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Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Projects amounting to ₹78,910 crores grounded under AMRUT

97 lakh water tap connections and 62 lakh sewer household connections provided

Posted On: 11 FEB 2021 5:22PM by PIB Delhi

Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) was launched on 25 June 2015 in 500 selected cities across the country.  The Mission focuses on the development of basic urban infrastructure in the sectors of water supply; sewerage and septage management; storm water drainage; non-motorised urban transport and development of green spaces and parks. Mission also mandates a set of 11 Reforms for all the Mission cities and Capacity Building activities for the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs).

          Following are the achievements of AMRUT scheme:

  1. Projects amounting to ₹78,910 crores have been grounded.
  2. Work worth ₹47,703 crores have been carried out including completed projects worth ₹16,449 crores.
  3. 97 lakh water tap connection and 62 lakh sewer household connections have been provided under AMRUT and in convergence with other scheme.
  4. Sewer Treatment Plants (STPs) of capacity 1,090 MLD (Million Litre per Day) have been developed against the target of 6,000 MLD.
  5. 1,563 Water logging points eliminated against target of 2,804 points.
  6. 3,500 acre of green permeable spaces /parks developed.
  7. 80 lakh street lights replaced with energy efficient LED lights, saving 176 kilo watt per hour power and reducing carbon emission by 14.07 lakh tonnes per annum.
  8. Online Building Permission System (OBPS) adopted in 2,205 towns including 444 AMRUT towns. 


Under Green Spaces and Parks sector, States have taken up 2,538 projects worth ₹1,577.83 crores, of which 1776 projects worth ₹1,000.96 crores have been completed. This has led to development of 3,500 acre of permeable green spaces against the proposed development of 5,400 acre of green spaces and parks under AMRUT.

Under AMRUT, work of selection, appraisal, approval and implementation of projects in cities have been delegated to States/UTs and concerned ULBs.  At Central level, only State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs) submitted by the States are considered for approval.  AMRUT makes States equal partners in planning and implementation of projects, thus actualizing the spirit of cooperative federalism.  Random citizen survey and feedback about the services is an integral part of the Mission.

AMRUT being a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, is funded through Central and State/ULB share.  The total Central outlay for AMRUT scheme is ₹50,000 crores of which, ₹36,036 crores have been earmarked for Central Assistance for AMRUT projects and remaining have been earmarked for Administrative and Office Expenses (A&OE) and Reform Incentives.  States have taken up AMRUT projects worth ₹81,226 crores. Therefore, requirement of funds over and above the committed Central Assistance are borne by States themselves.

This information was given in a written reply by Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State (I/C) Housing & Urban Affairs, in Lok Sabha today.





(Release ID: 1697133) Visitor Counter : 1230

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