Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

India sustains trend of consistently low Active Cases

Active Caseload below 8 lakh for the third day

National Positivity Rate sustained below 8% for 4th successive day

Posted On: 19 OCT 2020 11:22AM by PIB Delhi

India has crossed another milestone in its fight against COVID-19. The national cumulative Positivity Rate has fallen under 8%. This trend has been sustained without a break for four days. The cumulative Positivity Rate is 7.94% now and is on a continuous decline.

This has been brought about by high level of comprehensive country-wide testing. The total tests have crossed 9.5 crores today.

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As evidence has revealed, higher numbers of testing on a sustained basis have aided in bringing down the positivity rate. The decline in the cumulative positivity rate has demonstrated that the rate of spread of infection is being effectively contained.

Higher testing across wide regions leads to early identification of positive cases, prompt tracking through efficient surveillance and tracing, and timely & effective treatment in homes/facilities and in hospitals for the severe cases. These measures in tandem eventually lead to lower mortality rate.

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The average Daily Positivity Rate is 6.13% for the third week of October. This is a result of successful TEST, TRACK, TRACE, TREAT and TECHNOLOGY strategy of the Central government effectively followed by States/UTs.


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India continues to report a trend of steadily declining active cases. For the third day after the active cases dropped below the 8 lakh mark after a month and a half, the progressive decline continues.

India's active caseload stands at 7,72,055 today.

Presently the active cases comprise merely 10.23% of the total positive cases of the country.

The total recovered cases are more than 66 Lakhs (66,63,608) thereby enhancing the difference with respect to the active cases.

66,399 patients have recovered and discharged in the last 24 hours whereas the new confirmed cases stand at 55,722. The national Recovery Rate has progressed to 88.26%.

79% of the new recovered cases are observed to be concentrated in 10 States/UTs viz. Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh. .

Maharashtra alone has contributed the maximum with more than 11,000 single day recovery followed by Kerala and Karnataka with more than 8,000 recoveries each.

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55,722  new confirmed cases were recorded in last 24 hours.

81% of the new cases are from 10 States and UTs. Maharashtra continues to be the State reporting a very high number of new cases with more than 9,000 cases followed by Kerala and Karnataka with more than 7,000 cases each.

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579 case fatalities have been reported in the past 24 hours. After 90 days, the daily deaths recorded are below 600.

Of these, nearly 83% are concentrated in ten State/UTs.

More than 25% of new fatalities reported are from Maharashtra (150 deaths).

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HFW/COVID States data/19thOctober2020/1

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