Prime Minister's Office

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressed the Nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the 74th Independence Day

Following are the highlights from his Speech

Posted On: 15 AUG 2020 2:09PM by PIB Delhi
  1. Ministry of Home Affairs
  1. Basic Rights to certain sections of society post Article 370 revocation in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir
  • The last one year has been a major milestone in the new development journey of Jammu-Kashmir.
  • Last one year basic rights have been provided to women and to Dalits.
  • It has also been a year during which refugees have begun to live a life of dignity.


  1. Back to Villages campaign launched
  • Launched several campaigns like Back to Villages so that the villages get benefited.


  1. Ayushman Bharat Scheme usage in best possible way in Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh


  1. Movement towards revival of representative politics
  • It is a matter of pride that the peoples’ representatives of the local units in Jammu and Kashmir are actively pursuing a new era of development with activism and sensitivity.
  • Delimitation exercise is going on in Jammu-Kashmir under a retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Early completion of the delimitation exercise so that there are early elections, there should be Jammu & Kashmir MLAs, its own cabinet, its own Chief Minister so that it can march towards development with a new vigour.
  • India is committed to it and is making all efforts in this regard.


  1. Long standing aspirations of people of Ladakh for a Union Territory fulfilled
  • A bold step has been taken to meet the aspirations of the people of Ladakh by making it a Union Territory which has been their demand for the last several years.


  1. Educational infrastructure being developed in Union Territory of Ladakh
  • Ladakh is progressing towards new heights. Work is going on for a Central University, setting up new research centres, new courses for hotel and management.


  1. Making Union Territory of Ladakh a new frontier for clean environment
  • Plan is also under way for the creation of 7,500 MW Solar Park in Union Territory of Ladakh
  • Just as Sikkim has made its mark as an Organic State in the Northeast, Ladakh, Leh and Kargil can also create their own niche as a Carbon Neutral unit.


  1. Creation of region centric and people friendly development model
  • Government has joined hands with the locals of the region to create a new model of development as per their own requirements.


2. Ministry of Defence

  1. Saluting our Forces
  • Today we should remember the sacrifices of our valiant soldiers.
  • From LoC to LAC, our soldiers have given a befitting reply to whoever tried to threaten the sovereignty of our country.
  • The whole country is devoted to protect India's sovereignty. The world has seen what our brave Jawans can do in Ladakh, what the country can do to defend its resolve.


  1. Self-Reliant India
  • Steps have been taken in defence production, to make India self-reliant. Import negative list of 101 items has been issued.
  • Infrastructure in border and coastal areas is being strengthened to improve national security.


  1. Expanding Horizons
  • NCC would be expanded in About 173 Border and coastal districts. One lakh cadets, one-third of them girls, would be trained by Army, Navy and Air Force.
  • Women are being included in the combat role in the Navy and the Air Force.
  • Appointment of Chief of Defence staff has made collective power of armies more effective.

3. Ministry of Finance

  1. National Infrastructure Pipeline Project:
  • Prime Minister announced a major push to infrastructure sector
  • Government is prioritizing on improving the overall infrastructure for faster development with the help of National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) project
  • Over Rs.110 lakh crore would be invested in the NIP
  • More than 7,000 projects have been identified across various sectors
  • National Infrastructure Pipeline Project will play a crucial role in pulling the country out of impact of COVID 19.
  • NIP is a project that will revolutionize India’s infra creation efforts.
  • Many new jobs will be created, our farmers, youngsters, entrepreneurs will benefit.
  1. FDI:
  • The Prime Minister emphasized that now along with Make in India, we have to move forward with mantra of Make for World also
  • Whole World has been noticing the reforms being pursued in India. As a result, the FDI inflow has broken all records.
  • India witnessed 18% jump in FDI even during the Covid pandemic.


  1. Jan Dhan Accounts:
  • Lakhs of crores of rupees would be directly transferred in the Jan Dhan accounts of the poor in the country
  • 40 crore Jan Dhan accounts opened in the country, about 22 crore accounts are of women only
  • At the time of Corona, in April-May-June, about thirty thousand crore of rupees have been directly transferred to the accounts of women in these three months


  1. One Nation-One Ration Card, One Nation - One Tax, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and Merger of Banks is the reality of the country today


  1. Direct Benefit Transfer
  • 7 crore poor families were given free gas cylinders, more than 80 crore people were provided free food with or without ration cards, about 90 thousand crores were directly transferred to bank accounts


  1. EMI of home loans & Special fund for stressed projects:
  • EMI of a home loan for your home is getting a rebate of up to 6 lakh rupees during the payment period. Just last year, a fund of 25 thousand crore rupees has been established to complete thousands of incomplete houses.


  1. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare
  1. Towards Self Reliance in Agriculture
  • PM spoke. Our farmers have done a wonderful job. Today India's farmers not only supply food-grains for the citizens of India but also for other countries in need.
  • The priority of a self -reliant India is a self -Reliant farming sector and self- reliant farmers. We have to free them of shackles and we have done that.
  • Farmers could not sell their produce in any part of the country or the world according to their wishes on their terms but now these shackles will not be there.
  • We have emphasized on several alternative measures to increase the income of farmers. We are constantly working to reduce input cost of farming.
  • Avenues like beekeeping, fisheries, poultry will be available to farmer so that his income gets doubled.


  1. Moving forward towards better avenues
  • Indian government has sanctioned one lakh crore rupees for agriculture infrastructure even during Corona Pandemic. This will result in better prices for their produce and they will be able to reach foreign markets.
  • Special economic zones will be created in rural areas. We have tried to create Farmer Producer Association FPO which will go a long way in economic empowerment of farmers.


  1. Ministry of Communication


Connectivity for Everyone

  • All villages will be connected with optical fiber cable in next 1000 days
  • PM Modi mentioned in his speech, “Before 2014, only 5 dozen panchayats in the country were connected with optical fiber. In the last five years, 1.5 lakh gram panchayats in the country have been connected with optical fiber. All 6 lakh villages in the country will be connected with optical fiber within coming 1000 days.”
  • In the next 1000 days, Lakshadweep will also be connected to submarine optical fiber cable.
  • While announcing the Lakshadweep connectivity with submarine OFC, PM said, “There are more than 1300 islands in our country.
  • In view of their geographical location, considering their importance in the development of the country, work is underway to start new development schemes in some of these selected islands.
  • After Andaman and Nicobar Islands, in the next 1000 days, Lakshadweep will also be connected to submarine optical fiber cable.”


  1. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
  1. Jump in BHIM UPI/ Digital Transactions
  • Shri Modi quoted, “You can see how fast the online digital transactions are increasing. Look at BHIM UPI app…. Anyone would be immensely proud to know that we could make transactions of Rs 3 Lakh Crore in the last month alone through BHIM UPI.
  • This is an excellent example of how we have accepted the changing scenarios.”


2.  New Cyber Security Policy

  • Prime Minister also announced New Cyber Security Policy. He said, “In this era of technology, our dependence on cyberspace is going to increase multifold. However, cyberspace offers its own risks and threats.
  • The world is very well aware of these. It can be a threat to the social fabric of our country, our economy and can even threaten the development of our nation; we are very well-aware of that. India is very cautious and is planning to take steps to combat these risks.
  • Not only this, new systems are continuously being developed. In a short span of time, a draft of new cyber security policy would be presented to the nation.
  • In the coming times, we will have to integrate everything and then work within the framework of this cyber security. We will formulate strategies to move forth.”

7. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Meeting expectations of all sections of society


  • PM spoke: My dear countrymen, our experience says that whenever there is an opportunity for women power in India, they have brought laurels to the country, strengthened the country.
  • Be it the Citizenship Amendment Act for the refugees suffering due to their beliefs, reservation rights for Dalits/Backwards/SCs/STs/OBCs, historic peace agreement in Assam and Tripura, appointment of Chief of Defence staff for making the collective power of armies more effective, or the construction of Kartarpur Sahib Corridor in a record period.
  • India has created history, it saw history being created, extraordinary feats were achieved.
  • We must take a pledge, we must take an oath, that we will contribute towards reducing the import dependence, we will empower our small-scale industries, we all will be vocal for local.
  • We will innovate more, empower our youth, women, scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, specially differently-abled, economically weaker sections, villages, backward classes, and everyone.
  • Today, women are not only working in underground coal mines, but also flying fighter planes, touching new heights in sky.
  • Of the 40 crore Jan Dhan accounts opened in the country, about 22 crore accounts are of women only.
  • At the time of Corona, in April-May-June, about thirty thousand crores of rupees have been directly transferred to the accounts of women in these three months.


8. Ministry of Education


New Education Policy facilitating everyone

  • Education of the country is of great importance in building a self-reliant, modern, New India, an India which will be prosperous and happy.
  • With this thought, we have become successful today in providing the country with a new National Education Policy after three decades. Every nook and corner of India is welcoming it with renewed enthusiasm and a new vigour.
  • And this is the National Education Policy, which will connect our students with the roots. Alongside, it will help them become global citizens.
  • The students will be well rooted and still touching new heights.  You must have noticed that a special stress has been laid in National Education Policy on National Research Foundation because in order to progress, the nation needs to innovate.
  • Higher the stress that will be laid on innovation and research, greater would be the strength to take India forward in this competitive world.
  • Who would have thought that there would be online classes in rural areas and such a momentum would be created so fast? Sometimes, in the times of adversity, new revolutionary initiatives emerge with force. That’s the reason we have witnessed how in this pandemic situation, a culture of online classes has emerged.
  • Now banal won’t work. The time has gone when casual attitude used to suffice. We are no less than anyone in the world. We will thrive to be the best. For this, we need to work towards being best in manufacturing, best in human resources, finest in governance, and aim to make a headway while achieving the best in every field by the 75th anniversary of our Independence.
  • Our policies, processes, products- everything must be par excellence, the best, and then only the idea of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ can be achieved.


  1. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
  1. Uplifting the lives of Tribals
  • The solution to several health problems is directly linked to the pure drinking water. It also contributes to that nation’s economy. That’s why we have started the Jal Jeevan Mission.
  • Today, I am happy to say that every day we are able to supply piped-water to over one lakh houses. And in the last one year, we have been able to provide water to 2 crore families, especially to the tribals living in the forests and far-flung areas.


  1. Opportunities for all
  • We must take a pledge, we must take an oath, that we will contribute towards reducing the import dependence, we will empower our small-scale industries, we all will be vocal for local. we will innovate more, empower our youth, women, scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, specially differently-abled, economically weaker sections, villages, backward classes, and everyone.


  1. Ministry of Women & Child Development

Empowering women in all spheres

  • The country is committed to providing equal opportunities for employment and self-employment to women.
  • Government has taken the decision of providing 6 months paid leave to pregnant women
  • Liberating women from the sufferings of triple talaq
  • Economic empowerment of women. Out of 40 crore Jan Dhan accounts 22 crore accounts belong to women. Out of 25 crore Mudra loans70 percent have been given to women.
  • Under PM Awaas Yojana maximum registration is done in the names of women
  • More than 5 crore sanitary pads have been delivered to women from 6000 JanAushadhiKendras.


  1. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  1. National Digital Health Mission announced
  • PM launched the NDHM
  • It will bring a new revolution in India's Health Sector. Technology will be used prudently to reduce the challenges in treatment.
  • Every Indian will be given a Health ID. This Health ID will work like a Health Account of every Indian. This account will contain your details of every test, every disease, the doctors you visited, the medicines you took and the diagnosis.
  • When and what was the report, all such information will be incorporated in the Health ID.
  • The National Digital Health Mission will eliminate all these difficulties related to appointment with a doctor, depositing money, making a slip in the hospital, etc.
  • We are devising a system which will help each and every citizen to make a better and informed decision.


  1. Development of COVID-19 vaccine
  • At present, testing for three vaccines is in different stages in the country.
  • Once green signal got from our scientists, we will launch massive production of the vaccine.
  • All the preparations made- outline drawn to ramp up the production of the vaccines and to make it available to each and every person in the shortest possible time.




  1. Atmanirbhar Bharat- medical equipment
  • India started production of PPE and ventilators which was not being produced in the country before.
  • From merely one lab we have today more than 1400 labs. We were earlier conducting just 300 tests on a day; today we are conducting more than 7 lakh tests in a day. We have achieved this in a very less amount of time
  • We are not only able to meet our own requirements, but now also become strong enough to export to the world.
  • India became self-reliant, which is supporting the world.
  • PM spoke about duty of India to work for the welfare of the world.


  1. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Saving and Strengthening the Eco System

  • A holistic Project Lion on the lines of Project Tiger announced.
  • Project Dolphin to conserve both river and oceanic Dolphins announced.
  • Ladakh to become first Carbon Neutral region, announced by PM
  • Strong push towards mitigation of Air Pollution in more than 100 cities. (National Clean Air Programme launched in 2019 by MoEFCC will take this vision forward)

13. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Make in India to make for world

  • Only a few months ago, we used to import N-95 masks, PPE kits, and ventilators from abroad. We not only made N-95 masks, PPE kits and ventilators during the pandemic, but were able to export these to all over the world.


  • Apart from ‘Make in India’, we must also embrace the mantra of ‘Make for World’.


  • How long will the raw material from our country become a finished product and return to India. There was a time when our agricultural system was very backward. The biggest concern then was how to feed the countrymen. Today, we can feed not only India but many countries of the world. Self-reliant India not only means reduction of imports, but also to increase our skills and our creativity.


  • The whole world has been noticing the reforms being pursued in India. As a result, the FDI inflow has broken all records. India witnessed 18% jump in FDI even during the Covid pandemic.

14. Ministry of Jal Shakti

Jal Jeevan Mission


  • The Jal Jeevan Mission is completing one year.

Our dream of making available pure drinking water to all the people is getting realized.


  • The solution to several health problems is directly linked to the pure drinking water. It also contributes to the nation’s economy. That’s why we have started the Jal Jeevan Mission.


  • Every day we are able to supply piped-water to over one lakh houses.

In the last one year, we have been able to provide water to 2 crore families, especially to the tribals living in the forests and far-flung areas.


  • A huge campaign has been run. And today 'Jal-Jeevan Mission' has created an environment of healthy competition in the country. There is a healthy competition among the districts, among the cities and also among the states.


  • Everyone is hoping that the Prime Minister's dream of 'Jal-Jeevan Mission' is accomplished at the earliest in their respective areas.


  • The new strength of Cooperative and Competitive Federalism has been associated with the ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ and we are moving forward with it. From this same Red Fort, last year, I announced the mission of Jal Jeevan. Today, under this mission, every day more than one lakh houses are getting water connection. 


  1. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
  1. Special Fund of Rs 25000 crores to complete incomplete houses
  • The Government of India has set up a special fund of 25 thousand crores rupees to complete the incomplete houses to ensure that middle class families get homes.


  • Recently, it was noticed that a lot of affected middle-class families have invested their money (to buy a house), but could not get the possession of the house due to lack of completion of the schemes and they were still living in a rented house.


  1. PM SVANidhi scheme for street vendors
  • Since the center of economic activity is the city, a scheme is being implemented for workers like street vendors etc who come from off villages to the cities for their livelihood, for providing finances directly by the banks.


  • Lakhs of people have taken advantage of this in such a short span of time even during the period of the Corona crisis. Now they do not need to borrow money at high interest. The workers can now get their money with dignity and authority.


  1. Affordable Rental Housing Scheme
  • When our workers migrate to the city, if they get good accommodation then their efficiency also increases.


  • And keeping this in mind, we have formulated a major scheme for arranging affordable housing for them inside the city, so that when the workers come to the city, they can focus, deliver and progress with full faith and commitment.


  1. Ministry of Tourism

              Health Tourism

  • When the country’s health infrastructure becomes self-reliant, then India becomes a preferred country as a destination for health tourism.
  • One more work we want to promote and that is - Project Dolphin. We will focus on both types of dolphins living in the rivers and in the seas. This will also give a boost to Biodiversity and also create employment opportunities. This is also a center of attraction for tourism.
  • (Indirect) Today emphasis is being laid on connectivity in every direction, be it at Himalayan peaks, or the islands of Indian Ocean. New roads are being constructed everywhere, from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh, keeping in mind national security. Dear citizens, we have such a vast coastline. Alongside, we have over 1300 islands. Keeping the importance of a few identified islands in mind, we are developing them very fast. You must have seen, last week, five days back, a submarine optical fiber cable project in Andaman and Nicobar Islands was dedicated to the nation. Andaman and Nicobar Islands will now have the internet facility just like Delhi and Chennai. Soon we will move forth in connecting Lakshadweep islands in the similar manner. We are aiming at providing high speed internet connectivity to Lakshadweep islands in the next 1000 days.


  1. Ministry of Culture
  • In last year itself, the nation has achieved many big and important milestones. On the 150th year of Gandhi’s birth anniversary, India freed its villages from open defecation.
  • Be it the Citizenship Amendment Act for the refugees suffering due to their beliefs, reservation rights for Dalits/Backwards/SCs/STs/OBCs, historic peace agreement in Assam and Tripura, appointment of Chief of Defence staff for making the collective power of armies more effective, or the construction of Kartarpur Sahib Corridor in a record period, India has created history, it saw history being created, extraordinary feats were achieved.
  • Ten days ago, the construction of Lord Rama’s magnificent temple in Ayodhya began. A peaceful culmination has been achieved to the age-old issue of Ram Janmbhoomi.
  • The citizens of India have shown an exemplary restraint and wisdom, and acted responsibly. It is simply unprecedented and a motivating factor for the future. Peace, unity and harmony these are going to be the strengths of self-reliant India.
  • This harmony, goodwill- this is the guarantee of prosperous future of India. We need to advance with this harmony. Each Indian must sacrifice something or the other in the magnanimous yajna for development.


  1. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
  • PM announced creation of 7,500 MW Solar Park in Ladakh. He said, “Ladakh is progressing towards new heights. Work is going on for a central university, setting up new research centres, new courses for hotel and management. Plan is also under way for the creation of 7,500 MW Solar Park.”
  • He also talked about India's vision of one world, one sun and one grid. He mentioned, “My dear countrymen, India has shown that the march towards development is possible by balancing the environment. Today India is inspiring the entire world with its vision of one world, one sun and one grid, particularly in the field of solar energy.”
  • “India has established itself as one of the five countries in the world in the generation of renewable energy. India is both aware as well as involved in finding solutions to pollution. We are leaving no stone unturned whether it is the Swachh India campaign, smoke-less cooking gas, LED campaign, CNG-based transportation, or electric mobility.”


  1. Ministry of Power
  • PM while speaking about improving the lives if citizens especially underprivileged and poor said that electricity connection was given to every household.
  • He said, "In the last six years, several campaigns have been launched to improve the lives of the toiling citizens of the country be it about their own bank accounts, owning a pucca house, construction of such a large number of toilets, providing electricity connection in every house.”
  • Today, we are providing a gas connection to free our mothers and sisters from the smoke, making efforts to provide insurance protection to the poorest of the poor, Ayushman Bharat Yojna to provide free treatment of upto five lakh rupees in the best of hospitals, connecting Ration shops through digital technology.
  • A significant progress was made in the last six years to reinstate transparency and remove discriminatory practices so that facilities reach every poor person.


  1. Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

Department of Pharmaceuticals

  • Prime Minister Said We have distributed 5 crore sanitary pads in 6000 Jan AushadhiKendras at Rs.1. We will also be reconsidering the age of marriage of women soon
  • Prime Minister Said he is confident of the abilities, confidence and potential of my fellow Indians. Once we decide to do something, we do not rest till we achieve that goal.
  • Only a few months ago, we used to import N-95 masks, PPE kits, and ventilators from abroad. We not only made N-95 masks, PPE kits and ventilators during the pandemic.


  1. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
  • We are leaving no stone unturned whether it is the Swachh India campaign, smoke-less cooking gas, LED campaign, CNG-based transportation, or electric mobility.
  • We are emphasizing on increasing the use of ethanol to reduce pollution caused due to petrol. What was the condition of ethanol in our country five years ago? Five years ago, there used to be only 40 crores liters’ production of ethanol. It has risen to five times in the last five years.
  • Today, we are producing 200 crore liters of ethanol which is proving to be very helpful towards our environment.


  1. Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

Empowering Youth

  • Expressing faith in the youth power, PM said the youth of the country will help in making India self-reliant as we step into the 75th year of the country next year.
  • Prime Minister said that we will empower our youth by innovating more.
  • PM stated that today, the country is taking several new initiatives and the youth of the country is getting opportunities in various fields like space, agriculture, health, infrastructure among others.
  • PM disclosed that a big programme will be started for the youth in 173 districts along border areas including girls.
  • One lakh NCC cadets including one third girls will be trained in these border areas by the Army, Navy and Airforce.
  •  The border and coastal areas would get trained manpower for disaster management, and the youth would also get skill training for making their career in the armed forces.



  1. Ministry of External Affairs
  • The freedom movement of India inspired many across the globe to stand against the forces of expansionism. Those who were involved in the blind race of expansionism threw the world into two wars and wrecked the globe to achieve their designs.


  • In the world which is inter-connected and inter-dependent a vast country like India should increase its contribution to the world economy.  If our roots are strong and we are capable enough, we will be able to take steps towards world’s welfare.


  • Notwithstanding the recent adversities (Covid-19), there have been misadventures along the border which threw a challenge to the country but our brave soldiers have given a befitting reply.


  • Be it terrorism or extremism, India is fighting against it valiantly.  The world’s faith in India has become stronger. 184 countries out of 192 supported India in its election as a non-Permanent member of the UN Security Council.  This is an example of how we have made our place in the world.  And this is possible only when India itself is strong, India is powerful and safe.


  • We are establishing deep relations based on security, development and trust with our neighboring countries and we are making continuous efforts to deepen our decades old ties. 


  • The world’s one-fourth population lives in South Asia and we can create countless opportunities for the welfare of such a large population.  There is a huge and significant responsibility on the part of leaders of the countries in this region for progress and development.  I will call upon all to fulfill their responsibility in this regard.


  • Neighbors are not the only ones with whom we share geographical boundaries but also those with whom we have harmonious and close relations.  India has strengthened its relationship with all countries in the extended neighborhood.


  • Our relations with countries in West Asia have progressed manifold.  A large number of Indians work in these countries and we are indebted to them for their help to the Indian community during the Corona crisis by honoring India’s requests.


  • India is strengthening its cooperation with ASEAN countries, who are our maritime neighbors and also hold special importance in the field of security and the areas of marine wealth.

**Some items have involvement of more than one ministry accordingly they may be repeated



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