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Fact Check Unit

Press Information Bureau

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



1. When was the PIB Fact Check Unit created?


The Unit started its operations in November 2019.


2. What is the objective of the Fact Check Unit?


The objective of the Fact Check Unit is to act as a deterrent to creators and disseminators of fake news & misinformation and to provide people with an easy avenue to report suspicious and questionable information pertaining to the Government of India for fact-checking.


3. Where can users submit their Fact Check complaints?


WhatsApp Hotline - +91 8799711259 Email ID -  socialmedia[at]pib[dot]gov[dot]in

Website Portal - https://factcheck.pib.gov.in/


4. What kind of complaints can be submitted to the PIB Fact Check Unit?


The PIB Fact Check unit only takes up complaints related to the Government of India, its Ministries, Departments, Public Sector entities etc. Any matter that does not pertain to the Union Government is not taken up for evaluation/fact-checking by the Unit.


5. Does the PIB Fact Check Unit accept complaints only related to social media?


No, the unit checks the factual authenticity of any information related to the Government of India, irrespective of the platform.


6. Does the PIB Fact Check Unit charge any fees for fact checking?


No fee is charged by the PIB Fact Check Unit for fact checking.


7. What platforms is the PIB Fact Check Unit present on?


PIB Fact Check Unit has a presence on and places all fact-checked information on the following platforms

    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook
    3. Koo
    4. Instagram and
    5. Telegram


8. Where can I find all the fact checks done by the PIB Fact Check Unit till date?


All the fact checks done by PIB Fact Check Unit can be found on its social media accounts, i.e,

Twitter - @PIBFactCheck
Facebook - /PIBFactCheck
Koo - @PIBFactCheck
Instagram - @PIBFactCheck
Telegram. - PIB_FactCheck


9. What process is followed for Fact Checking?


A two step process is undertaken to evaluate any received information

    1. The received complaints are researched against authoritative Government sources like websites, press releases, government social media accounts etc.
    2. The Fact Check Unit then checks complaints with the concerned Ministry and creates content fit for social media.


10. What is the FACT Model followed by PIB Fact Check?


The fact checking process is based on the FACT model – Find, Assess, Create and Target.


Find: The PIB Fact Check Unit takes Suo Moto cognizance on Fact Checking as well as receives complaints on


WhatsApp Hotline - +91 8799711259 Email ID - socialmedia[at]pib[dot]gov[dot]in

Website Portal - https://factcheck.pib.gov.in/


The Unit also investigates Fact Check requests received from various Ministries & Departments.


Assess: The Unit segregates the received information after ascertaining whether it falls within the ambit of the Fact Check Unit. The relevant complaints are researched using various fact checking tools and verified through authentic government open-source information available only on Government websites, notices, circulars, documents, and e-gazettes.


An automated response is sent to the complainant on whatsapp or email following the submission of the complaint.


Create: After verifying the authenticity of the received information from authorized sources, the Fact Check Unit utilizes the Information, Education & Communication (IEC) strategy to create awareness through creative content fit for dissemination on social media platforms.


Target: The PIB Fact Check Unit posts the content on its various social media platforms, which are as follows :


Twitter - @PIBFactCheck
Instagram - /PIBFactCheck
Koo - @PIBFactCheck
Telegram - t.me/PIB_FactCheck
Facebook - /PIBFactCheck


Additionally, content may be reposted from other verified Government handles that have fact checked any information pertaining to Government of India. No personal handles will be reposted.



11. Does the Unit take help of private fact checking organizations for its work?


No, the Unit only takes up complaints related to the Government of India and does not reach out to any private entity for its work.


12. Where is the PIB Fact Check Unit office located?


National Media Center, Raisina Road, New Delhi


13. Does the PIB Fact Check Unit also fact-checks opinions expressed by people on social media?


No, PIB Fact Check Unit only evaluates/verifies the authenticity of facts related to the policies, schemes, guidelines, initiatives, etc of the Government of India.


14. Does the PIB Fact Check Unit rely on news reports and research published by private organizations?


The PIB Fact Check Unit relies only on official sources of information. News reports and other information published by private organizations are not used in the process of verification/evaluation of the veracity of a piece of information related to the business of the Government of India.


15. What are the technological tools used by PIB Fact Check Unit to verify videos and images on social media?


The PIB Fact Check Unit uses various technological tools such as reverse image search, video analysis, etc. to identify if a viral image or video is re-circulated on social media in a different context with the intention of misleading the audience about the functioning of the Government of India.


16. Does the Fact Check Unit disclose the identity of the person who submits a query for verification?


No, the identity of the persons who submits query for verification is neither disclosed, nor shared while issuing the fact checks.

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