Ministry of Railways
Booking of tickets for 200 Trains which are being introduced wef 01st June, in full swing
As on 22nd May 2020 at 20:14 hours, all 200 trains are available in system booking
652644 tickets booked online for these trains having 1413277 passengers since yesterday
These 200 special services shall be in addition to the existing Shramik special trains being run since 01st May and Special AC trains (30 trains) being run since 12th May 2020
Posted On:
22 MAY 2020 9:32PM by PIB Delhi
Ministry of Railways (MoR) in consultation with Ministry of Health & Family welfare (MoHFW) and Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA) has decided that train services on Indian Railways shall be further partially restored w.e.f. from 01st June 2020.
Indian Railways will start operations of 200 daily passenger trains across the country. These trains shall run from 1 June 2020 and booking of all these trains commenced from 21 May 2020. These special services shall be in addition to the existing Shramik special trains being run since 01st May and Special AC trains (30 trains) being run since 12th May 2020.
Online Booking of tickets for these trains is being done through IRCTC website or through Mobile App. Indian Railways has also allowed booking of reservation tickets through the reservation counters, Common Service Centers(CSCs) and Ticketing agents yesterday i.e. 21st May 2020 .
Booking of tickets for these trains started from 21st May and as on 22nd May 2020 at 20:14 hours, all the 200 trains were available in system for booking and 652644 online tickets were booked for these trains having 1413277 passengers.
(Release ID: 1626243)
Visitor Counter : 924