Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

List of Outcomes : State Visit of Prime Minister to Guyana (November 19-21, 2024)

Posted On: 20 NOV 2024 9:55PM by PIB Delhi MoU Signed Scope of MoU
1. MoU on Cooperation in Hydrocarbons Sector The cooperation on the subject includes sourcing of crude, collaboration in natural gas, development of infrastructure, capacity building & sharing expertise in the entire hydrocarbon value chain.
2. MoU for Bilateral Cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sectors To promote cooperation in the fields of agriculture and allied sectors through joint activities, exchange of scientific materials, information and Personnel.
3. Cultural Exchange Programme (2024-27) Aims to strengthen cultural cooperation between India and Guyana including the promotion of cultural exchanges and cooperation in the fields of theatre, music, fine arts, literature, library and museum affairs
4. MoU Recognition of Indian Pharmacopoeia regulation MoU for Recognition of Indian Pharmacopoeia between Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Ministry of Health, Guyana To recognize the importance of developing close cooperation and exchanging information in the field of the regulation of medicines in accordance with their respective laws and regulations
5. MoU between M/s HLL Lifecare Ltd and the Ministry of Health of Guyana for implementation of Janaushadhi Scheme (PMBJP) Supply of medicines to Public Procurement Agencies of CARICOM countries at affordable prices under the PMBJP Program
6. MoU between CDSCO and Ministry of Health of Guyana on cooperation in the field of medical products Aims to establish the Medical Products Regulation Dialogue and Cooperation Framework in regards to pharmaceuticals including raw materials for pharmaceutical use, biological products, medical devices and cosmetic products
7. INDIA STACK MoU on Cooperation in the field of sharing successful digital solutions implemented at population scale for digital transformation To establish cooperation in the areas of digital transformation by means of capacity building, training programmes, exchange of best practices, exchange of public officials and experts, development of pilot or demo solutions, etc
8. MoU between NPCI International Payments Ltd and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guyana for enabling deployment of UPI like system in Guyana The objective of the MoU is to understand the desire to enter into each other for the possibility for deployment of UPI like real time payment system in Guyana
9. MoU on Cooperation and collaboration in field of Broadcasting between Prasar Bharti and National Communications Network, Guyana To exchange programmes in the fields of culture, education, science, entertainment, sports, news as areas of mutual interest
10. MoU between NDI (National Defence Institute, Guyana) & RRU (Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat) The MoU aims to establish collaborative framework between the two institutes to enhance research, education, and training in national security & defence studies.




(Release ID: 2075270) Visitor Counter : 1348