Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Government continues to procure Kharif 2020-21 crops at MSP from farmers as per its existing MSP Schemes

Approval accorded for procurement of 14.09 LMT of Pulse and Oilseeds for KMS 2020-21 for the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and Haryana

Upto 28.09.2020, Paddy procurement totaling 16,420 MT having MSP value of Rs. 31 crore done from farmers of Haryana and Punjab

Posted On: 29 SEP 2020 4:20PM by PIB Delhi

The arrival of Kharif Marketing Season 2020-21 has just begun and the Government continues to procure Kharif 2020-21 crops at MSP from farmers as per its existing MSP Schemes as done in previous seasons.

Based on the proposal from the States, approval has been accorded for procurement of 14.09 LMT of Pulse and Oilseeds for KMS 2020-21 for the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and Haryana. For other States/UTs, approval will also be accorded on receipt of proposal for Kharif Pulses and Oilseeds and procurement of FAQ grade will be made as per Price Support Scheme (PSS), if the market rate goes below its MSP during the notified harvesting period.

Upto 28.09.2020, the Government through its Nodal Agencies has procured 46.35 MT of Moong having MSP value of Rs.33 lakhs benefitting 48 farmers in Tamil Nadu. Similarly, 5089 MT of copra (the perennial crop) having MSP value of Rs. 52.40 crore has been procured benefitting 3961 farmers in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu against the sanctioned quantity of 1.23LMT for Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

The procurement of Paddy during Kharif Marketing Season 2020-21 has started from 26th September, 2020 in Haryana and Punjab. Upto 28.09.2020, the Paddy Procurement of 3,164 MT in Haryana and 13,256 MT in Punjab totaling 16,420 MT having MSP value of Rs. 31 crore at MSP of Rs 1888 per quintal has been done from 1443 farmers of Haryana and Punjab. The procurement of paddy for the remaining States has just commenced from 28.09.2020.

The procurement of Cotton for the season 2020-21 shall commence from 1st October 2020 and Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) will start purchase of FAQ grade Cotton from 1st October 2020 onwards.




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