Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Myth vs. Facts

Media reports claiming that the Government is set to roll out HPV Vaccination Campaign for girls in the 9-14 years age group are false and speculative

Union Health Ministry is yet to take a decision on commencement of HPV Vaccination

Posted On: 13 JAN 2024 4:36PM by PIB Delhi

There have been some media reports speculating that the Union Government will launch a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign in the second quarter of year 2024 to target girls in the 9-14 years age group. Such reports are not true.

The Union Health Ministry is yet to take a decision on the roll out of HPV vaccination in the country. It is closely monitoring the incidences of cervical cancer cases in the country and is in regular touch with states and various health departments regarding this.




HFW/MythsVsFacts – HPV Vaccination Campaign/13th Jan/2024/1

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