Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

MSDE and NCVET unveil the new guidelines and operation manuals for Awarding Bodies and Assessment Agencies for further strengthening the skilling ecosystem

“Awarding bodies and Assessment Agencies are key pillars of skilling ecosystem, new guidelines will further strengthen the regulation framework”: Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey

Posted On: 27 OCT 2020 3:40PM by PIB Delhi

In line with Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of making India the skill capital of the world, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) in collaboration with their unified regulator— National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) unveiled robust set of guidelines for the Awarding Bodies (AB) and Assessment Agencies (AA) over a digital conference, here today.  The guidelines and operation manuals have been developed for the recognition and regulation of these two entities, key elements of skilling ecosystem. The guidelines aim at establishing quality, improved outcomes and standardizing the processes under Skill India Mission.

Stressing upon the need for these dynamic guidelines under the vision of skilled India,  Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey said, “Our country caters to a diverse skilling ecosystem which is supported by key stakeholders, and organizations. Therefore, it is imperative to have a vibrant policy framework that encourages improvements and key transformations in the skilling network. I am pleased with the addition of the regulator — NCVET responsible for quality assurance and formalizing the qualifications. The innovative methods and constructive tools underlined in the guidelines in the management of the skilling institutions will create a regulated regime. I congratulate NCVET for their concerted efforts and for carrying detailed round of consultations for designing these guidelines.”

Dr. Pandey added, “Our honorable Prime Minister said that ‘skilling, reskilling and upskilling are key for staying relevant in the current times’. With this dynamic and outcome focused document, we will be able to bring in positive reforms in both short term and long term skilling endeavors and strengthen the regulation of bodies that certify a skilled candidate across sectors. A skilling paradigm has already been put in place, with approximately 5.5 Crore youth having been trained during the last five years. These reforms will further prove to be a game changer in the skilling domain.”

India’s diverse skilling ecosystem caters to multiple levels of skilling in various sectors. Therefore the need of the hour is to have a dynamic robust strategy framework that encourages improvements at a vast level. The guidelines released today address the needs of many key stakeholders and takes an approach of good governance. The prepared guidelines take into account the existing systems while incorporating the progressive changes required to empower every candidate who desires to be skilled.

On this occasion, the Secretary MSDE and Chairman NCVET, Shri Praveen Kumar, Executive Member, NCVET Smt. Vinita Aggarwal and Smt. Sunita Sanghi, Principal Advisor, MSDE were also present.

About Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE)

MSDE was formed on November 9, 2014 by the Government of India to focus on enhancing employability of skills. Since its inception, MSDE has undertaken significant initiatives and reforms in terms of formalizing the policy, framework and standards; launching of new programs and schemes; creating new infrastructure and upgrading the existing institutions; partnering with States; engaging with industries and building societal acceptance and aspirations for skills. The Ministry aims to bridge the gap between demand and supply of skilled manpower to build new skills and innovation not only for existing jobs but also for jobs that are to be created. Till date, more than three crore people have been trained under Skill India. Under its flagship programme, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) 2016-2020, the Ministry has trained more than 92 lakh candidates so far.

The National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET)

The National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) was notified by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) on 5th December 2018. The NCVET acts as an overarching skills regulator which regulates the functioning of entities engaged in vocational education and training, both long and short term, and establishes minimum standards for the functioning of such entities.  With NCVET’s sincere efforts in framing the guidelines and the operational manuals, country’s skilling ecosystem will witness robust regulations addressing the needs of multitude of stakeholders. The uniform certificate formats developed by NCVET is also a step in the right direction and a much needed reform. It will bring about uniformity and enhance the authenticity of the certification.



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