PIB Headquarters
Posted On:
14 AUG 2020 6:29PM by PIB Delhi

(Contains Press releases concerning Covid-19, issued in last 24 hours, inputs from PIB Field Offices and Fact checks undertaken by PIB)

India conducts record high of nearly 8.5 lakh tests in a single day; On a continues rise, Recovery Rate stands at 71.17%; Case Fatality Rate further reduced to 1.95%
As a result of ramping up its testing facilities on a sustained basis, India has touched a new high of the highest number of tests in a single day, so far. A record high of 8,48,728 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours. This has taken the cumulative tests to 2,76,94,416. WHO has advised that a country needs 140 tests per day per million population. While the national average is 603 tests/day/million population, 34 States/UTs have exceeded this figure.The network, as on today, consists of1451 labs with 958 in the government sector and 493 private labs. Successful implementation of TESTING aggressively, TRACKING comprehensively & TREATING efficiently has ensured a rising Recovery Rate, which stands at 71.17% today. The total recovered COVID-19 patients have increased to more than 17.5 lakh (17,51,555). The recoveries exceed the active cases (6,61,595) by nearly 11 lakh (1,089,960).Effective clinical management through a Standard of Care treatment protocol has further ensured progressive and sustained decline in the mortality among COVID patients. The Case Fatality Rate is pegged at 1.95% today, maintaining its path of steady decline.
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India establishes its global position with export of 23 lakh PPEs in one month only; Union Govt distributes more than 1.28 Cr PPEs to States/UTs
In view of the strengthened domestic production capacity and having met the domestic requirements for PPEs, the revised notification of the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in July 2020 permitted export of PPEs. As a result of this relaxation, in the month of July itself, India exported 23 lakh PPEs to five countries. These include the USA, UK, UAE, Senegal and Slovania. This has substantially aided India to position itself in the global export market of PPEs.The “Make in India’ spirit embedded in the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan has resulted in providing resilience and self-sufficiency to the country for various medical equipment including PPEs. While the Union Government is supplying PPEs, N95 masks, ventilators etc., to the State/UT Governments, States are also procuring these items directly. Between March to August 2020, they have procured 1.40 crore indigenous PPEs from their own budgetary resources. During the same period, the Centre has distributed 1.28 cr PPEs to States / UTs / Central Institutions, free of cost.
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Dr. Harsh Vardhan inaugurates Voluntary Blood Donation Campaign at AIIMS, Delhi
Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare inaugurated a Voluntary Blood Donation Campaign at AIIMS, New Delhi,today. The Minister encouraged the doctors and healthcare workers themselves to come up in large numbers on the eve of Independence Day to donate blood and save lives of patients. Appreciating the initiative taken up by AIIMS, Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, “On the eve of our 73rd Independence Day, this voluntary blood donation camp is a tribute to both fallen COVID white coat warriors and the Kargil martyrs. We must remember the ultimate sacrifice made by the COVID warriors including doctors, nurses or paramedical staff while saving people’s lives in the pandemic.” To mark the event, the family members of COVID warrior Late Sh. Hiralal, who was a frontline health worker at AIIMS and family members of KargilShaheed Lance NaikRajbirSingh were honoured for their sacrifice.
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Special arrangements made by MoD for Independence Day celebrations at Red Fort tomorrow in view of COVID-19
Ministry of Defence is organising Independence Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony on 15 August, 2020 at Red Fort, maintaining the balance between the sanctity and dignity of the National function while factoring in precautions related to the COVID-19 scenario. In order to facilitate seamless movement with the least chances of any crowding, seating enclosures and walkways are laid with wooden flooring and carpeting. Additional Door frame metal detectors, with adequately spaced markings have been provided to avoid queuing and to ensure smooth passage for all the invitees. Most of the parking areas have been brick lined and paved in order to ensure smooth entry and exit of vehicles to the maximum feasible extent. Members of the Guard of Honour have been under quarantine to bring in safety. The guiding principle for seating has been “Do GazkiDoori” (or 6 feet) between any two guests seated during the event. In order to sensitize the invitees towards COVID related safety measures, specific Advisory for following the COVID related guidelines has been issued along with each invitation card. Adequate medical booths at four locations have been set up to cater to any attendee who is detected having any symptoms related to COVID-19 during entry. Ambulances would also be stationed at these four locations.
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Launch of ‘AYUSH for Immunity Campaign’ by Ministry of AYUSH receives enthusiastic response in the digital space
The Ministry of AYUSH launched a three-month campaign on “Ayush for Immunity” today, through webinar. More than 50 thousand people participated in the Webinar. Key-note address by spiritual Guru Sri SriRavisankar, wherein he stated that Ayush solutions could lead the entire world to healthier and happier lives was the highlight of the event. The Webinar was staged on Ayush Virtual Convention Centre (AVCC), the new digital communication platform of the Ministry. The event was also streamed live on the official Facebook handle of Ministry of AYUSH and observed a total live viewership of 60000 people.
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Finance Minister holds 3rd review meeting of CPSEs on CAPEX
Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. NirmalaSitharaman today held Video Conference with Secretaries of the Ministries of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, Housing and Urban Affairs, Defence and Department of Telecommunications, along with the CMDs of 7 CPSEs belonging to these Ministries, to review the capital expenditure in this financial year. This was 3rd in the ongoing series of meetings that the Finance Minister is having with various stakeholders to accelerate the economic growth in the background of COVID – 19 pandemic.Finance Minister asked the concerned Secretaries to closely monitor the performance of CPSEs in order to ensure capital expenditure to the tune of 50% of capital outlay by the end of Q2 of FY 2020-21 and make appropriate plan for it.She said that better performance of CPSEs can help the economy in a big way to recover from the impact of COVID 19.The CPSEs discussed constraints being faced by them especially due to COVID – 19 pandemic. The Finance Minister stated that extraordinary situation requires extraordinary efforts and with collective efforts, we will not only perform better but also help the Indian economy to achieve better results.
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Chief Information Commissioner Mr. BimalJulka briefs Union Minister DrJitendra Singh about the functioning of the CIC during the COVID pandemic
After a review of the functioning of Central Information Commission with Chief Information Commissioner Shri BimalJulka, Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister said that the functioning of the Commission had not been interrupted even for a single day during the entire course of the COVID pandemic. In fact, he said, it goes to the credit of the Commission and its functionaries that in the midst of the pandemic on 15th May this year, the CIC started entertaining, hearing and disposing of RTIs from the newly created UT of Jammu & Kashmir, through virtual means.Dr Jitendra Singh said while the number of cases disposed of every month during the pandemic remained comparable to the corresponding month of the last year, one glaring example is that of June 2020 when the number of RTI cases disposed of by Central Information Commission was 1785 compared to 1297 cases in the month of June 2019, which in other words indicates that the disposal rate was in fact significantly higher during this period, despite the constraints of COVID pandemic. Shri Julka informed Dr Jitendra Singh that the various steps taken to facilitate the CIC hearing during the lockdown and partial lockdown included video conferencing, audio conferencing, facilitation of return submission, uploading of the contact details of Deputy Registrars on the website, issue of notices by e-post wherever required, online registration and scrutiny of fresh cases on the same day etc.
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Shuttler N Sikki Reddy and physiotherapist Kiran C test Covid positive in Hyderabad
Shuttler N Sikki Reddy and physiotherapist Kiran C, who arrived at the National badminton camp at the PullelaGopichand Badminton Academy in Hyderabad, have tested Covid postive. This came to light after they took SAI's mandatory Covid test that is given to all players, coaches and support staff on arrival.Both Sikki and Kiran are aysmptomatic. All primary contacts of Sikki and Kiran have been traced and are being given the RT PCR test again.Speaking from Hyderabad, chief national badminton coach PullelaGopichand said, "All necessary precautions as per protocol are being taken so that players can come back for training safely and as soon as possible."
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Shipping Ministry reduces port tariff rates ranging from 60% to 70% for Cruise Ships
Ministry of Shipping has rationalized tariff rates for the Cruise vessels. The net effect of the rate relaxation would be an immediate reduction in port charges ranging from 60% to 70%, which will give substantial relief to the cruise industry in India, in line with the government policy to support the economy in COVID-19 pandemic situation.Shri MansukhMandaviya, Union Minister of State for Shipping (I/C) said “It will be a big support for the cruise tourism in India, which has suffered tremendously due to the adverse economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic. It will provide the opportunity to earn huge amount of foreign exchange and generate sizeable direct and indirect onshore employment in cruise tourism sector of India”
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- Arunachal Pradesh: One more casualty reported due to COVID-19 in Arunachal Pradesh. Total of four people have lost their lives in the state so far.Out of 82 new positive COVID-19 cases detected in Arunachal Pradesh, 17 cases were reported from Itanagar Capital Region, 14 from West Kameng and 12 from East Siang District. As of now, there are 790 active cases in the state in total.
- Assam: In Assam, 2,174 patients discharged yesterday; total discharged patients 49,383, active patients 22,240, tweeted State Health Minister HimantaBiswaSarma.
- Manipur: Manipur CM appreciates Romi Bag Industries, Thangmeiband, Imphal for donating 100 PPEs to the State Govt. for distribution to the frontline COVID warriors. These PPEs are Made In Manipur products and approved by the DRDO-DRDE, Govt of India.
- Meghalaya: The Meghalaya Health Dept. is in the process of signing a loan agreement with World Bank to strengthen sub-centers, PHCs & CHCs across Meghalaya. CM Conrad Sangmahave instructed the Health Dept. to start the Health Infra Development Project latest by Sept and Oct 2020.
- Mizoram: Eight new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Mizoram yesterday. Total cases 657, active cases 314.
- Nagaland: Nagaland CM says that Govt. doing everything it can to prevent & control COVID-19; he urges public not to stigmatize infected persons & frontline workers.All shops in Dimapur to open from Monday. Salons & restaurants to remain closed.
- Sikkim: In Sikkim, all educational institutions, government and private, shall remain closed till August 31. The situation will be reviewed again at an appropriate time, said State Education Minister Shri K N Lepcha. Sikkim CM launched a new subsidy scheme called Skilled Youth Start-up Scheme under the Department of Commerce & Industries to generate equitable entrepreneurial opportunities in rural & urban areas, particularly among the educated unemployed youth to become self-employed.
- Kerala:CM, four Ministers including Health Minister, Assembly Speaker and State Police Chief have entered into self-quarantine after coming in the primary contact list of Malappuram District Collector and SP who were tested positive for Covid-19. The situation in Malappuram is grim as the Collectorate is turning into a Covid cluster with District Collector, Deputy Collector and 20 other revenue officials tested positive for the infection. Many of them had been involved in the rescue operations at Karipur flight crash site. Capital Thiruvananthapuram has become the worst affected Covid district in the state. Meanwhile, the state government has decided to limit the Independence Day celebrations to 15 minutes to avoid chances of disease transmission due to crowding. General public will not be allowed to the venue. Three more Covid deaths were reported in the state. 63 more prisoners in Central jail have been tested positive, taking the total number inmates getting infected to 164. The Jail headquarters have been closed for three days. As many as 1,564 new Covid cases were reported yesterday. 13,839 patients are undergoing treatment and y 1.53 lakh people under observation in various districts.
- Tamil Nadu:328 new cases of Covid-19 and four deaths were reported in Puducherry on Friday; this takes the total cases to 6680, active cases to 2750 and death toll to 106. Tamil Nadu government eases the e-pass system; instant e-pass to be issued from August 17 if applied using Aadhaar. As many as 40 police personnel cured of Covid-19 recently have donated plasma at the Plasma Bank in Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital. 5835 new cases, 5146 recoveries & 119 deaths reported yesterday in TN. Total cases: 3,20,355; Active cases: 53,499; Deaths: 5397; Discharges: 2,61,459; Active cases in Chennai: 10,868.
- Karnataka:This year Independence Day celebration will be low key, no cultural programme; 75 corona warriors and 25 people who recovered from covid-19 will be special invites for tomorrow program to be held in Bangalore city. Treat non-Covid patients or face penal action, Karnataka Medical Council warns doctors. Karnataka HC seeks explanation from govt over restrictions on movement across TN border. New Covid mark breached, 2 lakh positive cases reported in Karnataka yesterday. Total active cases in the State is 78,337 and 3613 have succumbed so far.
- Andhra Pradesh: Andhra PradeshFormer minister and TDP leader K Atchannaidu who is undergoing treatment at Ramesh Hospital at Guntur, was tested positive for coronavirus. Atchannaidu was arrested on the charges of misappropriation of funds in the ESI hospital scam recently. State assures medical facilities to be provided to the temple staff affected by coronavirus. Corona awareness campaign chariots were flagged off in Visakhapatnam today. 9996 new cases, 9499 discharges and 82 deaths reported yesterday. Total cases: 2,64,142 Active cases: 90,840; Deaths: 2378.
- Telangana: Hyderabad corporate hospitals to hand over 50% beds to Govt; A mobile Covid19 testing lab inaugurated in Siddipet which is the first time in the state. 1921 new cases, 1210 recoveries & 09 deaths reported in the last 24 hours i; out of 1921 cases, 356 cases reported from GHMC.Total cases: 88,396; Active cases: 23,438; Deaths: 674; Discharges :64,284.
- Maharashtra: The Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Maharashtra Government have relaxed quarantine norms framed to prevent further transmission of covid-19 in the state. Passengers can now bypass the institutional quarantine by filling in the self-declaration form 72 hours before their journey. Such passengers will have to upload proof of the negative RT-PCR test undertaken within 96 hours of the journey. The state reported 11,813 new cases and 9,115 recoveries on Thursday.
- Gujarat: Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has made it mandatory to appoint Covid coordinator in all establishments with more than 30 people. According to this order, such coordinator will be responsible for all protocols and SOPs related to Covid19. In case of smaller establishments with less than 30 staff, the owner shall be responsible. Gujarat reported 1,092 new Covid 19 cases and 1,046 recoveries on Thursday. The active case load is 14,310.
- Madhya Pradesh: Coronavirus infections continue to trouble the politicians in the state of Madhya Pradesh. After Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, and other ministers on Thursday, newly elected RajyaSabha MP, Sumer Singh Solanki and BJP MLA from Niwari, Anil Jain tested positive for coronavirus. A local BJP leader in Bhopal and spokesperson, DurgeshKeshwani also tested positive for Covid 19.
- Chhattisgarh: With the inauguration of new testing facilities, the Covid 19 testing capacity in the state has increased to 11,000 tests per day. Chhattisgarh has so far conducted 3.9 lakh Covid tests identifying 13,960 positive cases. The number of active cases is however 4,187.
- Goa: The state government today announced the restructuring of its COVID-19 treatment facilities by offering three wards at the Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) for "highly critical" patients. The other two designated treatment facilities, ESI Hospital in Margao (South Goa) and Sub District Hospital in Ponda (North Goa), will treat asymptomatic patients or those with moderate symptoms, state Health Minister Vishwajit Rane said. Goa is dealing with an active case load 3,491, having posted a recovery rate of 72%
(Release ID: 1645852)