
Cabinet approves establishment of two new AIIMS at Tamil Nadu & Telangana under Pradhan MantriSwasthya Suraksha Yojana

Posted On: 17 DEC 2018 8:59PM by PIB Delhi

          The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today has approved establishment of two new All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Madurai, Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs 1,264 crore and Bibinagar, Telangana at a cost of Rs 1,028 crore.  The AIIMS will be set up under Pradhan MantriSwasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY).

The Union Cabinet has also given its approval for creation of one post of Director in the basic pay of Rs 2,25,000/- (fixed) plus NPA (however pay + NPA would not exceed Rs 2,37,500/-) for each of the above two AIIMS.



•   Each new AIIMS will add 100 UG (MBBS) seats and 60 B.Sc. (Nursing) seats.

•   Each new AIIMS will have 15-20 Super Specialty Departments.

•   Each new AIIMS will add around 750 hospital beds.

•  As per data of current functional AIIMS, it is expected that each new AIIMS would cater to around 1500 Outdoor patients per day and around 1000 Indoor patients per month.


Details of project:    

Establishment of new AIIMS involves creation of Hospital, Teaching Block for medical & nursing courses, residential complex and allied facilities/services, broadly on the pattern of AIIMS, New Delhi and other six new AIIMS taken up under Phase-I of PMSSY. The objective is to establish the new AIIMS as Institutions of National Importance for providing quality tertiary healthcare, medical education, nursing education and research in the Region.


The proposed institution shall have a hospital with capacity of 750 beds which will include Emergency / Trauma Beds, AYUSH Beds, Private Beds and ICU Speciality and Super Speciality beds. In addition, there will be a Medical College, AYUSH Block, Auditorium, Night Shelter, Guest House, Hostels and residential facilities. The establishment of the new AIIMS will create capital assets for which requisite specialized manpower will be created, based on the pattern of the six new AIIMS, for their maintenance and upkeep. The recurring cost on these Institutions shall be met through Grant-in-Aid to them from Plan Budget Head of PMSSY of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.


The timeframe for establishment of the new AIIMS Tamil Nadu and AIIMS Telangana will be 45 months, broadly comprising a pre-construction phase of 10 months, a construction phase of 32 months and stabilization/commissioning phase of 3 months.Cost of construction and running of the new AIIMS would be met by the Central Government under PMSSY.



Setting up of new AIIMS would not only transform health education and training but also address the shortfall of health care professionals in the region. The establishment of new AIIMS will serve the dual purpose of providing super speciality health care to the population while also help create a large pool of doctors and other health workers in this region that can be available for primary and secondary level institutions / facilities being created under National Health Mission (NHM). Construction of new AIIMS is fully funded by the Central Government. The Operations & Maintenance expenses on new AIIMS are also fully borne by the Central Government.


Employment Generation:     

Setting up new AIIMS in the states will lead to employment generation for nearly 3000 people in various faculty & non faculty posts in each of the AIIMS. Further, indirect employment generation will take place due to facilities & services like shopping centre, canteens, etc. coming in the vicinity of new AIIMS.


The construction activity involved for creation of the physical infrastructure for the various new AIIMS is also expected to generate substantial employment in the construction phase as well.



The Pradhan MantriSwasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY), a Central Sector Scheme, aims at correcting the imbalances in the availability of affordable tertiary healthcare facilities in different parts of the country in general, and augmenting facilities for quality medical education in the under-served States in particular.


The AIIMS in Tamil Nadu was announced in the Budget Speech of  Finance Minister in 2015-16 and Ministry of Finance conveyed its in-principle approval for establishment of AIIMS in Telangana in April, 2018.






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