness programme conducted at ZCCI Office, Zunheboto on Monday.
- Sikkim: In Sikkim, 35 more people tested positive for COVID-19 and one death. Total discharged 1932, active cases 675 and total death 30.
- Maharashtra: For the fourth consecutive day, Maharashtra recorded more recoveries than new Covid cases reported. On Tuesday, a total 20,206 people were discharged after being cured of the infection, even as the state reported 18,390 new cases. Mumbai too continued to have more discharges which numbered 1,669, than admissions, which came to 1,628. The active cases in the state are now on a decline. The state has 2.72 lakh people under treatment, while Mumbai has 26,764 active cases. Meanwhile, Maharashtra School Education Minister Ms.VarshaGaikwad has tested positive for Covid 19.
- Gujarat: Amid the rising number of COVID-19 corresponding to the shortage of staff to handle the patients in hospitals, the state government has recently issued an order deploying all MBBS students of government-run medical colleges and those associated with Gujarat Medical Education Research (GMERS) for COVID duty. Besides, students from paramedical colleges have also been directed to render their services. Gujarat has 16,402 active cases and is reporting 1,200 -1,500 new cases every day.
- Rajasthan: Rajasthan reported the biggest single-day jump of 1,912 COVID-19 cases on Tuesday. The total number of active patients in Rajasthan is 18,614. Out of which the maximum 6,730 active cases are in Jaipur alone. Apart from this, Jodhpur and Kota districts are also badly affected due to COVID infection. 66 per cent of the total active cases are in these three districts.
- Madhya Pradesh: Two more BJP ministers in the Madhya Pradesh cabinet have tested positive for Covid-Cabinet Ministers Mahendra Singh Sisodia and Hardeep Singh Dang have been diagnosed with the infection. So far, 12 ministers, including CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan have contracted the coronavirus infection.
- Chhattisgarh: Amidst surging CoVID-19 cases in Chhattisgarh, the ongoing strike of contractual employees under National Health Mission is adversely affecting the health services in the state. Health workers have refused to call off their strike even after the ultimatum issued by the state government. About thirteen thousand Contractual employees of National Health Mission are on an indefinite strike in since September 19 demanding regularisation of their services. The state government had issued an ultimatum two days ago, warning disciplinary action if they failed to call of the strike and returned to work.
- Kerala: Health experts have expressed concern that the community transmission of Covid-19 in Kerala, which was experienced in only Thiruvananthapuram, is gradually expanding all over the state. The test positivity rate in the state is higher than the national average. The number of cases from unidentified sources is also on the rise. With more relaxations being allowed from today following Unlock 4, they say the case load is definitely going to hike. State Agriculture Minister V.S. Sunil Kumar has tested positive for the virus. He is the third minister in Kerala to be diagnosed with coronavirus. The government has issued an order reducing the quarantine period to seven days for those coming from other states. Kerala recorded 4125 positive cases yesterday. 40,382 patients are currently undergoing treatment and a total of 2,20,270 people are under observation. With one more fatality in Alappuzha, the Covid death toll is 573 in the State.
- Tamil Nadu: TN schools yet to receive directions on reduced syllabus; early announcement will help the schools in the preparations for board exams next year. State reported 5,334 new Covid cases and 76 deaths on Tuesday, taking the case tally to 5,52,674 and toll to 8,947. Chennai reported 989 cases. Neighbouring Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur reported 231, 209 and 230 cases respectively. Coimbatore continued to lead rest of State with 595 cases.
- Karnataka: Additional excise duty reduces excise revenue to a trickle: pubs and breweries report 30 per cent business; department records 12.3 per cent negative growth this fiscal. An unusual pattern has emerged in the spread of Covid-19 in Kalaburagi: According to official figures, of 15,730 positive cases (13,042 recovered) reported in the district since 10th March, 6,547 cases were reported from 11 Urban Primary Health centres.
- Andhra Pradesh: In a major relief, Covid cases are declining in East Godavari and Vizianagaram districts in the state. There is a 16 per cent fall in cases with 1.5 per cent cases decreasing daily in East Godavari, and in Vizianagaram district 4-6 deaths per day were witnessed due to Covid in August, but in September the situation is completely under control. State witnessed poor attendance even after opening on September 21 following Unlock 4.0 guidelines, for classes IX and for clearing doubts of the students of classes 9, 10 and Intermediate. State Education Minister said that the Intermediate syllabus will be reduced on par with CBSE syllabus without leaving the important topics as the state contemplates to commence, already delayed Intermediate classes. Regular classes for 9th, 10th, Intermediate students are expected to start from October 5. However, the minister said that the government would take the final call as per the Centre's instructions.
- Telangana: 2296 new cases, 2062 recoveries & 10 deaths reported in the last 24 hours; out of 2296 cases, 321 cases reported from GHMC. Total cases: 1,77,070; Active cases: 29,873; Deaths: 1062; Discharges: 1,46,135. Hyderabad-based vaccines company Bharat Biotech entered into a licensing agreement with Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for a novel chimp-adenovirus, single dose intranasal vaccine for Covid-19. Bharat Biotech owns the rights to distribute the vaccine in all markets except USA, Japan and Europe.
(Release ID: 1658274)