Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
To deal with COVID-19, CIPET to take up R&D initiatives in the areas of Health Care; manufacturing and Certifying PPE and other relevant products as per WHO/ ISO guidelines
CIEPT Centres at Murthal, Jaipur, Madurai and Lucknow have developed face shield as a protective equipment to fight against 'Coronavirus'
Posted On:
27 MAY 2020 1:37PM by PIB Delhi
To deal with COVID-19 pandemic Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology (CIPET) a premier national institution under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India is to take up Research and Development ( R&D) initiatives in the areas of Health Care, like Manufacturing and Certifying PPE and other relevant products as per WHO/ ISO guidelines.
CIPET has stated that as per the directives from Cabinet Secretariat CIPET has been advised to take up the R&D initiatives in the areas of Health Care. Accordingly, Testing Facilities for PPE and allied products as per the ISO/ WHO guidelines and National Accreditation Board for testing & calibration Laboratories ( NABL) accreditation at the three CIPET :institute of plastic Technology (IPT) centres, namely, IPTs Bhubaneswar, Chennai, and Lucknow will be ready shortly.
CIPET: centre for Skilling and technical support (CSTS )Murthal had developed a 'Face Shield' to help health workers, farmers, labourers, police personnel etc. as a protective equipment to fight against 'Coronovirus'.
CIPET:CSTS, Jaipur; CIPET:IPT Lucknow and CIPET:CSTS Madurai were Developed Face Shield and the Production of Frames are in progress.

CIPET had expanded its capacity to test food grain packaging in order to support the essential service as per the directive of administrative ministry.
A nine member core-team has been constituted to take initiative to overcome the hurdles and accordingly it is proposed to start On-line training programs and door services to the industry for rendering technology support. Similarly, CIPET proposed to run in three shift basis with minimum manpower; maintaining social distance.
To support the distress situation of COVID 19 pandemic, CIPET has undertaken Community Welfare by contributing to PM CARES Fund and also to Local body / Municipal Corporation / State Govt. authorities. All employees of CIPET have together contributed one day’s salary, a sum of Rs.18.25 lakhs to the PM CARES Fund.
CIPET has so far contributed Rs.85.50 Lakhs to various Local bodies / Municipal Corporations/ State Govt. authorities with due approval of the Competent Authorities of CIPET, to mitigate the plight being faced by sufferers and migrant labourers by way of providing food and shelter in the wake of lock down enforced by Govt. of India as a result of spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19).
(Release ID: 1627131)
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