Prime Minister's Office

English rendering of PM’s address during the interaction with Students, teachers and parents at “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023”

Posted On: 27 JAN 2023 9:06PM by PIB Delhi


Perhaps for the first time ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ is being held in this cold. Usually, it is organized in February. But it was decided that you should also take advantage of January 26 (Republic Day). Did those who came from outside Delhi take advantage of it? Did you go to Kartavya Path? How was it? Did you enjoy it? What will you tell your family upon your return? Will you not tell them anything? Well friends, I will not take much time, but I would definitely tell you that ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ is my test too. Crores of students from the country are taking my test. I am happy to take this test; I enjoy it, because the questions that I get are in lakhs in numbers. Children ask questions very proactively, tell their problems and also share their personal problems. It is a great fortune for me to know what the young mind of my country thinks, the complications it goes through, its expectations from the country, its expectations from the governments, its dreams and resolutions. In short, it is really a treasure trove for me. I have told my government functionaries to preserve all these questions. If an opportunity comes after 10-15 years, then we will get these questions analysed by social scientists. As generations change, situations also change and in the process the dreams, resolutions and the thinking of the young mind also change. Hardly anyone will have such a huge thesis in such a simple form as you people ask me questions. Let's not talk much. I would like to start immediately, because I get a complaint every time that this program runs too long. What is your opinion? Does it last long? Should it last long? I don’t want to say more. I am for all of you. Tell me how to proceed. Who will ask first?

Presenter: If you wish to change the world, learn to change yourself and not the world. Hon’ble Prime Minister, your motivational and informative speech always infuses positive energy and confidence in us. We are eagerly waiting to learn for your immense experience and knowledgeable guidance. Hon’ble Prime Minister! With your blessings and permission, we would like to start this program. Thank you, Sir.

Hon'ble Prime Minister, Ashwini, who is from Madurai, a city famous for its rich cultural heritage and architectural beauty, would like to ask a question. Ashwini, please ask your question.

Ashwini: Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Namaskar! My Name is Ashwini. I am a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 Madurai, Tamil Nadu. My question to you Sir is how I deal with my family disappointment if my results are not good. What if I don’t get the marks I am expecting? Being a good student is also not an easy job. Expectations of elders become so high that the person who is writing the exam is under so much stress and he goes into depression. Nowadays, it is common for students to slash their wrists and become irritated and there is no one they could trust with their feelings. Kindly guide me in this regard. Thank you, Sir. 

Presenter: Thanks, Ashwini. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Navdesh Jagur is from the heart of India’s capital Delhi -- the imperial seat of several empires with its charming grand medieval history and amazing architectural styles. Navdesh is seated in the hall and wishes to discuss an identical issue with his question. Navdesh, please ask your question.

Navdesh: Good Morning, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir. I am Navdesh Jagur of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pitam Pura, Delhi region. Sir, my question to you is how do I deal with my family when my results are not good? Kindly guide me Sir. Thank you very much.

Presenter: Thank you Navdesh. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Priyanka Kumari from the ancient city of Patna, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, Guru Gobind Singh and Vardhman Mahaveer, who gave the message of peace and compassion to the world, is facing a similar problem and wants your guidance. Priyanka, please ask your question.

Priyanka: Namaste! Hon’ble Prime Minister, my name is Priyanka Kumari. I am an 11th student from Rabindra Balika Plus Two Vidyalaya, Rajendra Nagar, Patna. My question is that everyone in my family has passed with good marks. I also want to get good marks. For this, I am under stress and therefore want you to guide me. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank you, Priyanka. Respected Prime Minister, Ashwini, Navdesh and Priyanka feel that this important issue affects many students and seek your guidance to resolve it.

Prime Minister:  Do you play cricket, Ashwini? There is a googly ball in cricket. There is a sole target, but the direction is different. I think you want to get me out on the very first ball. It is very natural for the family members to have high expectations from you. And there is nothing wrong in that either. But if the family members are having expectations because of their social status, then it is a matter of concern. Their social status puts so much pressure on them and it influences their mind so much that they think about what they will tell others in society about their children. They always have this complex about what they will discuss about their children if they are weak. It happens when the issue of children crops up when the parents are sitting with their friends in a club or society or when they discuss about their children while washing clothes with others by the side of pond. Despite knowing the capabilities of their children, they make tall claims about their children due to their social status, because they suffer from an inferiority complex. Slowly and slowly, they internalize it and expect the same from their children. This is a natural tendency which has developed in social life. Secondly, if you do well, it is natural that everyone will have new expectations from you. We are in politics. No matter how many elections we win, such pressure is created that we are not supposed to lose. If we win 200 seats, it is said why could we not win 250 seats? If we win 300 seats, questions are raised: why did we not win 350 seats? Pressure is created from all sides. But should we succumb to these pressures? Think for a moment what is told to you throughout the day and what you hear from all around. Will you waste your time on that or rather introspect. Align your ability, priority, requirement and intention with expectations from you. You must have gone to watch a cricket match. There are thousands of spectators in the stadium and they start shouting ‘four, four, six, six’ when some batsman comes to play. Does that batsman start belting fours and sixes on the demand of the audience? Does any player do this? No matter how much the people shout, he is focused on the ball which he is facing. He tries to study the mind of the bowler and plays according to the ball. He remains focused no matter how much people shout. Therefore, if you remain focused in your activity, you will overcome the pressures and expectations. Sooner or later you will be able to overcome those problems. Therefore, I urge you not to succumb to pressures.

However, do analyze the pressure sometimes. Is it not that you are underestimating yourself? You have a lot of potential, but you are so depressed that you don't want to innovate. Sometimes those expectations become a huge force, bountiful of energy.  I have already said before what the parents have to do regarding their expectations from their children. Parents should not transfer the pressure on their children under social pressure. But at the same time, children should not underestimate themselves. And if you give emphasis to both these things, I am sure that you will be able to resolve such problems very easily. Where is the anchor?

Presenter:  Hon’ble Prime Minister! Thank you very much. Your inspiring words have helped parents understand their children. Sir, we will not be under pressure and we will keep the enthusiasm in the examination. Thank you.

Presenter: Hon’ble Prime Minister. Chamba is a hill town encompassing the untouched beauty of nature and is famous as the Paris of India. Arushi Thakur from Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, is joining us virtually. Arushi, please ask your question.

Aarushi: Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister. My name is Aarushi Thakur and I am a class 11th student of Kendriya Vidyalaya Banikhet, Dalhousie, Chamba district. Sir, I have this question to you and which bothers me the most during the examination is that from where do I start studying? I always feel that I have forgotten everything and I keep thinking about it which gives me a lot of stress. Kindly guide me. Thank you, Sir.

Presenter: Thank you, Aarushi. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Raipur is the capital of Chhattisgarh, a state known as the rice bowl of India. Aditi Dewan of Raipur wants a solution to her curiosity on this problem. Aditi, ask your question.

Aditi Dewan: Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister. My name is Aditi Dewan and I am a student of class 12th in Krishna Public School, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. My question is that I worry about the fact that I have a lot to do. But I can't do anything in the end, because I have a lot of work. Even if I complete any work on time, I get more worried, because then either I take too long to do other tasks or I postpone them till further. I am curious to know how I should complete all my work on time. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank you, Aditi. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Aarushi and Aditi seek your guidance on preparing for their exams and utilizing their time. Please solve their problem, Hon’ble Prime Minister.

Prime Minister: Look, this issue is not just limited to exams. Anyway, we should be aware of time management in our life, exam or no exam. You must have noticed why work piles up. Work piles up because it was not done on time. And it is equally true that one never gets tired of working. Instead, there is a sense of satisfaction when we work. One gets tired if one does not work. When someone sees so much work around him, he starts feeling tired. Therefore, one should start immediately.  Secondly, write a diary for about a week where you spend your time. Even if you are studying, find out how much time you spend on which subject and also whether you look for short-cuts or go into the basics. Do a little analysis of yourself whether you go into the details. I am sure you will notice that you spend most of your time and get engrossed in the subjects you like the most. There are three subjects which you don’t like but are essential. They appear to you as a burden. You feel that despite spending two hours daily on that subject, your results were not up to the mark. It is not necessary that you have to study two hours compulsorily. One should study when the mind is fresh. Make it a point to give 30 minutes to a subject you don’t like and you find it difficult. Then take up a subject which you like and spend 20 minutes on it. Similarly, spend 30 minutes on a subject which is a slightly less favorite to you. Make a routine like this. You will feel relaxed and you will gradually find interest in the subjects which you otherwise used to avoid. A lot of time is wasted as you are engrossed in a subject that you like the most. Those of you who fly kites must have observed one thing. I was very fond of flying kites in my childhood. The string which is the thread of a kite sometimes gets entangled with each other and becomes a huge knot. What will an intelligent person do? Will he pull with force? He will not do this. He will slowly try to hold each and every thread to see how to open it and then he opens the knot slowly. Finally, he will succeed in entangling the knot and he will have the entire thread which he needs. We don’t have to use force and should attempt to find a solution in a relaxed manner. If you try to find a solution in a relaxed manner, I am sure you will be able to do it in a proper way.  Secondly, have you ever observed your mother’s work schedule at home? In fact, you are very pleased when you find that your mother has prepared everything when you come home from school. Your mother had prepared everything in advance when you had to go to school in the morning. It is very pleasing, but have you ever observed the time management of your mother? She knows that she has to complete a particular work by 6 a.m. or another by 6.30 a.m. If her child has to go to school at 9 a.m. she has to prepare everything by that time. She knows what all she has to do by the time her child returns home. There is such a perfect time management by the mother while she does most of the household chores. But she doesn’t feel burdened while doing any work. She would never complain that she is tired and there is so much work to do, because she knows that she has to complete everything in those hours. And importantly, she does not keep quiet even when she has some extra time. She continues with one or the other creative activity. She will pick up a needle and thread and will do something or the other. She has made her own arrangements to relax. If you closely observe the activities of your mother, you will realize the importance of time management as a student.  Time management does not necessarily mean two hours, three hours or four hours. There should be micro management. You have to decide how many hours you have to spend on a particular subject. Do not put so many restrictions that you will not do any other thing for the next six days just because you are studying. In that case you will be tired. You distribute it equally and it will definitely benefit you. Thanks.

Presenter: Thank You, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir for guiding us to be methodical and systematic in order to be an effective student. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Rupesh Kashyap hails from Bastar district of Chhattisgarh which is known for its distinguished tribal art, the enchanting Chitrakoot waterfall and the finest quality of bamboo. Rupesh is present here with us and needs your advice on a topic that is of vital significance. Rupesh, please ask your question.

Rupesh: Good Morning, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir. My Name is Rupesh Kashyap. I am a student of class 9th from Swami Atmanand Govt. English Medium School, Darbha, District Bastar, Chhattisgarh. Sir, my question is how I can avoid unfair means in exams. Thank You, Sir.

Presenter: Thank You, Rupesh. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, from the heritage city of Jagannath Puri, the spiritual capital of Odisha famed for its magnificent Rath Yatra and serene beaches, Tanmay Biswal seeks your guidance on a similar issue. Tanmay, please ask your question.

Tanmay: Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Namaskar. My name is Tanmay Biswal. I am a student of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Konark, Puri, Odisha. My question to you Sir is how to eliminate cheating or copying activities of the students during examination. Kindly guide me on this. Thank You, Sir.

Presenter: Hon’ble Prime Minister, Rupesh and Tanmay want your guidance on how to avoid using unfair means in the examination.

Prime Minister: I am happy that our students also feel that some solution should be found against the wrong practices and malpractices that take place in the examinations. Especially those who are hardworking students, they are definitely worried about the fact that they work so hard whereas there are some who clear the exams by cheating and copying. Earlier too, people would cheat and copy, but secretly. Now they proudly claim that they have outwitted the supervisor. This change in values is very dangerous and therefore we all have to think about this social truth. It has also been observed that the teachers who run coaching institutes also feel that their students do well because they have taken tuition money from their parents and they guide and help their students in copying. Tell me, whether there are such types of teachers or not. Secondly, I have noticed that some students don’t spend time studying but are very creative in finding ways to cheat. They will spend hours and will make notes in a microscopic way. Sometimes I feel that they are so creative in cheating as they spend hours in developing the techniques to copy and cheat. Had they spent that much time and creativity in learning, they could have fared better? Somebody should have guided them and made them understand. Secondly, let's understand one thing that now life has changed a lot, the world has changed a lot. So, it is very important to understand that it is not that one’s life is settled if one clears one exam. Today, one has to give one exam or the other every time. How many times can you succeed by cheating? Therefore, those who resort to cheating might clear one or two exams, but would not succeed in his life. Cheating can’t make one’s life. It is possible that he can get marks by resorting to unfair means, but there will be question marks on him at some point in his life. They should realize that they might have succeeded in clearing one or two exams through cheating, but they will get stuck in life at a later stage. Secondly, I would like to tell those students who put in hard work that your hard work will bring positive results in your life. Someone may succeed in getting 2-4 marks more than you fraudulently, but he can never become a hindrance in your life. The inherent strength within you will take you forward. Therefore, I request you not to follow those students. Exams will come and go. We have to live our life to the fullest. Therefore, we should not follow short-cuts in our life. You must have noticed that there are some passengers who don’t use the bridge in the railway station and instead cross to another platform by jumping onto the tracks. There is no reason as such. But it is fun for them. It is written there on the board that shortcut will cut you short. Therefore, never get tensed if others are resorting to short-cuts. Keep yourself away from short-cuts and focus on your work. You will get desired results. Thanks.

Presenter:  Thank you, Hon’ble Prime Minister. Your words have gone down directly into our hearts. Thank you.

Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, from Palakkad the land of paddy fields and the sound of traditional Kerala music, Tejas Sujay seeks your guidance. Sujay, please ask your question.

Sujay:  Namaskar, Respected Prime Minister. My name is Tejas Sujay. I am a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode, Karnakulam Samba and in IXth class. My question is what is important between hard work and smart work. Are both necessary for good results? Please give your guidance. Thank you, Sir.

Presenter: Thank You, Sujay. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Sir.

Prime Minister: What was his question? What was he asking?

Presenter:  Sir, he was asking about hard work and smart work.

Prime Minister: Hard work and smart work?

Presenter: Thank You, Sir.

Prime Minister:  Well, you must have read a story in your childhood. Everyone must have read it. And from this story you can guess what is smart work and what is hard work. When we were children, we used to listen to a story that there was water in a pitcher. The water was a bit deep and a crow wanted to drink water. But he could not reach inside. So that crow picked up small pebbles and put them in that pitcher, and slowly the water came up and he drank the water and quenched his thirst. Have you heard this story? Now what would you call it -- hard work or smart work? And see, when this story was written, there was no straw. Otherwise, this crow would have gone to the market and brought a straw. See, there are some people who keep on doing hard work. There are some people in whose life there is no sign of hard work. There are some people who do smart work and there are some people who do smartly hard work. Therefore, the crow is also teaching us how to do hard work smartly. Therefore, we have to understand the nuance of every work. You must have seen some people who start using their mind even before understanding things. They put in a lot of hard work, but no results. I remember I used to work in a tribal belt long ago, and I had to go to an interior area. Someone arranged an old jeep and told us to take it. We had to leave around 5.30 in the morning. But our jeep was not moving at all. We tried a lot, pushed, and did a lot of hard work, but our jeep did not move. When it was 7:30, we finally called a mechanic. The mechanic would have hardly taken two minutes and fix it. Then he demanded 200 rupees. I was surprised that he was charging 200 rupees for two minutes! So, I asked him for a reason. He told me 200 rupees is not for two minutes, but for 50 years of experience. Now we were also doing the hard work, but the jeep was not moving. He smartly had to tighten a few bolts. It took hardly two minutes and the jeep started. What it means is that if everything is done with hard work then the result will be like this only. You must have seen the wrestlers and other people of the world of sports. A trainer would know exactly which muscles will be required by the player.  Similarly, a wicket-keeper has to stand for hours in a bending position. If we do any mischief in a class, then the teacher also makes us sit down by holding our ears. That position is very painful. Does it hurt or not?  The pain is both psychological as well as physical. But for a wicket-keeper, it is part of his training. He is trained to stand in that position for hours so that his muscles become stronger gradually and he can perform better as a wicket-keeper. A bowler does not need the same training, he needs different training methods. Therefore, we should focus on what we want to do and what is useful. It will take a lot of effort if we try to have everything. Raising hands and feet, running and other such methods are good for fitness. But if we have to achieve something, we will have to address specific areas. And the one who understands this, he also gives the result. If there is a bowler and his muscles are not strong, then how will he be able to bowl, how many overs will he be able to bowl? People who do weightlifting have to strengthen different types of muscles. They also do hard work. But they work hard in a smart way and then they get the desired results. Thanks a lot.

Presenter: Thank You, Hon'ble Prime Minister Sir for your insightful guidance on always choosing hard work in our life. Jovita Patra, a student of Haryana’s industrial city Gurugram which is famous for the Cyber City named after Guru Dronacharya, is present in the auditorium and wants to ask you a question. Jovita, please ask your question.

Jovita Patra: Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir. My name is Jovita Patra and I am a student of class 10th of Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya, Gurugram Haryana. It’s my privilege and quite an honor to participate in the Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023.  Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, my question to you is that being an average student how can I focus on my studies. Kindly guide me on this issue. Thank You, Sir.

Presenter: Thank you, Jovita. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Jovita Patra, an average student, wants your guidance on how to do better in the exam. Please guide him, Respected Prime Minister.

Prime Minister: First of all, I congratulate you that you know that you are an average student. Otherwise, most of the people are such, who are below average and consider themselves to be pseudo intellectual. So first of all, I congratulate you as well as your parents. Once you have accepted this reality that this is your ability and you have to look around for things accordingly and you don’t need to be pseudo intellectual. The day we realize our potential, we become very capable. Those who do not realize their potential face many challenges to become capable. Therefore, God has given you this strength to realize your potential. This strength has been given to you by your teachers and your family. I would like all the parents to make a real assessment of their children. Do not let inferiority complex develop in them, but make a correct assessment. Sometimes, your child may ask you for a very expensive thing. So you tell him simply that you will not be able to buy right now as the financial condition is not very good. Tell him to wait for two years. There is nothing wrong in it. If you discuss your financial position with your child then there is nothing wrong in it. A lot of us are from ordinary backgrounds. There are very few people who come from extraordinary backgrounds. But when ordinary people do something extraordinary, they reach a new height and go beyond average.  You see, a lot many people who have become successful were very average people at one point of life. But they have done extraordinary things in their life and have got extraordinary results. Now you must have seen that the economic situation of the whole world is being widely discussed these days. Which country has registered how much growth and what is the economic situation of other countries?  This has become a norm after Corona. It is not that the world lacks economists. There are many Nobel Prize winners who can guide the steps to be taken to improve the economic situation. There is also no dearth of people who can be found in every street and locality giving advice. There are also some good scholars who have really done a lot. However, we see today that India is being compared with other major economies of the world. India is being seen as a ray of hope. You must have noted that two-three years back, it was written about our government that it does not have any economists. All the people in the government are average people. Even the Prime Minister has no knowledge of economics. This is how it was written. Do you read these statements or not? But friends, the country which was dubbed average is shining in the world today. Therefore friends, never be under pressure that you are not extraordinary. And secondly, even if you are average, there must certainly be something extraordinary within you. And those who are extraordinary also have something which is average within them. Everyone has a unique ability given by God. You just have to recognize it, add fertilizer and water to it and you will go ahead very fast. This is my belief. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank You, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir for your wonderful encouragement to make many students and Indians feel valued and cherished. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Mannat Bajwa is from the capital city of Chandigarh famed for its remarkable blend of urban planning with modern architecture and the scenic Rock Garden of the legendary Nek Chand. She seeks your guidance on the fundamental issue that affects many students like her. Mannat, please ask your question.

Mannat Bajwa:  Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister. My name is Mannat Bajwa. I am a student of St. Joseph Senior Secondary School. My question to you is that when I imagine myself in a prestigious position like yours, where to run a country like India, where there is such a large population and where there are a lot of opinion makers. There are also people who have negative opinions about you. Does that affect you? If yes, how do you overcome the feeling of self doubt? I want your guidance in this. Thank you, Sir.

Presenter: Thank You, Mannat.  Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Ashtami Sen resides in South Sikkim, famous for its tea gardens and breathtaking beauty and tranquility and snow-covered Himalayas. She also requests your directions on identical matter that needs to be addressed. Ashtami, please ask your question.

Ashtami: Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister. My name is Ashtami Sen. I am a class 11th student of DAV Public School, Ranjit Nagar, South Sikkim. My question to you is that when the opposition and the media criticize you, how do you deal with them? In fact, I am not able to handle the complaints and negative comments by my parents. Please guide me. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank You Ashtami. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Kumkum Pratap Bhai Solanki of Gujarat, the birthplace of great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel and Swami Dayanand Saraswati, is connecting through virtual medium and is in a similar dilemma. Kumkum seeks your guidance. Kumkum, please ask your question.

Kumkum: Hon’ble Prime Minister, my name is Solanki Kumkum. I am a class 12th student of Shree Hadala Bhal High School, District Ahmedabad, Gujarat. My question is that you are the Prime Minister of such a large democratic country and you have to face so many challenges. How do you deal with these challenges? Kindly guide me. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank You Kumkum. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Akash Darira lives in the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru, known for being a perfect getaway to plethora of activities both traditional and modern. Through his question he seeks your advice on a similar matter that has been concerning him for a while. Akash, please ask your question.

Akash: Namaste, Modi ji. I am Akash Darira of 12th class from Whitefield Global School, Bangalore. I have this question to you that my grandmother Kavita Makhija always advises me to learn from you how you look at every allegation, every criticism leveled by the opposition as a tonic and an opportunity. How do you do this Modi ji? Please inspire the youth like us too so that we can be successful in every exam of life. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank You, Akash. Hon’ble Prime Minister, your life has been an inspiration to crores of youth. Mannat, Ashtami, Kumkum and Akash want to know your experience as to how to stay positive amidst the challenges of life and achieve success. Kindly guide them, Hon’ble Prime Minister.

Prime Minister: When you return home after writing your exams and discuss your performance with your family, friends or teachers with whom you have a very close relationship and if you could not write a correct answer to a question, what is your first reaction? ‘It was out of syllabus.’ Isn’t it? Your question to me is also ‘out of syllabus’, but I can make out what you want to say. Had you not linked your question to me, perhaps you could have put forth your feelings in a different way. Since you know that your family members are also listening to this program and it is a risk asking a question bluntly, therefore, you have cleverly involved me. See, as far as I am concerned, I have a conviction and it is an article of faith for me. As a matter of principle, I believe that criticism is a purification yagna for a prosperous democracy. Criticism is the precondition of a prosperous democracy. And that's why you must have seen that there is open source technology. Are you aware of it or not?  Different people put in different ideas in open source technology. It is allowed under open source technology where people share their experiments, where they are stuck or discuss the shortcomings. People insert their individual technology in it. And it becomes perfect software after the efforts of many people. This open source technology is considered a very powerful instrument nowadays. In the same way, some companies introduce their product in the market and throw a challenge that anyone pointing out shortcomings in the product will be rewarded. This means that everyone wants someone to point out shortcomings and the ways to resolve them. Isn't it? See, sometimes, what happens is that the entire issue revolves around the person who is the critic. For example, there is a fancy dress competition in your school and you wear a fancy dress with great enthusiasm. Then one of your best friends, whose comments you value the most, says this fancy dress is not looking good on you. Naturally, you will also give your reaction. But your reaction to another student will be very different who you don’t like much as you encounter negative vibrations upon seeing him.  He will make fun of you for wearing that fancy dress. Your reaction to him will be very different. Why? You welcome the reaction of somebody who is close to you and take it positively. However, you lose your cool when you face the same reaction from somebody who you don’t like. ‘Who are you to comment? This is what I want to wear.’ Doesn’t it happen like this? In the same way, if somebody keeps criticizing you every now and then, ignore him. Don’t waste your time on him because he has other designs. However, if there is criticism at home, should it be considered wrong?  There is no criticism at home. Parents also have to study a lot before making any critical remarks. They have to observe you, meet your teachers, know the habits of your friends, understand your day-to-day activities, follow you, how much time you are spending on mobile phone, how much time you are spending on screen, etc. They observe you very closely. And when they find you in a good mood they gently tell you about your ability and potential and where you are spending your energy in not too important matters. It will register your mind and their criticism will be useful. Now-a-days, parents don’t have time, they don’t criticize, but they interrupt you. Your anger is against that interruption. They will say anything. If you are at the dining table, they will ask you whether you have eaten this or that. This is what happens. Isn’t it? See, your parents are going to confront you when you return home today. Interruption is not criticism. I would also like to urge the parents not to interrupt their children unnecessarily. You cannot judge your children by interrupting them frequently. If they are in a very pleasant mood and you spoil their mood in the morning by saying that milk has become cold and they have still not drunk it. The parents often cite the examples of others and say the other children follow their parents and drink milk immediately if their mothers request them. He then becomes upset and his entire schedule goes haywire.

You must be watching the debates of the Parliament. Some MPs do their homework properly to make their speeches in Parliament. But the people of opposition parties know their psychology. So in the midst of a speech, they will make a curt comment intentionally. They know very well the MP who is making his speech will naturally react to it. Then the MP considers that it is important for him to react to that comment. Therefore, he gets distracted and he reacts to that comment. As a result, he suffers despite his best preparation. However, if he takes that comment lightly and sticks to his speech immediately, he gets the desired results. Therefore, we should not lose our focus.

The second thing is that a lot of hard work and study is required to criticize somebody. It has to be analyzed. Comparison has to be made. One has to delve into the past, look into the present and the future. It requires hard work and only then can one criticize. However, now-a-days, people resort to short-cuts. Most of the people level allegations, they don’t criticize. We should not consider allegations as criticism. There is a huge difference between allegation and criticism. Criticism is a kind of nutrient which enriches us. We should not take those people seriously who only level allegations. One should not waste one’s time on them. However, criticism should not be taken lightly. Criticism should always be considered valuable. Criticism helps us make our life better. If you are honest, acted with integrity, worked for society with a certain purpose, then don't care about the allegations, friends. I think it will become a great strength for you. Thanks a lot.

Presenter: Hon’ble Prime Minister, your positive energy has shown a new path to crores of countrymen. Thank you, Hon’ble Prime Minister. Dipesh Ahirwar of Bhopal, the city of lakes, is connected with us through a virtual medium and wants to ask a question to the Hon’ble Prime Minister. Dipesh, please ask your question.

Dipesh: Hon’ble Prime Minister, Namaskar! My name is Dipesh Ahirwar. I am a student of class X of Government Higher Secondary School, Bhopal. Now-a-days, fantasy games and Instagram addiction have become a common thing among children. How do we concentrate on our studies? Hon’ble Sir, I have a question for you that how do we concentrate on our studies without distractions? I want your guidance in this regard. Thank you.

Presenter: Thank you Dipesh. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Aditab Gupta's question has been selected by India TV. Aditab has been connected with us through a virtual medium. Aditab, ask your question.

Aditab Gupta- My name is Aditab Gupta. I study in tenth class. As technology is increasing, our distractions are increasing more and more, our focus is less on studies and more on social media. So my question to you is how we can focus on studies and reduce our time on social media because in your time there were not so many distractions as there are now.

Presenter: Thanks, Aditab. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, the next question comes from Kamakshi Rai on a subject that is a center of many students. Her question has been selected by Republic TV. Kamakshi, please ask your question.

Kamakshi Rai: Greetings! Prime Minister and everyone! I am Kamakshi Rai studying in class 10th from Delhi. My question is what are the different ways that can be adopted by a student so as to not easily get distracted during their exam times? Thank You.

Presenter: Thank you, Kamakshi. Hon’ble Prime Minister, this question has been selected by Zee TV. Manan Mittal is joining us via virtual medium. Manan, please ask your question.

Manan Mittal: Namaste, Prime Minister! This is Manan Mittal from DPS Bangalore South. I have a question for you. There are many distractions while studying online, such as online gaming, etc. How do we avoid it?

Prime Minister: Are they students who are always lost in gadgets?

Presenter: Thank you, Manan! Hon’ble Prime Minister, Dipesh, Aditab, Kamakshi and Manan want your guidance on the issue of disruptions in the examination and how to get out of it. Kindly guide them, Hon’ble Prime Minister.

Prime Minister- First of all, you have to decide whether you are smart or whether the gadget is smart. Sometimes, it seems that you consider gadgets smarter than you and the mistake starts from there. Believe me, God has given you a lot of power, you are smart, gadgets can't be smarter than you. The smarter you are, the more you will be able to use the gadget properly. It's an instrument that accelerates your pace. If we approach this way, I think maybe you can get rid of it. Secondly, it is a matter of great concern for the country and the other day someone was telling me that on an average people in India spend six hours on screen. Six hours! Now it certainly is a matter of satisfaction for those who are involved in its business. When there was talk time on mobile phones, it was said that people used to spend 20 minutes on an average. But since the reels have been introduced, it is very difficult to come out of it. Do you leave it abruptly once you start watching? Will you not tell me? Don’t you watch reels? Why are you feeling shy if you don’t watch reels? Tell me, do you leave it in the middle? See, it is really a matter of concern if we spend our creative potential on the mobile phone screen for six hours. In a way, we become slaves to these gadgets. We can’t be its slaves. God has given us an independent existence, an independent personality, and therefore we should be careful whether we are becoming its slave or not? You would have rarely seen me with a mobile phone despite the fact that I am very active. But I have fixed the time for that and I don’t overspend my time on it. I have often seen people attending an important meeting and all of a sudden they pick up the mobile phone when it vibrates. I think we should endeavor not to become slaves of these gadgets. I am an independent personality. I have an independent existence. And I will keep myself limited to what is useful for me. I will use technology, I will not run away from technology, but I will use it according to my need and requirement. Now suppose you have read a good recipe for making dosa online, spent an hour to find out which ingredients are required. Will your stomach be filled? It will not? For that, you will have to make dosa and eat it. And therefore, the gadget does not serve you anything with perfection. Your inner potential is what matters most. Now you must have seen that in earlier times, children used to rattle tables quite comfortably. I have seen this myself when Indian students used to go abroad and the people in those countries would be surprised at their skill. Now you see, what has happened over a period. Now, we have to scout for a child who is skilled in tables. In short, we are losing our potential. Without losing our potential, we have to try this consciously. Otherwise, that skill will become extinct gradually. We should try to keep testing ourselves continuously whether I remember this or not. Otherwise, now-a-days, there are so many platforms of Artificial Intelligence that you don’t have to do anything. Go to the chat section of that platform and it tells you everything under the sun. Now Google has gone one step further. Your creativity will come to an end if you get stuck in it. Therefore, I would like to urge you that there is a tradition of fasting in the scriptures of health in ancient India. Fasting is also prevalent in some religious rituals in our country. Now the time has changed. Therefore, I would like to urge you to practice this art of fasting on technology for a few days a week or a few hours a day? In short, you will abstain from technology for that many hours.

You must have seen that there are many families who are under tension when their child is in Xth or XIIth class. The family members decide the programmes to be viewed on television. Sometimes, they cover the television set with a piece of cloth. The child is forbidden from watching television because he is either in Xth or XIIth class. If we are so conscious and cover the television set with a piece of cloth can’t we then make a conscious decision that there will be digital fasting for a day in a week. We will not touch any digital devices on that particular day. Observe the benefits arising out of it.  Gradually you would feel like increasing the period of fasting. Our families are getting smaller and are also getting trapped in this digital world. There is a mother, son, sister, brother and father who are living in the same house and are sending messages to each other through WhatsApp. I am talking about you. Mummy will send a message to Papa through WhatsApp. You must have noticed that everyone is sitting together in the house, but everyone is lost in their mobile phones. Tell me how the family will run this way? Earlier, people used to gossip when they used to go in the bus or in the train. But now the moment they get mobile connectivity, they are busy on their mobile phones as if they have all the work in the world. Without it, the entire world will cease. We need to identify these diseases. If we can identify these diseases, then we can get rid of such diseases. Therefore, I urge you to decide on a particular room in your home which will be a ‘no technology zone’. Anyone wishing to enter that room has to keep his mobile in a separate room. Everybody will spend their time together in that room without their mobile phones.  As there is a particular area earmarked for a temple at home, similarly, make a ‘no technology zone’ in one of the rooms. You see, you will start enjoying your life. When there is bliss, you will come out of its slavery.  Thank you very much.

Presenter: Thank You, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir for sharing such a light hearted mantra of digital fasting to tackle challenging situations in such an easy manner.

Presenter: Hon’ble Prime Minister, Nida is joining us from Jammu, a Union Territory full of natural beauty situated in the Himalayan ranges and would like to ask you a question. Nida, ask your question.

Nida: Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Namaskar! I am Nida of class 10th from Government Model Higher Secondary School Sunjwan, Jammu. Sir, my question is when we work hard but do not get that desired result then how can we put that stress in a positive direction? Respected Sir, have you ever been through such a situation? Thank You.

Presenter: Thank you, Nida. Hon’ble Prime Minister, from the land of Lord Krishna's teachings, the land of famous players like Neeraj Chopra, who is famous in the world, Prashant from Palwal, Haryana wants to ask you a question. Prashant, please ask your question.

Prashant: Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister! My name is Prashant. I am a student of Class XII in Science Faculty in Shaheed Naik Rajendra Singh Model Sanskriti Government Senior Secondary School Hathin District Palwal Haryana. My question to you is how stress affects test results. I want your guidance in this regard. Thank You, Sir.

Presenter: Thank you, Prashant. Hon’ble Prime Minister ji, crores of students across the country like Nida and Prashant seek your guidance on the issue of impact of stress on exam results. Respected Prime Minister!   

Prime Minister: Look, the main reason for the tension that follows after the results of the examination is that when the students return home after writing their examination, they create such an atmosphere that they have done very well. They make tall claims that they will get 90 percent marks. The family members also believe in their children. The children often do so because they think that they will be scolded immediately if they tell their parents about the fact. So, it is better to face the music after a month when results will come. Since parents believe their child, they also start boasting among their friends that he would fare much better this time as he put in a lot of hard work, did not go out to play and even did not attend a wedding in the family. The parents also create such an atmosphere that their child will either top the class or come second. And when results come, the child gets 40-45 marks and naturally the storm follows. Therefore, the first thing is that we should not give up the habit of facing the truth. For how long can we live on the back of lies? One should admit that the paper did not go well. ‘I tried but it was not enough’. If you admit it beforehand and if you score five marks more than what you expected then there will be no tension at home. In fact, your parents will compliment you that you have fared better than what you said. The second reason for stress is that you compare yourself with your friends. If he does this I will do that. There is a very promising child in the class, whereas others are also promising.  The difference is hardly 19-20. Day and night we live in the flow of that competition and this is also a reason for stress. We should live for ourselves. One should learn from our loved ones and learn from everyone, but we should emphasize our inner strength. If we do this, then the chances of getting rid of stress increase. Secondly, what is our approach towards life? The day we believe that we could not crack the exam and hence our life is over then the tension is bound to come. Life does not stop at any one station. If one train is missed, another train will come and take you to another big station. Therefore, don't worry. Exams are not the end of life. No doubt, we should have our own criteria and we should keep on testing ourselves. This should be our effort. But we should make a resolution in our mind to get rid of this tension. ‘Whatever happens, I know how to live my life. I'll deal with that too.’ And if you make this determination, then it becomes very easy. And therefore, I think the stress regarding examination results should not be taken seriously sometimes. Thank you!

Presenter:  Hon’ble Prime Minister, after listening to your experience, we have got a new consciousness. Thank you. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, R Akshara Siri lives in Ranga Reddy district in Telangana. She is inquisitive about a significant subject and looks up to you for directions. Akshara, please put forward your question.

Akshara:  Hon’ble Prime Minister, Greetings! My name is R. Akshara Siri. I am a student of class IX in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Ranga Reddy Hyderabad. Sir, my question is what we should do to learn more languages. I want your guidance in this. Thank you, Sir

Presenter:  Thank You, Akshara. Hon’ble Prime Ministers Sir, a question similar to this has come from Ritika Ghodke, who lives in the heart city of India, Bhopal. She is with us in the auditorium. Ritika, please ask your question.

Ritika Ghodke: - Respected Prime Minister, Namaskar! My name is Ritika Ghodke and I am a student of Class XII Government Subhash Excellent Secondary School, School for Excellence, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Sir, my question to you is how can we learn more and more languages and why is it important? Thank you.

Presenter: Thank you, Ritika. Hon’ble Prime Minister, please guide Akshara and Ritika to acquire multilingual skills which is the need of the hour. Respected Prime Minister!

Prime Minister:  You asked a very good question. By the way, I told you in the beginning to leave the rest of the things and become a little focused, but as far as this question is concerned, I would say that you should become a little extrovert, it is very important to be a little extrovert. Why I'm saying this is because India is a country full of diversities. We can proudly say that we have hundreds of languages, thousands of dialects; this is our richness, our prosperity. We should be proud of our prosperity. Sometimes, you must have noticed that if a foreigner meets you and he comes to know that you are from India, and he is also a little bit familiar with India, he will greet you with ‘Namaste’. Though his pronunciation may not be as correct, he still greets you with ‘Namaste’. The moment he utters this, you become alert. Affinity develops between you two immediately. You are also surprised that this foreigner has greeted you with ‘Namaste’. This is an example that communication has a great power. You live in such a huge country. Don’t you feel like learning tabla, flute, sitar or piano as a hobby? We develop additional discipline. Isn’t it? If you have this feeling then why don’t you learn one or two languages of the neighbouring state? You must try. It is not that we learn a language or some spoken words. You get the essence of experiences of that state. Behind the expression of each and every language is a continuous, unbroken, unchanging stream of thousands of years of experience. There is a stream of ups and downs. There is a stream which follows after facing many challenges and then a language takes the form of expression. When you know a language, then the door opens for you to enter the thousands of years old world of that state. Therefore, we must try to learn as many languages. At times, I feel very sad. Don’t we feel proud when we get to know that there is a nice monument made of stone and 2000 years old in our country? Anybody will feel proud. Then we become curious to know which part of the country has this monument. Such a magnificent piece of heritage made 2000 years ago. We wonder how much knowledge our forefathers would have possessed. Now you tell me, should not the country which has the world’s oldest language be proud of this fact? We should proudly claim that our country has the world’s oldest language. Should we or not? Do you know that Tamil is the world’s oldest language? Which country in the world has such a huge treasure? This country has such a glorious language and we don’t even claim it proudly. When I addressed the UN last time, I intentionally spoke a few words of Tamil language, because I wanted to tell the world that I am proud of the fact that Tamil language is the best language in the world, it is the oldest language in the world and it belongs to my country. We should be proud of it. Now you see, does not a person from North India enjoy Dosa? He also enjoys Sambhar. At that time, he did not see any difference between North and South. You go to South and you will find Parantha and vegetables as well as Puri and vegetables. People enjoy it. Do they take pride in it or not? There is no problem. I would like everyone to know a few words of other languages besides his mother tongue. You will enjoy it when you meet a person and speak a few words in his language. Immediately, a sense of belongingness will develop. Therefore, languages should not be considered a liability. I remember vividly when I was involved in social work many years ago. I saw a young girl and children have immense talent to pick up other languages. There was a labour family at Calico Mills in Ahmedabad. Sometimes, I used to visit that family for lunch. The family had a young daughter and she used to speak many languages. It was a colony of labourers and hence cosmopolitan. Her mother was from Kerala and father from Bengal. Being a cosmopolitan environment, Hindi was the natural language.  There was a Marathi family nearby and there was a Gujarati school in the neighbourhood. I was surprised that the 7-8 years old girl used to speak Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam and Hindi fluently. And if all the five members of a family were sitting together, she would converse with other members in their own language, be it Bengali, Malayalam or Gujarati. Her talent was blossoming. And therefore, I urge you that we should be proud of our heritage. I mentioned ‘Panch Pranas’ (five pledges) from the ramparts of the Red Fort also so that we should be proud of our heritage and we should be proud that our forefathers have given us this language. Every Indian should be proud of every language of the country. Thanks a lot.

Presenter: Hon’ble Prime Minister, thank you for your guidance on multilingualism.

Presenter: Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, from the historical acclaimed city of Cuttack, Sunaina Tripathi, who is a teacher, requests your direction on an important matter. Ma'am, please ask your question.

Sunaina Tripathi: Namaskar, Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji. I am Sunaina Tripathi Krishnamurthy from World School, Cuttack Odisha. My question is  how to attract students in the class for studies and how to teach meaningful values of life, as well as how to make study interesting with discipline in the class. Thanks!

Presenter:  Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir, Sunaina Tripathi wishes for your guidance on motivating students to take interest in academics. Hon’ble, Prime Minister Sir.

Prime Minister:  So this question was from the teacher? Am I right? Look, now-a-days, it is often found that teachers are lost in themselves. Barely had I completed a sentence and you took note of it. The teachers have a lecture of about 20-30 minutes and they speak in a fluent language. You must have noticed somebody in the class is making some movements or is wandering. I am speaking from my experience during my childhood. Now-a-days, teachers are very good. During my time, it was not so. Therefore, I have no right to criticize teachers. But I have noticed one thing: if teachers forget something they don’t want their students to know about it, they want to hide it from their students. What do they do in that case? They would suddenly turn to a student and would scold him for standing or doing something differently. They would spend 5-7 minutes on that student only. In the meantime, if they remember the topic they would get back to teaching. Otherwise, if any student is laughing, they will catch hold of him. I just want to know whether this happens now-a-days. I don’t think it happens now because teachers are really very good now-a-days.

You must have noticed that now-a-days teachers also keep the syllabus on their mobile phones. They teach through it. Don’t they do it? And if any button of the mobile phone is pressed mistakenly, they keep searching for it. Actually, they are not up to date with the technology and have only learnt the basic 2-4 things. If he presses any wrong button on the mobile phone, either the chapter gets deleted or it goes somewhere which he can’t locate. He becomes very upset. He starts sweating even in winters. He feels that his students are drawing pleasure from his predicament. Those who have deficiencies develop this habit of lording over others so that his deficiencies do not come to the fore. I think it will be better if our teachers develop a sense of belongingness with their students. The students do not want to test your knowledge. This is the misconception among teachers. If any student is asking you a question, it does not mean that he is testing you. If any student asks you something, it means that there is curiosity in him. You should promote his curiosity. His curiosity is the biggest asset of his life. Do not try to silence any curious person, don't interrupt him, but listen to him properly. If you do not know the answer, you should tell him that he has asked a very good question, but it will be injustice if you answer him in a hurry. Tell him that we will sit tomorrow. ‘We will discuss this tomorrow in my chamber. And I will also try to understand from you how did this idea come to you. In the meantime, I will also study further when I go home. I will search Google and ask others as well. Then I will come tomorrow fully prepared. The next day I will try to find out from him from where did this idea come to his mind at such a young age?’ You see, he will understand you immediately. Even today, students consider the words of their teachers very valuable. If you tell him something which is wrong, it will haunt him for life. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in taking some time before answering the query of your student. It is okay if we tell him later also. Second is about discipline. Sometimes, it so happens that a teacher in order to exert his influence asks a question to the weakest student. The student starts blabbering and the teacher then scolds him. ‘I am putting in a lot of effort, trying to teach you and you still don’t comprehend it.’ Had I been a teacher, what would I do? I would ask the question to the bright student. He would explain in a very comprehensive manner. The weak student, who did not understand earlier, would find it easy to understand now. Since I am honouring the bright students, there would be a new competition to excel.

Secondly, if there is an undisciplined student, who is not focused and does something or the other in the class which is not pleasant. If the teacher calls him separately and tells him affectionately that he was indulging in something else whereas it was such a great topic. ‘Ok, now play in front of me. You will have great fun. I also want to see what you were playing yesterday. Ok, we will play some other time. If you concentrated yesterday, would you have benefited or not?’ Had you discussed with him, he would develop a sense of belongingness and he would not indulge in any undisciplined activity. But if your hurt his ego, it will certainly devastate him.  Some teachers also use clever means. Sometimes, cleverness also works. What they do is that they make the most mischievous boy the monitor of the class. Once he becomes a monitor, he realizes that he will have to improve his behavior. Not only does he improve himself, he also makes many adjustments to keep the class in discipline. He makes an attempt to control his mischief. He tries to become endearing to his teacher. Ultimately, his life changes and as a result the environment of the class also improves. There can be many ways. But I am of the view that we should not resort to corporal punishment. We should choose the path of belongingness. If you choose this path, it will benefit everybody. Thanks a lot.

Presenter:  Hon’ble Prime Minister, many thanks to you for inspiring the values of life with such simplicity and humility. Hon’ble Prime Minister, I am inviting Mrs. Suman Mishra from Delhi for the last question of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023’. She is a parent and is present in the auditorium and wants your response to her curiosity from you. Ma’am, please ask your question.

Suman Mishra: Good Morning, Hon’ble Prime Minister. I am Suman Mishra. Sir, I seek your advice on how students should behave in a society. Thank You, Sir.

Presenter: Thank you, Ma’am. Hon’ble Prime Minister!

Prime Minister: How should students behave in society? This is what you are asking, isn't it? I think it should be considered in a slightly different manner. Which society are we talking about? Is it our circle where we meet and where we spend some time gossiping? How do you behave with your child? If you tell him to go somewhere with or without shoes, he will follow it accordingly. But the fact is that you should not confine him within the house. I don’t remember exactly where I said something in this regard. I think it was perhaps in one of the episodes of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’. I said that parents should give some money to their child after he finishes his Xth or XIIth exam and tell him to visit some places in his state for five days and come back with photographs and descriptions in writing. You should have the courage to send him alone. You see, he will return home after learning a lot. He will develop confidence when he comes face to face with reality. And if he is in 12th class, tell him to go out of the state. Tell him that you have this much amount of money, you have to go by train without reservation, you will have this much luggage and food packed for your journey. Go and visit so many places and tell us about your experience upon your return. You should often take trial of your children. He should be motivated to meet different sections of society. You should ask him whether he met his school colleague who put up a very good performance in a Kabaddi competition. Tell him to go to his house and meet him. Motivate him to meet somebody who did remarkably well in a science fair. You should give him the opportunity so that he can grow. Don’t force him what he has to do and please don’t tie him to restrictions. If someone issues a decree that moths have to wear uniforms. What will happen? Is there any logic? We should allow children to grow. They should be taken to new realms, should be introduced to new places and sometimes we should also accompany them. During our times, we used to go to our uncle’s place during vacations or some other relatives. What was the reason? It has its own fun element and its own rituals. Life is created. We should not confine our children to our own circles. We should try to expand their scope. Yes, we should be careful that he is not getting into bad habits, or remains lost in his room, or becoming indifferent. Earlier, he used to be in his element while sitting with others during lunch. Nowadays, he has stopped laughing and cracking jokes. What is the problem? Parents should be quick to react. Children are God’s gift and it is our responsibility to protect and promote him. If this is the spirit then results will naturally be good. If you develop this feeling that he is my son so he has to obey you or you have to become like me or you will have to follow what I did then the situation worsens. Therefore, it is necessary that there should be an element of openness and he should be motivated to engage in different things in life.

For example, snake charmers visit you sometimes. Tell your children to meet them and find out where they live. What made them choose this profession? Your children will also become eager to know about them. Attempts should be made to expand the scope of your children and they are not tied down to limitations. Sky should be the limit for them. Give them an opportunity and they will emerge stronger in society. Thanks a lot.

Presenter: Thank You, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir for your inspirational insights in matters that had been concerning many exam warriors and for making exams not a reason to worry but a season to celebrate and enjoy. This brings us to the culmination of a spectacular event that was a symphony of inspiration and encouragement. A melody of memories will forever resonate within our hearts. We extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister for gracing this hall with his presence and infusing us with his radiant spirit.

The ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ by the Prime Minister has changed the restlessness, nervousness and tendency of giving up by crores of children like us into enthusiasm and yearning for success. Thank you Hon’ble Prime Minister. Thank you very much.

Prime Minister: Thank you very much to all of you and I would definitely like our students, parents and teachers to decide how to dilute the burden of examinations which is increasing. It should be a natural part of our life. A smooth sequence of life should be made. If you do this, then the exam will become a celebration in itself. The life of every examinee will be filled with enthusiasm and this enthusiasm is the guarantee of excellence. The guarantee of that progress lies in enthusiasm. Carry that enthusiasm with you. This is my best wish to all of you. Thanks a lot.


DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.




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