Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Department of Fertilizers ranked 2nd amongst the 16 Economic Ministries / Departments and ranked 3rd amongst the 65 Ministries / Departments in the Survey Report on Data Governance Quality Index
Posted On:
02 OCT 2020 11:12AM by PIB Delhi
Department of Fertilizers under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has been ranked 2nd amongst the 16 Economic Ministries / Departments and 3rd out of the 65 Ministries / Departments with a score 4.11 on a scale of 5 on Data Governance Quality Index (DGQI),
A Survey conducted by Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), Niti Ayog to assess different Ministries /Departments' performance on the implementation of Central Sector Schemes (CS) and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS).
The DMEO, Niti Aayog has undertaken DGQI exercise: Self-assessment based review of data preparedness levels across Ministries / Departments to produce a DGQI score card. Accordingly a survey was initiated with the objective of assessing data preparedness of Ministries / Departments on a standardized framework to drive healthy competition among them and promote cooperative peer learning from best practices.
In this survey, an online questionnaire was prepared under six major themes of DGQI: Data Generation; Data Quality; Use of Technology; Data Analysis, Use and Dissemination; Data Security and HR Capacity and Case Studies. Weightages were assigned to the themes and sub-weightages to each question within every theme to arrive at final DGQI scores ranging between 0 to 5 for every scheme. To avoid straight-forward irrelevant comparisons, Ministries / Departments were classified in 6 (six) categories: Administrative, Strategic, Infrastructure, Social, Economic and Scientific.
Questionnaire was then shared with Ministries / Departments, which are implementing CS / CSS schemes. Inputs have been collected from 65 Ministries / Departments implementing 250 CS / CSS schemes and their scores were accordingly calculated. Department of Fertilizers ranked 2nd amongst the 16 Economic Ministries / Departments and ranked 3rd out of the 65 Ministries / Departments with a score 4.11 on a scale of 5.
Speaking about the initiative Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister Shri DV Sadananda Gowda said, "The effort of DMEO, Niti Aayog to bring out such a report card of the Ministries / Departments is highly appreciable. It will immensely help improve the implementation framework of government policies, schemes and programmes to achieve the desired goals."
(Release ID: 1660923)
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