Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Year End Review 2023: Achievement of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying)

Contribution of livestock in total agriculture and allied sector Gross Value Added (GVA) has increased from 24.38 per cent (2014-15) to 30.19 per cent (2021-22)

India is ranked first in milk production contributing 24.64 percent of global milk production

Egg production in the country has increased from 78.48 billion in 2014-15 to 138.38 billion Nos. in 2022-23

6.21 crore animals covered, 7.96 crores Artificial Insemination performed and more than 4 crore farmers benefitted under Rashtriya Gokul Mission

3864 Bulk Milk Coolers with 84.4 lakh litres chilling capacity installed at village level milk collection centres under National Programme For Dairy Development

More than 29.87 lakh fresh KCCs were sanctioned for AHD Farmers

Posted On: 20 DEC 2023 2:41PM by PIB Delhi

Livestock Sector

Livestock Sector grew at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.36% from 2014-15 to 2021-22. The contribution of livestock in total agriculture and allied sector Gross Value Added (GVA) has increased from 24.38 per cent (2014-15) to 30.19 per cent (2021-22). Livestock sector contributed 5.73 per cent of total GVA in 2021-22.

Livestock Population

There are about 303.76 million bovines (cattle, buffalo, mithun and yak), 74.26 million sheep, 148.88 million goats, 9.06 million pigs and about 851.81 million poultry as per 20th Livestock Census in the country.

Dairy Sector

Dairy is the single largest agricultural commodity contributing 5 per cent of the national economy and employing more than 8 crore farmers directly. India is ranked first in milk production contributing 24.64 percent of global milk production. Milk production is growing at the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.85% over the past 9 years from 146.31 million tonnes during 2014-15 to 230.58 million tonnes during 2022-23. World milk production has grown by 0.51% during 2022 in-comparison to the year 2021 (Food Outlook June’ 2023). The per capita availability of milk is 459 grams per day in India during 2022-23 as against the world average of 322 grams per day in 2022 (Food Outlook June’2023).

Egg and Meat Production

  1. to Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database (FAOSTAT) production data (2021), India ranks 2nd in Egg Production and 5th in meat production in the world. Egg production in the country has increased from 78.48 billion in 2014-15 to 138.38 billion Nos. in 2022-23. Egg production in the country is growing at the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.35% over the past 9 years. The per capita availability of egg is at 101 eggs per annum in 2022-23 as against 62 eggs in 2014-15. Meat production in the country has increased from 6.69 million tonnes in 2014-15 to 9.77 million tonnes in 2022-23.

Animal Husbandry and Dairying Schemes:

RASHTRIYA GOKUL MISSION: For development and conservation of indigenous bovine breeds.

Major Achievements/Interventions of Rashtriya Gokul Mission

  • Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme- As on date 6.21 crore animals have been covered, 7.96 crores Artificial Insemination have been performed and 4.118 crores farmers benefitted under the programme.
  • Promotion of IVF Technology in the country: As on date 19124 viable embryos have been produced out of this 10331 embryos transferred and 1621 calves born under the programme.
  • Sex sorted semen production: Sex sorted semen production has been introduced in the country for production of only female calves up to 90% accuracy. Under the programme, subsidy of Rs 750 or 50% of the cost of sorted semen on assured pregnancy is available to farmers.
  • DNA based Genomic selection: National Dairy Development Board has developed INDUSCHIP for selection of elite animals of indigenous breeds and 28315 animals have been genotyped using the chip for creating referral population. For the first time in the World, BUFFCHIP has been developed for genomic selection of buffaloes and so far, 8000 buffaloes have been genotyped for creating referral population.
  • Animal Identification and traceability: 53.5 crore animals (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs) are being identified and registered using polyurethane tags with 12 digit UID No.
  • Progeny testing and Pedigree selection: Progeny Testing Programme has been implemented for Gir, Shaiwal indigenous breed of cattle and Murrah, Mehsana indigenous breed of buffalo.
  • National Digital Livestock Mission: Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying has taken up a digital mission, “National Digital Livestock Mission (NDLM) with NDDB. This will help in improving the productivity of the animals, control diseases that affect both animals and humans, ensure quality livestock and livestock both for domestic and export markets.
  • Breed Multiplication Farms: Subsidy of 50% (up to Rs 2 crore per farm) on capital cost (excluding land cost) is provided to private entrepreneurs under this scheme for establishment of breed multiplication farms. As on date the Department has approved establishment of 111 Breed Multiplication Farm.

NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR DAIRY DEVELOPMENT: Department is implementing Central Sector Scheme - “National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD)” across the country since Feb-2014. In July 2021, National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD) scheme has been restructured with the aims to enhance quality of milk and milk products and increase share of organised procurement, processing, value addition and marketing for implementation from 2021-22 to 2025-26. This scheme has two (2) components:-

Component A: To create and strengthen infrastructure for quality milk including cold chain infrastructure linking the farmer to the consumer.


195 projects in 28 States and 2 Union Territory have been approved with the total cost of Rs. 3311.10 crore (Central Share Rs. 2479.06 crore) from 2014-15 to 2023-24 (30.11.2023). A total sum of Rs. 1824.60 crore has been released for implementation of these projects up to 30.11.2023. An amount of Rs. 1429.62 crore has been utilized under the approved projects.

Physical Achievements

  • 15.82 lakh new farmers were given benefit of membership of dairy co-operative societies and 57.31 lakh litre of additional milk procured under the projects.
  • 82 dairy plants have been strengthened with creation of 22.30 lakh litres per day additional/new milk processing capacity.
  • 3864 Bulk Milk Coolers with 84.4 lakh litres chilling capacity installed at village level milk collection centres for chilling milk immediately after receiving from milk producers and to provide market access to farmers and reduce milk spoilage
  • 30074 Automatic Milk Collection Unit and Data Processing and Milk Collection Unit & 5205 numbers of Electronic Milk Adulteration Testing Machines installed at village level dairy cooperative societies to bring transparency in milk testing and payments to farmers.
  • Under the programme, 233 dairy plant laboratories (not having facilities) have been equipped to detect adulterants in milk and one State Central laboratory is being establishment in 15 States.

Component B of NPDD: Dairying through Cooperatives (DTC) :

To increase sales of milk and dairy products by increasing farmers' access to organised market, upgrading dairy processing facilities and marketing infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of producers owned institutions, thereby contributing to increase in returns to milk producers in the project area.


  • In total 22 projects has been approved under the DTC NPDD Component B with a total project cost of Rs 1130.63 Cr having loan component of Rs 705.53 Cr, a grant component of Rs 329.70 Cr, and Producer Institutions (PIs) share of Rs 95.40 Cr. A total grant of Rs 74.025 Cr and loan of Rs.10.00 Cr has been released to National Dairy Development Board for further disbursement to PIs for the implementation of the projects.
  • By end of the project period, 7703 new milk collection societies will be created with additional enrolment of 279,000 farmers (50% women). It will also create additional milk procurement by13.41 Lakh Liter per day, value added products manufacturing capacity of 350 MTPD and Cattle Feed production capacity of 486 MTPD.



Progress/Achievements (As on 30.11.2023) :

  • Total Sanction of Interest Subvention amount @ 2%: Rs. 619.42 crore
  • Total working capital loan availed by Cooperatives/FPOs : Rs. 47183.76 Cr
  • Total Cooperatives/Producers organizations assisted: 62 Nos.
  • Total Interest Subvention amount released: Rs. 453.74 (Rs. 243.74 cr as regular interest subvention and Rs. 210.00 cr. as additional interest subvention amount


DAIRY PROCESSING & INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FUND (DIDF): Information w.r.t Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF) is as under:

Achievement: As on September 2023, 37 Projects from 12 States have been sanctioned. The financial and physical details are as under:

  1. Financial (as of Sep 2023):
  1. Total approved project outlay: Rs.6776.87 Crore
  2. Loan sanctioned: Rs. 4575.22 Crore
  3. Loan disbursed by lending agencies to EEB: Rs. 2513.38 Crore
  4. Interest subvention released by GoI to NABARD: Rs. 88.11 Crore
  1. Physical (as of Sep 2023):
  1. Milk Processing Capacity established: 69.95 LLPD
  2. Milk Chilling Capacity established: 3.40 LLPD
  3. Drying Capacity established: 265 MTPD
  4. VAP capacity established: 11.74 LLPD (milk equivalent)

NATIONAL LIVESTOCK MISSION: The focus of the scheme is towards employment generation, entrepreneurship development; increase in per animal productivity and thus targeting increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool. Under National Livestock Mission, for the first time, the Central Government is providing direct 50% subsidies to the Individuals, SHGs, JLGs, FPOs, Section 8 Companies, FCOs to establish Poultry Farms with Hatcheries and brooder mother units, sheep and goat breed multiplication farm, piggery farm and feed and fodder units. Till date, 1160 applications have been approved by DAHD and Rs 105.99 Crore has been released as subsidy to 498 beneficiaries.

ANIMAL HUSBANDRY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FUND: For incentivizing investments by individual entrepreneurs, private companies, MSME, Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) and Section 8 companies to establish (i) the dairy processing and value addition infrastructure, (ii) meat processing and value addition infrastructure and (iii) Animal Feed Plant.(iv) Breed improvement Technology and Breed Multiplications farms for Cattle/ Buffalo/Sheep/Goat/ Pig and technologically assisted Poultry farms. So far, 343 Projects sanctioned by banks with total project cost is Rs. 8666.72 crore and out of the total project cost Rs. 5713.64 crore is term loan. Funds of Rs. 50.11 crore have been released during 2023-24.

LIVESTOCK HEALTH AND DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAMME: For prevention, control and containment of animal diseases of economic and zoonotic importance by vaccination. Till date, total number of animals ear tagged are nearly 25.46 crores. So far, 24.18 crore animals have been vaccinated in second round of FMD. Round III and IV of FMD vaccination is going on. So far, 12.61 and 1.80 crore animals are vaccinated respectively for Round III and Round IV. So far, 2.71 crore animals have been vaccinated against Brucella. 3.32 crore sheep and goats are vaccinated against PPR, and 28.16 lakh pigs have been vaccinated against CSF. 2896 Mobile Veterinary Units (MVUs) have been procured in 26 States/ UTs, out of which 2237 MVUs are operational in 14 States.


Integrated Sample Survey: To bring out estimates of Major Livestock Products (MLP) such as Milk, Egg, Meat and Wool. The estimates are published in Annual Publication of Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics (BAHS) of the Department. Recently, the Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics (BAHS)-2023 for the period 2022-23 is published.

Livestock Census: To provide information on livestock population, species-wise and breed-wise along with age, sex-composition etc. up to household level in rural and urban areas. 20th Livestock Census was conducted in the year 2019 with the participation of Animal Husbandry Department of all the States/UTs. The All-India report namely “20th Livestock Census-2019” containing Species-wise and State-wise population of livestock has been published. In addition to the above, the Department has also published Breed-wise report on Livestock and Poultry (based on 20th livestock Census). The next Livestock Census is due in 2024.

Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) For Dairy Farmers Of Milk Cooperatives And Milk Producer Companies: As on 10.11.2023, more than 29.87 lakh fresh KCCs were sanctioned for AHD Farmers.



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