Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

MoRTH invites public suggestions on separate emission norms for agricultural machinery and to change the nomenclature of emission norms

Posted On: 09 AUG 2020 1:35PM by PIB Delhi

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has invited suggestions  and comments from public and all the stakeholders on a draft notification proposing to amend CMVR 1989 through GSR 491(E) dated 5th August 2020 to-


 (i) separate the emission norms for Agricultural machinery (agricultural tractors, power tillers and combined harvesters) and Construction Equipment Vehicles and


(ii) Change the nomenclature of emission norms from Bharat Stage (CEV/TREM)–IV and Bharat Stage (CEV/TREM) –V to

a. TREM Stage-IV and TREM Stage-V for Agricultural Tractors and other  Equipments,

b.   CEV Stage – IV and CEV Stage-V for the Construction Equipment Vehicles.


This has been done to avoid any confusion, between the emission norms of other Motor vehicles which has BS as norms.


iii.  Further, considering the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tractor Manufacturers and agriculture associations to provide some more time in implementing the next stage of emission norms for tractors (TREM Stage-IV) applicable w.e.f 01st Oct 2020 the same has  been proposed to be deferred to 01st Oct 2021.  Also for thr CEVs the applicability of next phase of emission norms are proposed to be applicable wef 1st Apr 2021 providing a deferment of six months.


The suggestions or comments in this respect can be sent to the Joint Secretary (MVL), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001 (email: jspb-morth[at]gov[dot]in) within thirty days from the date of notification.



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