Prime Minister's Office
English rendering of PM's interaction with beneficiaries of PM Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana on Jan Aushadhi Diwas
Posted On:
07 MAR 2020 5:00PM by PIB Delhi
Namaskar !!
Happy Holi to all the friends associated with thousands of Jan Aushadhi Kendras across the country who are connected to us through technology; a very warm welcome to all of you! My cabinet colleagues are also present in many of these kendras. Many congratulations to all of you on the second Jan Aushadhi Diwas!!
Today is also the last day of the Jan Aushadhi week, which is being celebrated for a week. I would also like to congratulate the operators of all the Jan Aushadhi Kendras for this laudable initiative of the Government of India, and all those who supported it!!
Janaushadhi Diwas is not just a day to celebrate a scheme, but a day to connect with crores of Indians and lakhs of families, who have been greatly benefited by this scheme. Moreover, it is also an opportunity to spread awareness about the scheme widely through them and also to the other people so that even the poorest of the poor can take advantage of this scheme. We are working on 4 dimensions for the healthcare of every Indian.
First is that, prevent every Indian from falling sick.
Second is the availability of low-cost and good quality treatment in case of illness.
Thirdly, it is being ensured that there are better and modern hospitals for treatment as well as adequate numbers of good doctors and medical staff.
And, the fourth formula is to solve challenges by working on mission mode.
The Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana i.e. PMBJP is an important factor in the same. It is a pledge to provide cheap and best treatment to every person in the country. I am really glad that more than 6 thousand Janushadhi kendras have been set up all over the country so far. As this network is growing, so are its benefits. Now every month more than one crore families are availing affordable medicines through these centers.
You have also seen that the price of medicines found at Jan Aushadhi Centers is 50% to 90% less than the market price. For example, a drug used in the treatment of cancer which is available in the market for about Rs. 6500, is available in Jan Aushadhi Kendras for only Rs. 800. The cost of treatment is decreasing compared to earlier times.
I have been told that until now crores of poor and middle class friends in the country used to spend a lot on medicines but now about 2000-2500 crore Rupees are being saved on medicines purchased from the Jan Aushadhi Kendras. 2000-2500 crores rupees have been saved for about 1 crore families in our country and it is a great help in itself. Savings of 2200 crores have been possible due to the Jan Aushadhi Kendras.
Those running the Jan Aushadhi Kendras are also present in today's programme. You all are doing a commendable job! In order to recognize your work, the government has also decided to introduce awards related to this scheme.
I am confident that with these awards a new healthy competition will begin in the field of Janaushadhi, which will benefit the poor and the middle class in particular and the country in general.
Let's start today's discussion… I have been told to first listen to the people from Guwahati in Assam.
Question: Prime Minister, my name is Ashok Kumar Betla and I am from Guwahati, Assam. I am 60 years old.
I have diabetes and Blood Pressure. I am also a heart patient. I have also undergone surgery 5 years ago, since then I have been taking medicines. For the last 10 months, I have been taking medicines continuously from Janushadhi Kendra. Ever since I started purchasing medicines from Janaushadhi Kendras, I am saving Rs 2500 every month. I am able to use this money to deposit into my granddaughter's Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account.
Thank you very much for such schemes!! You have reduced my tension, but a lot is being discussed about this coronavirus. What should we do to prevent this virus?
Answer: First of all, best wishes to you. You are using the savings from Jan Aushadhi, for the better future of your granddaughter. As far as the Coronavirus is concerned, it is true that many people are extremely worried about it.
In my opinion, alertness on your and my part is very important in this scenario. Whether it is the central government or all our state governments, everyone is making proper arrangements and taking care about this aspect. We also have skilled doctors and medical staff, resources as well as aware citizens. We just should not allow any carelessness or shortcomings in terms of taking precautions. What are these precautions? These are being told to you by different means. I am repeating those before you.
One, we have to avoid unnecessary gatherings anywhere and secondly we should keep washing our hands as often as possible. We have a habit of touching our face, nose and mouth again and again. We have to control this habit as much as possible and touch our face only with washed hands. Experts say that it spreads by coming in contact with the droplets that come out while coughing or sneezing. In such a scenario, this virus can survive for many days on the surfaces where the droplets had fallen. Therefore, it is necessary to wash hands frequently. One more habit we must adopt- While coughing or sneezing, try to make sure that the droplets do not spread to others; do not let the cloth or handkerchief we used while sneezing to come in contact with others.
Those who are infected with coronavirus are being kept under necessary supervision. But if someone suspects that he has come in contact with an infected person, then he need not panic. First go to a nearby hospital for a check up, covering your mouth with a mask or a cloth. The rest of the people in the family are also more likely to catch the infection, so they should also undergo the necessary tests. Such people should also wear masks, gloves and should stay away from others.
Experts have different opinions about whether to wear a mask or not, but watch out that the droplets are not spread to others while coughing or sneezing. There is one thing to keep in mind while wearing a mask. Our hand repeatedly touches the mouth while adjusting the mask. This increases the risk of spreading infection instead of preventing us from it.
During these times, rumours also spread fast. Some people say this is not to be eaten or that is not to be done, while some people will come up with four new things on how Coronavirus can be prevented by eating certain things. We have to avoid these rumours too. Whatever you do, follow only the advice of your doctor. And yes, the whole world is adopting the habit of Namaste. If for some reason we have given up this habit, then it is also the right time to reintroduce this habit instead of shaking hands.
Best regards to Modi ji! Sir, my name is Mukesh Agarwal. I run many Jan Aushadhi Kendras in Dehradun and I got this inspiration because there were some patients here who were in a pathetic condition and I wanted to help them but due to the expensive medicines I could not help them. Then I found out about these Jan Aushadhi Kendras and with the cooperation of our Honourable Chief Minister, I tried for this and formed the Charitable Prayas Trust. We have also given free medicines to the people. We display low-cost medicines.
Question- Namaskar Prime Minister!!
My name is Deepa Shah. I am from Dehradun, Uttarakhand. I am 65 years old. I was diagnosed with paralysis in 2011. I have been taking medicines since then. But since 2015, I have been taking medicines from Janushadhi Kendras…..My husband is also a Divyang... Sir, as compared to before, our expenditure has been reduced by Rs 3000 per month. My experience says that these drugs are affordable as well as of good quality. Earlier I used to have difficulty in talking and walking; now there is a lot of improvement. However, people still have some confusion regarding Generic medicines. What should be done to clear such confusion?
Answer: You are right that rumours are spread about Generic medicines. Based on their previous experiences, some people also think that how can medicines be so low-priced? Are these faulty? Are these coloured pills genuine? But seeing you Deepa ji, the entire country will believe in the power of generic medicines. Today you have presented it with evidence. I believe that your experience holds more significance than a laboratory, Deepa ji.
Let me tell all such friends that these medicines are no less than any medicines available in the global market. These drugs are certified by the best labs and are procured from the drug manufacturers that undergo every type of strict testing. If complaints are made against any drug manufacturer, strict action is taken against them.
These drugs are manufactured in India, hence, are inexpensive. Generic medicines made by India are in demand all over the world. The government has made it mandatory for every hospital to prescribe Generic medicines. It is important to ensure that doctors prescribe only Generic medicines except under certain circumstances. I would also request all of you beneficiaries to share your experiences as much as possible, then the benefits of Jan Aushadhi will reach more patients.
Question: Namaskar Prime Minister !!
I am Zeba Khan. I am from Pune. My age is 41 years. I am a kidney patient and the medicines of Jan Aushadhi Kendra are helping me a lot in the treatment. For the last 6 months I have been taking medicines from Janushadhi Kendras. I spend 1400-1500 rupees less every month compared to before. These savings help a lot in the education of my three daughters.
Thank you very much for Janushadhi Kendras. You made medicines and stents cheaper and have fixed up to 5 lakh rupees of free treatment. You are always talking about Yoga and Ayurveda.
Now the poor and the middle class have higher expectations from you. How do you handle the pressure of expectations from crores of people?
Answer : First of all, I wish you good health. Best wishes for a better future for your daughters. I believe that there are two types of benefits that you have gained from these medicines, one, you have come out of a painful situation of buying expensive medicines and at least you have got financial assistance. And due to going through this system, now you have low-cost medicines and also the facility of dialysis. And you are able to take good care of your family. I believe that when any scheme of the government benefits the whole family and the society, it is a blessing in itself.
See, when you hear about the changes that come in the lives of crores of fellow countrymen, there is no scope for pressure. I do not consider expectation as pressure, but rather an encouragement.
The poor of the country, the middle class, now believe that their government is engaged in providing good, low-cost and accessible treatment to them. As much as the expectations have increased, our efforts are also getting wider.
Now see, about 90 lakh poor patients have received treatment under Ayushman Bharat scheme. Under the Pradhan Mantri Dialysis Programme, over 6 lakh dialysis has been done for free.
Moreover, with the price regulation of more than one thousand essential medicines, patients could save Rs 12,500 crore. Lakhs of patients have got a new life due to the reduced cost of stents and knee-implants. We are rapidly working towards making the country TB-free by 2025. Under this scheme, modern health and wellness centers are being set up in every village of the country. So far, more than 11 crore friends have got themselves treated in more than 31 thousand centers.
Among them, about 3.5 crore were screened for hypertension, about 3 crore for diabetes, 1.75 crore for oral cancer, 70 lakh for cervical cancer, more than 1 crore for breast cancer, at these centers. We are trying to ensure that people in the country do not have to go far for medical facilities. So, 22 new AIIMS are being set up across the country. 75 district hospitals across the country have been converted into medical colleges, taking the number of newly approved medical colleges to 157.
In the same year, 75 new medical colleges have been approved in the country, this will increase more than 4 thousand PG seats and about 16,000 MBBS seats in the country. Necessary amendments in the law are being made to ready adequate number of good doctors and other. The National Medical Commission is a step in this direction.
In order to produce better medicines in the country, regulations have been made for research and clinical trials. Recently you must have heard that all medical devices have also been brought under the definition of medicines. In India, when these medicines and other goods will be manufactured more and more, then it is natural for their prices to reduce further. Many such efforts are going on, which will bring about a vast improvement in healthcare facilities in the country.
Question : My name is Alka Mehra. I am 45 years old. I am from your city, Varanasi. Tomorrow is International Women's Day. I also run a Janaushadhi center myself. Today, sanitary pads are available in Janaushadhi Centers for just 1 rupee, which is benefitting rural women a lot. There are many such schemes which you have started keeping in mind the health of women.
Whether it is toilets, sanitary pads, or the Ujjwala scheme, you have challenged the old mindset of the society. But has this thought never crept up in your mind as to how the society would react to these decisions?
Answer : Alka ji har har mahadev! My greetings in advance to all of you, to the sisters and the daughters across the country on International Women's Day! As you know, some sisters are going to handle my social media account tomorrow. Over the past week, many sisters have been sending inspirational episodes from all over the country, which is encouraging and also gives amazing information about the power of women of the country. As far as old mindset on Women Health issues is concerned, this is where we have to work on, to get the country out of it.
I have always been of the opinion that if something is right, the society also understands it.. and just one step is required to be taken. That is what happened in these schemes as well. The government took only one step, the rest of the work was done by the society itself.
As a result of these schemes, we can see unprecedented improvement in women's health today. The number of daughters is increasing continuously. Due to separate toilets in schools daughters no longer drop out from schools. Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan has greatly reduced the risk of life to both mother and child.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Matru vandana Yojana, the government has transferred Rs 5000 crores to the bank accounts of about 1 crore 20 lakh women of the country directly. Under Mission Indradhanush, 3 crore 50 lakh infants and more than 90 lakh pregnant women have been vaccinated. The benefit of Jan Aushadhi scheme has also been extended to every section of the society, the poor and the middle class. Under this too, our daughters and sisters have benefited immensely. Many sisters are connected with us in today's programme.
Sanitary pads available for up to Rs 10 in the market are available for 1 rupee in Jan Aushadhi Kendras today. You might remember that during the election we had said that the price of the pads will be reduced from Rs 2.5 to Re 1 at Janaushadhi Kendras. This promise was fulfilled within the first 100 days. These sanitary napkins are low-cost as well as environmentally friendly. You are engaged in extending this benefit to more and more daughters. May Bhole Baba give you more strength and good health, I pray for the same.
Question: Namaskar Prime Minister Sir! My name is Ghulam Nabi Dar. I am from Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir. I am 74 years old. I have problems like thyroid, blood pressure, and gastro. I have been constantly advised by the doctors to take medicines. Earlier, I used to purchase medicines from the market, but have been purchasing them from the Jan Aushadhi Kendras for the last two and a half years. My monthly income is 20-22 thousand rupees. Earlier most of it was spent in purchasing medicines. After I started buying medicines from the Janaushadhi kendras, I am saving Rs. 8-9 thousand every month. My request to you is that it should be further promoted in hilly areas like Jammu and Kashmir.
Answer: Ghulam Nabi Saheb, I have a very close friend with the same name here in Delhi. He is from Jammu & Kashmir and has also been the Health Minister of our country. If I meet him, I will definitely tell him about you. Ghulam Nabi ji, in order to treat your health problems, there is a continuous need for medicines. We are glad that under the Jan aushadhi scheme in Jammu and Kashmir, people like you are benefiting a lot.
You are right, be it Jammu Kashmir, North East, or other hilly and tribal areas, it is also necessary to extend the Janaushadhi scheme in these areas and to ensure that all medicines are available. The government is making continuous efforts. Now the new arrangements have been made in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, these facilities will be further accelerated. Earlier it was very difficult to implement the Central Government schemes, but now these bottlenecks have been removed. In the last one year and a half, an unprecedented rapid development is underway in Jammu and Kashmir. During this period more than 3.5 lakh friends have been linked with Ayushman Bharat Yojana, while 3 lakh senior citizens, women and PwD have been linked with the government pension scheme.
Moreover, over 24 thousand houses have been constructed under the PM Awas Yojana, 2.5 lakh toilets constructed and free electricity connection given to more than 3.25 lakh houses. As far as health facilities are concerned, work on 2 AIIMS and other medical colleges is also going on at a faster pace. This rapid growth in development of Jammu and Kashmir is further increasing now. Now the spirit of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas aur Sabka Vishwas is being implemented at the ground level!
Question: Prime Minister Sir, my name is Geeta. I am speaking from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am 62 years old. I am undergoing treatment for diabetes and hypertension. Ever since I am buying medicines from Janushadhi Kendras, every year up to Rs. 30,000 is being saved. This is a great relief for the poor and the middle class. Thanks so much for this. I have also recommended the people around me to purchase medicines from Janaushadhi.
Because you keep talking about yoga and Ayurveda too, I want to know how effective these are on diseases like diabetes?
Answer: Thank you Geetaji.
You are making sure that the savings you are making will benefit others. Only aware citizens like you are making this country stronger. You are thinking not only of yourself but also of other people, this is our great responsibility as a citizen. It is the responsibility of the government to provide good and low-cost treatment to every needy. But our effort should be to not get sick in the first place, focus should be on prevention of a disease. Being healthy is better. This is why the government is running campaigns like Swachh Bharat, Yoga Day and Fit India.
See, many diseases like diabetes and hypertension are increasing rapidly in the country today. These are all lifestyle related diseases. It is not possible to treat them completely. These have to be controlled. When the reason for this is our lifestyle, then obviously control is also in our lifestyle. This is why in our lifestyle we need to adopt fitness and hygiene habits.
This is what yoga does. Yoga is the exercise of our organs as well as our breath. It kind of motivates us to live a disciplined life. This is more important for sisters. Because often sisters take care of everyone in the family and neglect taking care of themselves. This is not right. Other family members also have the responsibility to motivate the sisters and the mothers who are taking care of the entire household, for ensuring fitness.
Question: Sir, my name is Pankaj Kumar Jha. I am from Muzaffarpur in Bihar. 7 years ago, Naxalites had planted a bomb in my village due to which I lost my hand. I definitely lost my hand but didn't give up. One day I came to know about the Janaushadhi scheme in the newspaper and I decided to join it. I have been doing this work for 3 years. Today people are also being served and a sale of 4-5 lakh rupees is made every month.
Sir, my question is, what can we do to connect more and more Divyang with this scheme?
Answer: See Pankaj, first of all, thank you very much. Your courage is appreciated. You truly represent the spirit of Janaushadhi.
Along with low-cost medicines, this scheme is also becoming a great means of confidence for many young friends, including the differently abled people. Along with Janaushadhi Kendras, many other tools like distribution, quality testing labs are also expanding, due to which thousands of young friends are getting employment. As far as Divyang people are concerned, I have always believed that their strength should be better utilized.
In the 21st century, it is necessary to share the skills of and the productivity of the divyang people in the economy of India as much as possible for the development of the nation. This is the reason why for the last 5 years, extensive attention has been given to the welfare and skill development of the Divyangjans. Necessary amendments have also been made to the laws to provide education, employment and other rights to the differently-abled. Certainly, all of us have to ensure maximum participation of Divyangjans in our schemes like Janaushadhi.
Our Minister i.e. Hon'ble MP is sitting there. You have turned it into a celebration of Jan Aushadhi Kendra. I am really glad that I got the opportunity to talk to all of you in every corner of the country today and you took time out for the event but one thing I want to say, the Janaushadhi centers are becoming Janshakti in the true sense. The government is making every effort to expand the healthcare facilities in the country. Relentless work is going on to make the Janaushadhi scheme more efficient. Besides this, it is important for every citizen of the country to understand his/her obligation towards health. We must include cleanliness, yoga, balanced diet, sports and other exercises in our daily routine. I would also appeal parents to urge children to play as much as you urge them to read. If the child does not sweat 4 times a day, does not work as hard, then the parents should get concerned. Our efforts towards fitness will prove the resolve of a healthy India.
I once again extend my best wishes to those running the Jan Aushadhi Kendras and are associated with them for participating in this campaign. The people of the country are still unfamiliar with this system. I want to tell all of you and the media-persons that it is a humanitarian work and work of service, so you also must promote and publicize it. You will play an important role in someone's life by helping the poorest of the poor take advantage of these facilities. Now let us do this work together. Once again I wish everyone good health. I wish all of you a very happy Holi, and as I said in the beginning, there is no need to be afraid of coronavirus but to be aware, there is no need to spread rumours and we must know and follow the Do's and Don'ts. If we can do this much then we will move ahead emerging victorious. Once again my best wishes to you all.
Thanks a lot!!
(Release ID: 1605670)
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