Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
13th Report on States/Union Territories performance on CPGRAMS released by DARPG for the month of August, 2023
Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra disposed the maximum number of grievances in August, 2023
A total of 82,013 Grievances Redressed by State/UTs in August, 2023. Pendency reduced to 1,69,753 grievances across State/UT Governments
Government of Uttar Pradesh tops the ranking in large states, followed by Government of Jharkhand and Government of Rajasthan
Government of Telangana tops the rankings in States with less than 20,000 grievances followed by Government of Chhattisgarh and Government of Kerala
Government of Sikkim tops the rankings in North East States followed by Government of Assam and Government of Arunachal Pradesh
Government of Lakshadweep tops the ranking in Union Territories, followed by Government of Andaman & Nicobar and Government of Ladakh
Posted On:
19 SEP 2023 5:29PM by PIB Delhi
The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) released the Centralized Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) 13th monthly report for States for August, 2023. The said report provides a detailed analysis of types and categories of public grievances and the nature of disposal.
A total of 82,013 grievances were redressed by States and Union Territories in August, 2023. The pendency of grievances of States/UTs received on CPGRAMS portal has reduced to 1,69,753 grievances across the States/UTs Governments.
The pendency in the States/UTs has decreased from 1,79,077 PG cases at the end of July, 2023 to 1,69,753 PG cases at the end of August, 2023. The pendency in States/UTs has come down to 1,69,753 grievances, which is the lowest recorded this year. For the 12th month in a row, the monthly disposal crossed 50 thousand cases in States/UTs. In August, 2023, States/UTs disposed the maximum number of grievances, in the year 2023.
From May, 2023, onwards, DARPG has initiated the process of rankings States/UTs on the basis of their performance on CPGRAMS portal. Presently, DARPG ranks States/UTs across 4 categories, i.e. North Eastern States, Union Territories, with two other categories for States being bifurcated based on the number of receipt of grievances. This ranking is part of the endeavour of Government of India to assist the States/UTs to review and streamline their Grievance Redressal System and have a comparative assessment with other States/UTs. The Grievance Redressal Index includes 2 dimensions and 4 indicators.
The rankings are based on the performance of States/UTs across the two dimensions (quality and timely disposal of grievances) for the period of 01.01.2023 to 31.08.2023. The top 3 performers among States/UTs across 4 categories are as shown below:
S. No.
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Group A
North-Eastern States
Arunachal Pradesh
Group B
Union Territories
Andaman & Nicobar
Group C
States with grievances
>= 20000
Uttar Pradesh
Group D
States with grievances
< 20000
For the 12th month in a row, the monthly disposal crossed 50 thousand cases in States/UTs
Uttar Pradesh has received the maximum number of grievances in August, 2023 with the number standing at 24575 grievances. Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra disposed the maximum number of grievances in August, 2023, with the number standing at 24157 and 18692 grievances respectively. DARPG has developed a dedicated portal to monitor the real time status of trainings being conducted by the State/UT ATIs under the Sevottam Scheme.
(Release ID: 1958826)
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