Ministry of Science & Technology
DST encourages translational research on Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCUS)
CCUS is one of the identified innovation challenges in the Mission Innovation (MI) Programme, a global initiative of 24 countries and the European Union to accelerate the global clean energy innovation in which the Department of Science & Technology (DST) is an active partner
The DST has already funded 19 R&D projects in the area of CCUS under the MI umbrella, partnering with 13 MI countries
The DST has invited proposals from Indian researchers in the area of CCUS under Accelerating CCUS Technologies (ACT) in collaboration with other ACT member countries. This is an initiative to facilitate the emergence of CO2 Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) via translational funding of projects aimed at accelerating and maturing CCUS technology through targeted innovation and research activities.
Sixteen countries, regions, and provinces are working together in ACT with the ambition to fund world-class RD&D innovation that can lead to safe and cost-effe
Posted On:
20 AUG 2020 2:11PM by PIB Delhi
Researchers interested in translational research on Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) now have a major opportunity to accelerate and mature their technology and research activities as solutions to the growing problem of global climate change.
CCUS is one of the identified innovation challenges in the Mission Innovation (MI) Programme, a global initiative of 24 countries and the European Union to accelerate the global clean energy innovation in which the Department of Science & Technology (DST) is an active partner. The DST has already funded 19 R&D projects in the area of CCUS under the MI umbrella, partnering with 13 MI countries.
Currently, the DST has invited proposals from Indian researchers in the area of CCUS under Accelerating CCUS Technologies (ACT) in collaboration with other ACT member countries. This is an initiative to facilitate the emergence of CO2 Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) via translational funding of projects aimed at accelerating and maturing CCUS technology through targeted innovation and research activities. Sixteen countries, regions, and provinces are working together in ACT with the ambition to fund world-class RD&D innovation that can lead to safe and cost-effective CCUS technology.
ACT is seeking innovative projects that range from smaller research projects to new or already existing pilot and demonstration facility sites. New pilot and demonstration facilities should have potential for upscaling to industrial size either in a demo phase or early commercial phase. Each project proposal has to be submitted by a project consortium consisting of at least three eligible applicants funded by at least three countries/regions participating in this ACT call. Each project's consortium must have the required expertise to undertake research and development within the specified themes.
The 15 ACT member countries and organizations have decided to participate in this third call
and joined forces with each other. All funds will be allocated from national and regional budgets that support research and development as well as pilot and demonstration projects.
The ACT call is a two-stage process. Stage 1 invites pre-proposals, and Stage 2 invites full project proposals. The call for pre-proposals is open until 10th November 2020. By or on 10th December 2020, applicants that are successful in Stage 1 will be invited to enter Stage 2 of the procedure. The call for full proposals will close on 15th March 2021. The targeted start date for projects is end of September 2021.
The intention of ACT is to facilitate the emergence of CCUS by accelerating and maturing CCUS technology through targeted financing of innovation and research activities. ACT will address the technological, environmental, social, and economic challenges required to accelerate CCUS. Projects that incorporate or address the Priority Research Directions (PRDs, link) identified at the Mission Innovation CCUS Challenge Workshop (Houston 2017) will be particularly welcome.
To date, there have been two ACT calls, the first (in 2016), which mobilised funds from participating partners and the European Commission, and the second call (in 2018) was funded by participating national funding agencies only.
[For further information interested Indian participants can visit the DST website: or write to Dr. Neelima Alam, Scientist E, TMD (EW&O) via email at and visit ACT web-site:]
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