Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

English rendering of PM’s address at the Golden Jubilee & 36th Statehood Day celebrations of Arunachal Pradesh

Posted On: 20 FEB 2022 12:12PM by PIB Delhi

My brothers and sisters of Arunachal Pradesh!

Jai Hind !

Many congratulations to all of you on the 36th (thirty-sixth) Statehood Day of Arunachal Pradesh. 50 years ago, NEFA received a new name, a new identity in the form of 'Arunachal Pradesh'. The identity of this rising Sun and this new vitality have been relentlessly strengthened in these 50 years by all you diligent and patriotic sisters and brothers.

Seeing this magnificence of Arunachal, five decades ago, Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhupen Hazarika ji had written a song titled 'Arunachal Humara'. I know that this song is cherished by every resident of Arunachal. No event is complete without this song. That is why I too wish to use a few lines of this song while talking to you.

अरुण किरण शीश भूषण,

अरुण किरण शीश भूषण,

कंठ हिम की धारा,

प्रभात सूरज चुम्बित देश,

अरुणाचल हमारा,

अरुणाचल हमारा,

भारत मां का राजदुलारा

भारत मां का राजदुलारा

अरुणाचल हमारा!


The way Arunachal Pradesh has given a new height to the spirit of patriotism and social harmony, the way Arunachal Pradesh has cherished and upheld its cultural heritage, the way you are carrying your traditions and development hand in hand, is an inspiration to the entire nation.


On the occasion of Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the country is commemorating all those martyrs of Arunachal Pradesh who had sacrificed their lives for the nation. Whether it is the Anglo-Abor War or the security of the border after independence, the tales of the valour of the people of Arunachal are invaluable heritage for every Indian. I am fortunate to have received an opportunity to visit you several times. I am glad that the government is meeting the expectations with which you've placed your trust on the able leadership of our young Chief Minister Pema Khandu ji. Your trust encourages the double engine government to work harder and gives the power to strive for more. The path of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas' is going to ensure a better future for Arunachal Pradesh.


It is my firm belief that East India, especially Northeast India will become the engine of development for the country in the 21st century. With this spirit, unprecedented work has been done in the last seven years to accelerate the development of Arunachal Pradesh. The extensive work in the fields of connectivity and power infrastructure is making life, trade and business easier in Arunachal today. Connecting all the capital cities of the Northeast including Itanagar with rail connectivity has been our priority. We are putting our best efforts to turn Arunachal into a major gateway to East Asia. Considering the role of Arunachal Pradesh in terms of national security, modern infrastructure is also being developed.


We are constantly moving ahead with a comprehensive approach towards 'development, nature, environment and culture' in Arunachal Pradesh. It is one of the most important bio-diversity areas in the country today because of your efforts. I feel extremely elated when I see Pema Khandu ji constantly striving for the development of Arunachal. He remains active on every area like health, education, skill development, women empowerment, Self-Help Groups. Whenever I speak to the Law Minister of the country, Shri Kiren Rijijuji, he always comes up with new ideas and suggestions to take Arunachal Pradesh forward. Every time there is an urge to try something new.


Nature has given Arunachal a lot out of its treasures. You have made nature a part of your life. We are striving to take the tourism potential of Arunachal to the whole world. Today, on this occasion, I wish to assure you once again that the double engine government will leave no stone unturned to fulfil the dreams of Arunachal Pradesh. Once again, my heartiest congratulations to all of you on the foundation day and on completing 50 years of the name ‘Arunachal Pradesh’.

Thank you very much !

DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.



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