Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

DEPwD(GoI) invites comments on draft guidelines for persons having less than 40% disability or persons having medical condition for availing facility of scribe/compensatory time while taking written examination

Posted On: 11 MAY 2021 2:45PM by PIB Delhi

The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of India  issued guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities (disability of 40% or more) on 29.8.2018 (to be read with corrigendum dated 8.2.2019).  

The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in its order dated 11.02.2021 in the matter of Shri Vikash Kumar vs UPSC and others directed the Department to formulate guidelines for persons having less than 40% disability or persons having medical condition that may restrict writing capacity for the purpose of allowing them to scribe, after public consultation.

The Department has developed draft guidelines on the basis of the recommendation of a Committee headed by Secretary, DEPwD, which is available on These draft guidelines, inter-alia provide criteria for availing the facility for scribe/compensatory time for such candidates while taking written examination, including composition of the medical authority for certifying requirement of scribe.

The Department has invited comments on these draft guidelines from the public latest by 1st June, 2021, before finalizing the same.  The comments should be sent by email to kvs.rao13[at]nic[dot]in and addressed to Director, Policy Section, DEPwD, M/o Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI 




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