Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

NDA Government has taken various initiatives to boost fertilizer Sector- Shri Gowda

Posted On: 10 AUG 2020 10:25AM by PIB Delhi

Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers Shri DV Sadananda Gowda has said NDA Government has  taken various initiatives to boost fertilizer sector towards servicing farmers. Shri Gowda said that with a view to disseminate knowledge on optimum usage of fertilizer nutrients to sustain the agriculture productivity and to make farmers aware of new developments in the field of fertilizer usage, Department of Fertilizers, Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and Department of Agricultural Research and Education jointly organized Fertilizer Application Awareness Programme for farmers .

Shri Gowda further stated that in order to encourage research and innovation in fertilizer and fertilizer technology, CPSEs under Department of Fertilizers formed a separate think tank body called “Indian Council for Fertilizers and Fertilizer Technology Research (ICFFTR)”. The Council has been registered as society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 19th August 2019. The Council will undertake / promote R&D and research work in the area of fertilizer and fertilizer manufacturing technology, use of raw materials and innovation in products through partnership and collaboration with various research institutions, fertilizer industry and other stakeholders. So far, the General Council have held two meetings and the Executive Committee have held three meetings.



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