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Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh to launch revamped Probity Portal, e-HRMS 2.0 Portal and e-Books on major Initiatives/Achievements of Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions tomorrow to mark Good Governance Day

Revamped e-HRMS 2.0 Portal will provide the following services in a digital mode to the employees - Transfers (Rotation/Mutual), Deputation, APAR, IPR, iGOT Trainings, Vigilance Status, Deputation Opportunities, Service Book and other basic HR Services like Leave, Tour, Reimbursements etc.

Launch of Mobile Application of iGoTKarmayogi Portal by Karmayogi Bharat (SPV) will aim at creating professional, well trained and future ready civil service for India

Revamped Probity Portal for Government Employees will demand the right attitude towards public service with ‘integrity’ and ‘probity’

The compilation of 78 Master Circulars is expected to promote ease and convenience and help the user Departments in expeditiously disposing their HR issues

Posted On: 24 DEC 2022 3:14PM by PIB Delhi

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, DrJitendra Singh will launch revamped Probity Portal, e-HRMS 2.0 Portal and e-Books on major Initiatives/Achievements of Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions tomorrow to mark Good Governance Day at CSOI Auditorium, New Delhi.

After inaugurating the Good Governance Week celebrations from 19-25 December 2022, with a nationwide launch of “PrashasanGaon Ki Ore” campaign on 19th December, the Good Governance Day will also commemorate the birth anniversary of our visionary former Prime Minister, Bharat Ratna, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

In a message, on culmination of Weeklong celebrations, DrJitendra Singh said, the “Whole of Government Approach” is nothing but the extension of Vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, when he said, “My Government is working for the common man. Our priority is the poor of the country. We want good governance through a dynamic and seamless Government”.

DrJitendra Singh will launch Revamped e-HRMS 2.0 Portal as the earlier iteration of the e-HRMS was limited in scope, where employees could avail limited services and it was not connected with other HR applications. As a result, the employees were unable to get full benefits of digital service deliveries and seamless connection with HR applications and initiatives of the Govt.

The revamped e-HRMS 2.0 Portal will provide the following services in a digital mode to the employees - Transfers (Rotation/Mutual), Deputation, APAR, IPR, iGOT Trainings, Vigilance Status, Deputation Opportunities, Service Book and other basic HR Services like Leave, Tour, Reimbursements etc

The revamped e-HRMS 2.0 is the first digital system in Govt. of India to provide end-to-end HR Services. Presently, no other Government Service Cadre System in India is as advanced in its reach and applications, as the revamped e-HRMS 2.0. would be with the launch of this system, DoP&T will be moving towards total digitization of HR Services. Revamped e-HRMS 2.0 will save several thousand man-hours and tonns of printing paper. This will also go a long way in improving employee satisfaction, promoting ease of doing/processing HR work and enhancing productivity and transparency in administrative functioning.

The Minister will also launch Mobile Application of iGoTKarmayogi Portal by Karmayogi Bharat (SPV) with an aim to create professional, well trained and future ready civil service for India, Mission Karmayogi was launched by the Govt. of India. The iGOTKarmayogi platform is envisaged as a democratised, competency driven solution space that all of the government can access to enhance their execution capabilities.

With this vision, an iGOT-Karmayogi mobile app is being launched. The app and the platform will allow all government servants, at multiple levels, to undergo continuous training, depending on their domain areas. The app and the platform will provide anytime-anywhere-any-device learning to train about 2 crores users which was hitherto not achievable through traditional measures. On this app, learners can:

  • Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device (even offline)
  • Upskill themselves with variety of courses for their needs
  • Learn directly from top institutes and experts
  • Earn certificates and enrich their profile
  • Be up-to-date with evolving technology, policy, etc.
  • Identify their gaps & needs and upgrade their skills, attitudes and knowledge

The iGOT-Karmayogi platform app can be downloaded from the google play store or using below link following link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.igot.karmayogibharat

Dr.Jitendra Singh will also launch the following Portals and e-Books compilations on Good Governance Day:

The Revamped Probity Portal- In 2017, a dedicated online portal (https://probity-dopt.nic.in) was made functional for obtaining the data from all the Ministries/Departments/Autonomous Organizations/Public Sector Banks in respect of following items –

  1. Review under FR 56(j)/similar provisions
  2. Number of cases pending for sanction for prosecution
  3. Implementation of Rotational Transfer Policy - Identification of sensitive posts and number of sensitive posts occupied for more than 3 years
  4. Number of Major and Minor penalty disciplinary proceedings
  5. Discontinuation of Interviews for Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted)/Group posts.

DoP&T has now completely revamped the existing Probity Portal in order to add more functionalities to improve the user experience and optimizing the Portal to collect the data on new data points/parameters, which will help in generating comprehensive reports on various modules. All the user Departments will undertake to submit updated data on a monthly basis, which would be made available on Probity Portal.

The new and revamped Probity Portal and capturing of real-time information using such platform will send a clear signal that ‘non-performance’ and ‘inefficiency’ of the government employees will not be tolerated and that the right attitude towards public service with ‘integrity’ and ‘probity’ are expected from every Government servant.

e-Book on Consolidation of Instructions - The Government instructions in the forms of various Office Memorandums and Circulars were available on official website of DoP&T, but it used to be a challenge for the Government officials, Departments, Users and interested citizens to have access to the latest and updated version of the government instructions on HR/Service/Pension/Training related matters.

DoPT has undertaken an extensive exercise of consolidation of instructions issued from time to time related to various aspects of service and made them easily accessible. Accordingly, under 11 major Heads (and relevant sub-heads), the 78 Master Circulars have been made available, which shall be updated in real time basis and will be easily searchable through intelligent search engines. The Master Circulars are being made available through the DoPT website https://dopt.gov.in. In future, all Master Circulars will be issued electronically. This compilation of 78 Master Circulars is expected to promote ease and convenience and help the user Departments in expeditiously disposing their HR issues. DoP&T has also decided to receive all references from user Departments in digital mode only with a view to expedite decision making on HR references of other Ministries/Departments.

e-Book on Major Reforms and Achievements of DoP&T since 2014 - India is celebrating AzadikaAmritMahotsav and we have entered into AmritKaal, the 25 year long leadup to India@100. Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given a pathbreaking vision of India which requires ground breaking reforms in every aspect of governance.

An e-book compiling major reforms and achievements of DoP&T from 2014 to 2022 has been prepared. The reforms already, implemented by Department of Personnel and Training include the following:

  • Distribution of more than 1.47 lakh appointment letters in RozgarMela held on 22.10.2022 and 22.11.2022.
  • Launching of Assistant Secretary Deputation Programme for young IAS officers in Central Govt.
  • Reservations expanded for Persons with disabilities in govt service.
  • Discontinuation of interview in recruitment process to make it more transparent and objective.
  • To enhance trust in citizens, self-attestation introduced for documentation.
  • Reforms in Examination process conducted by Staff Selection Commission.
  • To provide equal opportunities in public employment, creamy layer limit for OBCs enhanced.
  • Special allowance for women employees with disabilities for child care.
  • Children Education allowance doubled for Divyaang Children of Employees.
  • 10% reservation in direct recruitment for EWS introduced.
  • Liberalized regime for child care leave for women employees.
  • Special Maternity leave for women employees.
  • RTI Act strengthened to provide rules regarding tenure and service conditions of Chairperson and members of Central and State Commissions.
  • Setting up of new benches of Central Administrative Tribunal.
  • Strengthening of provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act.
  • Promoting Accountability among civil servants.
  • Implementation of online performance appraisal system for government employees
  • National Programme for Civil Service Capacity Building (Mission Karmayogi) – setting up of Capacity Building Commission and Karmayogi Bharat(SPv).
  • Launch of ‘KarmayogiPrarambh’ - an online Capacity Building Module for newly recruited officials.
  •  Competency linked foundation Training Programme for ASOs by ISTM.
  • More than 8000 promotions of Central Secretariat employees cleared in one go.

 A book on the Central Civil Services (Implementation of National Pension System) Rules, 2021- Pension related service matters of employees who joined service prior to 01.01.2004 are governed under the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules. These rules are not applicable to employees who are covered under National Pension System (NPS). Rules for regulating the service matters relating to benefits under the National Pension System in respect of Central Government employees were notified in official Gazette on 31.03.2021. Now, Department has published a book on these rules.

Booklet on Compendium of Pension Relation Instructions, October, 2022 -   In order to ensure timely payment of pensionary benefits to retired Government servants/family members and to enhance “Ease of living” of pensioners after their retirement, Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare has simplified rules and issues guidelines/instructions to Ministries/Departments, Pension disbursing banks etc.

Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has undertaken a massive campaign to review and simplify pension rules and issued instructions during the Special Campaign 2.0 launched by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) for disposal of Pending Matters during 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October 2022. Parameters for the Special Campaign include number of rules/process identified for simplification.

Booklet on the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate (DLC) all over India during 1st - 30th November, 2022 - The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions had launched a Nation-wide Campaign for promotion of Digital Life Certificate (DLC) for Central Government pensioner during 1st – 30th November, 2022 to promote the use of DLC within special emphasis on the milestone technology of Face Authentication thereby ensuring transparency and Ease of Usage.



(Release ID: 1886280) Visitor Counter : 4868

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