Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

PM  addresses the Nation on Rashtriya Ekta Divas

“Sardar Patel is not just a historical figure but lives in the heart of every countryman”

“This land mass where 130 crore Indian live is an integral part of our soul, dreams and aspirations,”

“Sardar Patel wanted a strong, inclusive, sensitive and alert India”

“Inspired by Sardar Patel, India is becoming fully capable of meeting external and internal challenges”

“Country’s resolve and capabilities in Water, sky, land and space are unprecedented and the nation has started moving on the path of new mission of Aatmnirbharta”

 “This ‘Azadi ka Amrit Kaal’ is of unprecedented growth, achieving difficult goals and building India of Sardar Saheb’s dreams”

“If along with government, people’s ‘Gatishakti’ is also leveraged, nothing is impossible”

Posted On: 31 OCT 2021 10:25AM by PIB Delhi

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in an address, has greeted the countrymen on the occasion of National Unity Day. He paid rich tribute to Sardar Patel who dedicate his life for the ideal of Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat. He said that Sardar Patel is not just a historical figure but lives in the heart of every countryman and people who are taking his message of unity forward are the true symbol of an unfractured feeling of unity. Rashtriya Ekta Parades in every nook and corner of the country and events at the statue of Unity are reflecting the same spirit, he said.

He said India is not just a geographical unity but is a nation replete with the generous standards of ideals, notions, civilization and culture. This land mass where 130 crore Indian live is an integral part of our soul, dreams and aspirations, he said.

Referring to strengthening of Indias democratic traditions by the emotion of One India, the Prime Minister called for collective effort from every citizen in the direction of achieving the goals of the country.  The Prime Minister emphasized that Sardar Patel wanted a strong, inclusive, sensitive and alert India. An India that has humility as well as development.  Inspired by Sardar Patel, India is becoming fully capable of meeting external and internal challenges, he added.

Referring to steps taken to strengthen the country in the last 7 years, the Prime Minister informed that the country got rid of unnecessary old laws, strengthened the ideals of unity, and emphasis on connectivity and infrastructure has reduced geographical and cultural distances.

Today, strengthening the feeling of Ek Bharat- Shreshth Bharat, a Mahayagya of social, economic and constitutional integration is going on and the countrys resolve and capability in Water, sky, land and space are unprecedented and the nation has started moving on the path of new mission of Aatmnirbharta.  He emphasized that Sabka Prayas is even more relevant in the Amrit Kaal of Independence.  This Azadi ka Amrit Kaal is of unprecedented growth, achieving difficult goals and building the India of Sardar Sahebs dreams, he said. The Prime Minister remarked that for Sardar Patel, Ek Bharat meant equal opportunities for all. The Prime Minister elaborated this concept and said Ek Bharat is a Bharat that gives equal opportunities to women, Dalits, deprived, tribal and forest dwellers. Where housing, electricity and water is within the reach of everyone without discrimination. The Country is doing the same with Sabka Prayas, he added.

The Prime Minister reiterated the power of Sabka Prayas in the fight against Corona where new covid hospitals, essential medicines, 100 crore doses of vaccines were made possible due to collective efforts of every citizen. 

Referring to recently launched PM GatiShakti National Master Plan to harness the collective power of government departments, the Prime Minister said that if along with government, peoples Gatishakti is also leveraged, nothing is impossible. Therefore, he said, that our every, action should be marked by consideration for wider national goals. He gave examples of students who can consider the sector specific innovations when they choose their stream of study or while, shopping, people should keep the goal of Aatmnirbharta, along with their personal preferences. Similarly, industry and farmers, cooperative institutions can keep the goals of the country in mind while making their choices.

The Prime Minister gave example of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and said that the government has made peoples participation into nations strength. Whenever Ek Bharat moves, we get success and also contribute towards Shreshth Bharat’”, He concluded.



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