Ministry of Mines
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Year End Review - 2022 : Ministry of Mines

Acts & Rules Amended to Provide Further Fillip to Mining Sector

District Mineral Foundation Constituted in 622 Districts; Rs.71128.71 Crore collected till October, 2022 Benefitting Large number of People

Stepped up Efforts by Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL) For Overseas Acquisition of Strategic Minerals

National Aero-Geophysical Mapping by GSI to acquire uniform Aero-Geophysical Data For Mineral Exploration

HCL Attains Highest Ever Turnover of Rs.1812 Crore in FY 2021-22; Also Achieves
3.57 Million Ton Ore Production

NALCO Records Highest Ever Net Profit of Rs.2952 Crore & Export Earnings of Rs.6364 Crore in FY 2021-22

Posted On: 26 DEC 2022 5:57PM by PIB Delhi

Series of policy initiatives paving the way for amendments in Acts & Rules to bring about further acceleration in mining activity and ease of doing business marked the mining sector of India during the year 2022. Many a special initiative undertaken by the Mines Ministry resulted in amendments of Acts & Rules, thereby removing major obstacles /bottlenecks faced by our mining sector for years.

Innovative mineral exploration activities using state-of-the-art technology by Geological Survey of India (GSI), stepped up efforts by Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL) to source strategic minerals from countries like Australia, Argentina and Chile were some of the highlights of the important steps taken by the Mines Ministry during 2022. Successful auction of 90 mineral blocks, establishment of District Mineral Foundation (DMF) in 622 districts and collection of Rs. 71128.71 crore up to October, 2022 under DMF were equally note-worthy achievements of the Ministry during the year.

A number of visits and review meetings by the Union Minister of Mines, Coal & Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi and Mines Secretary Shri Vivek Bharadwaj during the year provided the right fillip to the excellent performance by the Subordinate Offices/PSUs of the Ministry of Mines in different parts of the country in 2022.

Besides the above, the Ministry has very successfully organised National Mines Conclaves & Exhibitions in the National Capital and other States involving different stake holders and attracting more entrepreneurs/investors into the mining sector India.

Policy Initiatives: Amendment to Act & Rules

 The Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 were notified on 14.12.2021 which provides that any person intending to obtain composite licence in respect of an area may submit a proposal to the State Government in the specified format along with available geo-science data for notification of the area for auction to grant a composite licence.

As per the said Rules, the State Government shall place such proposal before a committee in order to identify mineral potentiality of the block. The committee shall recommend or reject the proposal within sixty days of its receipt in the State Government and thereafter the State Government shall notify recommended block for auction or reject the recommendation within sixty days of such recommendation.

The Mineral (Auction) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2021 were notified on 14.12.2021 which provide that in case the area proposed by a person is put up for auction to grant a composite licence, such person shall be required to submit the bid security of only 50% of the amount specified for participating in the auction for the said area.

 The Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, 2022 were notified on 18.02.2022. In order to facilitate the auction of large area blocks, global positioning system has been allowed for identification and demarcation of the area where a composite licence is proposed to be granted through auction. Further, the requirement of classification of area to be auctioned, for composite licence, into forests land, land owned by the State Government, and land not owned by the State Government has been removed.

 Ministry of Mines has amended the Second Schedule of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957 vide G.S.R. No. 204(E) dated 15.03.2022 for specifying the rate of royalty in respect of Glauconite, Potash, Emerald, Molybdenum, Platinum Group of Metals (PGM), Andalusite, Sillimanite and Kyanite.

 Further, the Ministry  has notified the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Amendment Rules, 2022 vide G.S.R. No. 205(E) dated 15.03.2022 for specifying the average sale price of Glauconite and Potash.

 The Mineral Conservation and Development (Amendment) Rules, 2022 were notified on 11.04.2022 for allowing reporting of the data of Iron Ore from 45% to below 51% Fe and below 45% (for Magnetite).

 The Reimbursement of Exploration Expenditure Rules, 2022 were notified on 03.06.2022 for reimbursement of exploration expenditure of the concession holders whose rights have lapsed under Section 10A(2)(b) of the MMDR Act, 1957.

 Thirteen accredited Private Mineral Exploration Agencies were notified by the Ministry under the second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 4 of the MMDR Act, 1957 for the purpose of carrying prospecting operation without a prospecting licence.

Innovative Mineral  Exploration Initiatives - Geological Survey of India (GSI)

  1. GSI has completed 7,198 sq. km Specialized Thematic Mapping (on 1:25,000 scale) out of 19000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2022-23 till the end of November 2022.
  2. GSI has completed 81,974 sq. km National Geochemical Mapping (on 1:50,000 scale) out of 250,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2022-23 till  November 2022.
  3. 29,506 sq. km National Geophysical Mapping (on 1:50,000 scale) out of 1,00,000 sq. km target of Annual Programme 2022-23 has been completed till November 2022.
  4. GSI has completed 5,613 sq. km Large Scale Mapping(on 1:10,000/12,500 scale) out of 10,200 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2022-23 till the end of November 2022.
  5. National Aero-Geophysical Mapping Programme (NAGMP), a flagship program of GSI to acquire uniform aero-geophysical data over the pre-identified Obvious Geological Potential area. During, Annual Programme of GSI 2022-23 till the mid of December, 2022, around 25,086 line Km has been flown through NAGMP for identifying potential areas for further exploration. 322 mineral exploration projects has been taken up during 2022-23.
  6. To give impetus on exploration for strategic, critical and fertilizer minerals, GSI has taken 125 projects on critical and strategic minerals like REE, Li, Mo, fertilizer minerals, tungsten, graphite etc. during FS 2022-23.
  7. GSI has handed over 16 (G3/G2) reports to the State Governments in 2022. Out of these, there are two blocks each of limestone, copper, bauxite, molybdenum, PGE, potash and iron & manganese and one block each of iron and base metal.
  8. GSI has also handed over 50 potential G4 stage blocks in phase-III in  March and 50 potential G4 stage blocks in phase-IV in July, 2022 for auction as Composite Licence to the State Governments.
  9. GSI has implemented Online Core Business Integrated System (OCBIS) portal to fulfil the responsibility to disseminate multi-thematic geoscientific information freely for the use of all concerned stakeholders through “Bhukosh’’, the flagship Geospatial portal of GSI, following extant policies and guidelines. This data can be utilised by anyone for mineral prognostication as well as to generate new knowledge through research. During 2022  as many as 29021 geospatial maps and geophysical data sets were downloaded by external users and 41771 login hit made by registered users in “Bhukosh’’  portal of GSI.
  1. During Annual Programme 2022-23, a number of strategically important publications were released by GSI.
  2.    Besides the above, GSI has further stepped up its public good geoscientific programmes in 2022 .

Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL)

Overseas Acquisition of Strategic Minerals :-

A JV Company among NALCO, HCL and MECL named Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL) was formed in 2019 to identify, acquire, develop, process and make commercial use of strategic minerals in overseas locations for supply in India. KABIL is focusing on identifying and sourcing battery minerals like Lithium and Cobalt. Engagement with a few companies / projects is underway in Australia, Argentina and Chile.   Brief details are as below:


    • MOU with detailed collaborative framework was signed on 10th March, 2022 between KABIL, India and Critical Mineral Office (CMO), Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISER), Govt. of Australia for carrying out joint due diligence and further joint investment in Li & Co mineral assets of Australia.
    • Under the agreed actions, Critical Mineral Market Scan was made by  Australia in July, 2022, based on which identification of mineral assets will be done for further engagement.
    • KABIL & CMO have discussed mutually and finalized the procurement methodology for engaging Commercial Advisory Services for identifying Lithium and Cobalt projects and further due diligence of projects in Australia.
    • RFQ for engagement of Commercial Advisor was issued in Oct 2022 by CMO Australia.  Commercial Advisor is expected to be engaged by Jan, 2023.


    • KABIL has signed three MoUs with JEMSE, CAMYEN and YPF (Govt. Companies of Argentina) in July – Sep, 2020 to explore sourcing of lithium and other mineral assets in Argentina.
  • In Oct, 2022, CAMYEN, Argentina through Indian Embassy at Buenos Aires, shared information regarding two prospective Lithium projects in la Aguada and El Indio in Catamarca, Argentina.
  • A team of geologists visited Argentina from 20 Nov 2022 for a period of two weeks for evaluating and assessing lithium exploration projects proposed by CAMYEN in Catamarca province. Subsequent to preliminary assessment, KABIL expressed interest to partner with CAMYEN in December 2022 for prospecting two areas identified with the objective of establishment of projects for extraction of lithium in due course of time.


As advised by Ambassador of India in Chile, KABIL has suggested certain modifications to the draft Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and shared it with ENAMI for their acceptance before signing the NDA by ENAMI and KABIL for jointly pursuing lithium mining projects in Chile.


Mineral Block Auction and District Mineral Fund (DMF)

During the Year 2022, as on 21.12.2022, 90 mineral blocks have been successfully auctioned in the country. Of these, 51 mineral blocks were auctioned for Mining Lease (ML) and the remaining 39 were auctioned as Composite Licences (CL).

 DMF has been established in 622 districts of 23 States. A total of Rs. 71128.71 Crore has been collected till October 2022 under DMF. To implement projects under PMKKKY, by utilizing the funds under DMF, Rs. 64185.76 Cr have been allocated for various projects and  Rs. 37923.18 Cr has been utilized. Total 253747 projects have been sanctioned under the scheme and  135912 projects have been completed so far benefitting large number of people in different States.

So far, 18 States have complied with the order dated 23.04.2021 regarding the inclusion of MPs, MLAs, and MLCs in the Governing Council in the larger public interest, and 20 States have complied with the order dated 12.07.2021 whereby States have been prohibited to transfer DMF funds to any other State level fund (by whatever name called) or Chief Minister's Relief Fund or any other funds or scheme. Further, 316 DMF Trusts have been exempted under section 10(46) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Ministry of Mines vide order dated 24.06.2022 had issued directions to all States/UTs for  preparation of a five-year perspective plan based on the findings and gaps identified through the baseline survey/assessment and regulating the utilization of funds for effective implementation of works under DMF.



  • The Company has achieved a Profit Before Tax of Rs 381.72 crore and a highest ever net turnover of Rs 1812.21 crore in FY 2021-22.
  • HCL has paid dividend of Rs.74.20 crore to the Government for FY 2021-22 being 30.01 % of Profit After Tax (PAT) in compliance of DIPAM Guidelines. Total dividend pay-out to all shareholders is Rs.112.17 crore.
  • The loan liability of the Company has been reduced from a peak of around Rs 1650 crore in June 2020 to around Rs 440 crore as on 31.11.2022.
  • HCL was felicitated as sectoral star at the Fortune India’s “The Next 500: Breaking news Frontiers” event at New Delhi on 24.06.22 for its outstanding performance in the Metal Industry.

Underground mining at MCP 4

  • The Company has plans to increase its mining capacity from current level of around 4.0 million tons per annum to 12.2 million tons per annum in phase –I (under implementation) and from 12.2 million tons per annum to 20.2 million tons per annum in phase-II through expansion of existing mines, re-opening of closed mines and opening of new mines. During financial year 2021-22, HCL has achieved an ore production of 3.57 million tonnes.
  • HCL carried out surface exploration drilling in FY 2021-22 to the tune of 11700 meters (from January 2022 till December, 2022). Apart from this, geophysical exploration is being carried out at Kolihan Mining Leases. New tenders for surface exploration drilling at Surda & Khetri Mining Lease are in approval stage.
  • The  Vice President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, along with the Second Lady of India, Dr Sudesh Dhankhar and Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, Secretary,  Mines visited Khetri Copper Complex (KCC) in November, 2022.



  • Union  Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal & Mines, Shri Pralhad Joshi and Mines Secretary, Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, visited HCL’s Corporate Office, Kolkata on 22.09.2022 and 20.10.2022 respectively to review the overall performance  as well as to inspect the company’s initiative towards Special Campaign 2.





  • Shri Arun Kumar Shukla, CMD, HCL, has been awarded the MGMI Award of Excellence for Non-Coal Mining for the year 2021-22 in Kolkata on 25.09.2022 by the Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India for his outstanding contribution to Non-Coal Mining Industry.

  • MoU rating of HCL for the FY 2020-21 was declared by DPE on 18.01.2022 as ‘Very Good’.
  • Malanjkhand Copper Project, has won the overall performance 1st prize in Mine Environment & Mineral Conservation Week 2021-22 along with being 1st in Systematic & Scientific Mining, Waste Dump Management and Mineral Beneficiation and 3rd in Reclamation and Rehabilitation.
  • Celebration of Metalliferous Mines Safety Week 2021-22 under the aegis of Directorate General of Mines Safety Nagpur Region has been organized. MCP unit bagged four prizes in different categories.
  • Prizes won by Khetri Copper Complex (KCC) in Fully Mechanised Group B (Underground Mines) Category in the 32nd Mines Environment & Mineral Conservation Week 2021-22, Ajmer Region, are as follows: -

Khetri Copper Mine: -   

1. Environmental Monitoring: 1st Prize

2.  Afforestation: 3rd Prize

3.  Reclamation & Rehabilitation: 3rd Prize

4.  Overall Performance: 3rd Prize

Kolihan Copper Mine: -

1. Waste Dump Management: 2nd Prize

2. Mineral Conservation: 3rd Prize


KCM-Jumbo drill

  • 60thMetalliferous Mine Safety Week Competition was held on 17.11.2022 and 18.11.2022 at Kendadih and Surda Mine respectively. In various trade test Surda Mines won 1st, 2nd and 3rd and Kendadih Mine won 1st and 2nd prize.
  • The Copper Mines of Hindustan Copper limited have been awarded the National Safety Awards (Mines) for the year 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 on 08.03.2022 by Union Minister of Labour& Employment, Shri Bhupender Yadav, in the categories of LAFP (Longest Accident Free Period) and LIFRM (Lowest Injury Frequency Rate per Lakh Manshifts).
  • Indian Copper Complex (ICC), Ghatsila unit of HCL, supplied Copper Strips for the work at construction of Shri Ram Temple, Parkota and Development of infrastructure facilities at Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Complex at Ayodhya, UP.


  • HCL was the nodal organization  for 500 participants of International Yoga Day  celebrations  held in  Kolkata in June, 2022. The program was a grand success in which GSI, NALCO, IBM & MECL officials had taken part.
  • At the 9th National Conclave on "Diversity in Management - Development of Women Executives” held at Institute of Public Enterprises, Hyderabad, Smt. Sampa Chakrabarty Lahiri, AGM (CC & Admin.) Hindustan Copper Limited, was awarded with  "Women of Excellence Award 2021".
  • The Company has been rated ICRA A1+ (the best possible rating on short term scale) & ICRA AA+ (stable) (the second-best rating on long term scale) for its borrowing limits.
  •  In July, 2022 HCL launched a platform at Kuilisuta village in Jharkhand, to promote micro-enterprises for craftsmen in various user segments of copper especially with a mission to revive Dokra craft, one of the earliest known methods of metal casting using lost-wax casting technique, reflecting the beauty of life in its various forms, in observance of the iconic week of AzadiKa Amrit Mahotsav.


  1. NALCO recorded stellar performance in FY 2021-22, achieving revenue from operations of Rs. 14,181 Crores and net profit of Rs. 2, 952 Crores which is highest ever in the Company’s entire history.
  2. Achieved export earning of Rs 6,364 Cr for the year which is highest ever since inception.
  3. Declared dividend of 130% on paid up capital for the year FY 2021-22 which is highest ever since inception.
  4.  Recorded highest ever Bauxite production (75.11 Lakh tonne) since inception in FY 2021-22.
  5. Highest ever Cast metal production (4.60 Lakh tonne) since inception in FY 2021-22.
  6. Operationalization of full 960 nos. of Pot at Smelter plant achieved on 12.01.2022, a milestone of achieving 100% capacity utilisation for the first time.
  7. Lean slurry ash disposal system of CPP to Mines void has been commissioned in July’2021, which facilitates long term environment friendly ash disposal.
  8. Achieved highest ever total metal sale (4.57 lakh tonne) since inception.
  9. Rated as Lowest cost producer of Alumina and Bauxite in the World in 2021 (as per Wood Mackenzie Report).
  10. Order placed for Mine Developer and Operator (MDO) for Utkal D & E Coal Mines.
  11. For Caustic Soda Plant in Gujarat, in JV with GACL,Light up was done for the first 260 TPH coal fired boiler of the Captive power plant with oil firing on 6th Feb’ 2022.
  12. Caustic evaporation unit was commissioned on 31.03.2022.
  13. Total procurement through GeM portal is Rs. 3121.45 Crores (including Caustic Soda) in FY 2021-22, against Rs. 343.19 crores achieved in 2020-21.
  14. Against mandated procurement target of 25% from MSEs, NALCO achieved 31.22% of total procurement in FY 2021-22.
  15. NALCO has been awarded the National Winner of prestigious Golden Peacock Award-2021 for Sustainability in the Mining & Metal sector. The Award recognizes  focus on environmentally-sustainable practices.





NALCO Performance Highlights for FY 2022-23 (Till Nov’2022)

  1. Highest ever Aluminium cast metal production of 2, 31,424 MT in any H1 since inception.
  2. Highest ever total Aluminium metal sale of 2,32,237 MT in any H1 since inception.
  3. Mining operation of Utkal-D Coal Mines has commenced on 09.11.2022.
  4. Caustic Soda Plant (CSP) in Gujarat in JV with GACL started production of Caustic Soda on 17.05.2022. First consignment of 1,300 DMT Caustic soda despatched to Alumina Refinery, NALCO on 20.08.2022.
  5. NALCO's Panchpatmali Central & North Bauxite Mines received "Five Star Rating" Award at 6th National Conclave of Mines & Minerals held at New Delhi on 12.07.2022.
  6. Under Business Excellence instituted by CII-EXIM (Export-Import), NALCO’s Alumina Refinery has been conferred with Platinum category and Panchpatmali Bauxite Mines & Captive Power Plant units have been conferred Gold Plus category awards in recognition of the initiatives taken for Business Excellence.

Major CSR Activities taken up by the Company: -

NALCO  has taken up many projects for socio economic development of local populace.  A few of the notable flagship CSR

schemes of the Company are listed below:

  1. “Nalco-Ki-Ladli” scheme: The scheme is in-line with the BetiBachao-BetiPadhao scheme. Financial assistance is provided to meritorious girl child of BPL family. (816 beneficiaries)
  2. Indradhanush scheme: Sponsoring free Residential Education to tribal children (1,100 beneficiaries from 34 villages of Koraput Dist.)
  3. Door step Health service through eight Mobile health units (More than 1 lakh patients benefitted every year)

NALCO & Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Celebrations

  1. Inauguration of 300 Smart Classrooms in 110 schools across Odisha.
  2. Organised Mega Blood donation Camp in both S&P and M&R complexes. Large number of employees, family members, CISF personnel, people from peripheral villages, and public participated in blood donation for a noble cause. A total of 792 units of blood was collected.
  3. Distribution of utility items like white cane, braille paper rolls, masks & sound system to the Bhima Bhoi Govt High School for blind students.

NALCO Swachhata Drive:

  1. Launching of cleanliness drive cutting across all its site offices, production units, regional offices, corporate office, Townships, periphery villages& schools with active participation of employees, township residents, periphery villagers and students etc.

Cleaning & weeding out old files cutting across all its site offices, production units, regional offices and corporate office.


  • The drilling performance through departmental resources is 233452 m. During the month of March’ 2022, company registered drilling production of 48945 m thorough departmental resources.
  • The Gross Revenue up to November ’22 is Rs. 173.86 Cr.
  • During 2022 (Till Nov-22), MECL has submitted 26 nos. of Geological Reports of different minerals commodities e.g. Coal, Lignite, Copper, Iron ore, Manganese, Graphite, Potash, etc. and added 2600.46 million tonnes of resources to National Mineral Inventory out of which 10 Geological Reports have been submitted to NMET .
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Geological Survey of India (GSI), Kolkata and Mineral Exploration and Consultancy Limited, Nagpur to supplement GSI in exploratory drilling in Coal and Lignite.
  • Under modernization program, MECL has taken steps on advent of Technological Innovations and adoption of advanced software and equipment etc. such as DATAMINE Studio-RM, GeoviaMinex& Geo  SURPAC (Dassault System, France), Arc GIS, ERDAS IMAGINE, Slimhole Geophysical logging system, Core scanner, XRF, ICP MS, ICP OES etc
  • Under strategic diversification program, to increase sustainability and profitability MECL is diversifying its activities in both areas viz. business level and corporate level diversification. Further MECL is also providing consultancy to State Government for technical support to study the feasibility of mineral block for its auction purpose. MECL is also providing geochemical analysis services as a referee agency to various State Governments, CPSEs and other agencies.
  • Through Business Development & Commercial Division, rigorous efforts are being continued to generate/obtain more works from both private and public sectors through competitive Techno-commercial offers and MoU route as well as bilateral negotiations. As a result, during the year 2022, the total value of order book stood provisionally at Rs. 253.98 Cr upto 31.12.2022. This includes contractual work of various clients such as NALCO, RSMML, HCL, NMDC, FAGMIL, GSI, CMPDIL, DMG Goa, Adani etc. and NMET funded work and promotional coal exploration work on behalf of Ministry of Coal (MOC).
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: MECL is a premier Public Sector Enterprise responsible for exploration of all major minerals like coal, lignite, iron-ore, copper, zinc, limestone etc., developmental mining in various remote parts of the country. Generally, exploration/developmental mining projects of MECL are located in remote areas.

While conducting business of the company, it has also committed to participate and contribute towards development in the geographic area of its operation so as to provide opportunity for the economic, social, educational, infrastructural, health & hygienic cultural development of the people living in and around our working places through CSR & SD initiatives.

To systematically fulfill the needs & requirements of the population living around projects/ CHQ/Zonal offices in a sustained manner on small or large scale, as the need be, a policy for planning, executing and monitoring of CSR/SD works is essential.  Accordingly, the MECL CSR & SD Policy, taking into consideration of past practice and experience of implementing various CSR/SD   initiatives around MECL projects in in place.  The DPE guidelines have also been taken into account in this regard.

Highlights of Achievements during 2022 (up to December, 2022)

  • MECL has added 2600.46 million tonnes of mineral reserves in National Mineral Inventory.
  • MECL has paid a dividend of Rs. 33.95 crore to Government of India for the year 2021-22.

Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM):-

Besides IBM’s core charter of functions, i.e. carrying out various field inspections, Ore Dressing investigations, some of the major achievements are;

  1. Implementation of the Sustainable Development Framework (SDF) through online evaluation system of Star Rating of Mines: Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs, inaugurated 6th National Conclave on Mines and Minerals-2022 on 12.07.2022 and felicitated 40 mines obtaining five-star rating under star rating of Mines for the performance year 2020-21.


  1. Mining Surveillance System (MSS) is a satellite-based monitoring system which aims to establish a regime of responsive mineral administration by curbing instances of illegal mining activity through automatic remote sensing detection technology. Using the Mining Surveillance System, during 3rd phase in 2021-22, 177 triggers are generated for major minerals. So far, 89 triggers have been verified and 12 cases of unauthorized mining have been detected. During 4th phase, 61 triggers have been generated recently during the year 2022-23 for major minerals and have been forwarded to concerned State Governments. Verification is yet to be carried out.
  2. Total 179Officers from various States participated in the training of Mining Surveillance System.
  3. Under Mining Tenement System (MTS), Returns and Registration modules of MTS have successfully put on live from 1st May 2022 onwards accommodating the submitted returns for the month of April 2022 onwards. Registration, Returns and Mining Plan Modules were launched in 6th Mining Conclave on 12.7.2022. Mining Plans submitted after 12.7.2022, are accepted only through online portal. DPR in respect of the other modules is in progress and they will become operational in phased manner.

  1. As a part of Drone Application implementation, training of eight days each was imparted every month from April 2022 to December 2022 to batch of 10 to 12 officers from HQ and the Regional Offices of IBM on Basics of GIS and Processing of Drone Survey data.
  2. UAV survey related activities: IBM issued Standard Operating Procedures under sub rule (5) of rule 34A of MCDR, 2017 for carrying out drone survey and submission of Digital Aerial Images of Mining areas to IBM.A register of receipt of drone/ satellite data submitted by the lessees under rule 34A of MCDR 2017 is being maintained at IBM.  As on November, 2022 as many as 617 mining leases data was received. The drone /satellite data is also being checked with the requirements mentioned in SoP for submission of drone/satellite data.

Mine Pit Analysis using Drone Data

  1. During the current year, Average Sale Price (ASP) for Minerals up to September 2022and of Metals up to October, 2022 have been hosted on IBM website.
  2. IBM has brought out important publications like Indian Minerals Year Book 2020 (vol. I to III), Half Yearly Bulletin on mineral Information for the period Oct.20 to Mar.21, April 2021 to September, 2021 &Oct.21 to Mar.22 issues, Statistical Profiles of Minerals for the Year 2019-20 & 2020-21 issues, Bulletin on Mining Lease and Prospecting Licenses 2020 & 2021 issues and Monthly Statistics of Mineral Production (MSMP) up to February, 2022 issue to disseminate the technical data for interest of all stakeholders.
  3. As part of the capacity building of human resources, during 2022-23, up to November2022, IBM conducted 09 training programmes in which 129 IBM, 301 Industry and 21 State Government Officials participated.
  4. During 2022-23, the IBM offices observed Swachhata Pakhwada during 16th-30th November 2022 in office premises as well in mining site areas, nearby villages and schools.
  5. Special campaign 2.0 was implemented in respect of (i) disposal of pending references and grievances (ii) record management (weeding out of files) (iii) disposal of scrap/ obsolete items and (iv) cleanliness drive in office premises is ongoing activity in IBM. During the campaign period 39277 records have been reviewed. Out of which 19453 file have been identified for weeding out and subsequently weeded out. Scrap and obsolete items have been disposed off and Rs 2,58,514/- revenue is generated. 7000 Sq Ft space is freed/ created after record management and scrap disposal. Further, 24 special campaign outdoor programmes have been organized by various regional offices at schools and other public places.
  6. Filling up of vacancies in Mission Mode Rozgar Mela :DoPT vide O.M. dated 16.09.2022 informed that it has given the access to its Mission Recruitment Vacancy Status portal (the portal containing the details of vacancies to be filled on Mission Mode in r/o Ministry of Mines; URL: to the organizations under the administrative control of Ministry of Mines. Accordingly Offer of Appointment issued on 22.10.2022 to 02candidates (Assistant) and on 22.11.2022 to 109candidates (64 MTS and 45 Stenographer)

Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development and Design Centre (JNARDDC), Nagpur

During 2022-23 up to Dec 2022, JNARDDC completed three projects and thirteenR&D projects are in progress for various government and non-government organization.

Designated Sector Expert

JNARDDC is the designated sector expert for the following key authorities: -

  • NITI Aayog -
    • REE (Rare earth element) from red Mud and coal fly ash
    • Resource Efficiency& Circular Economy in aluminium sector
  • Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power –
    • Aluminium Sector expert for “National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency”-PAT 2/3/4 cycle
  • BIS, Bureau of Indian Standards
    • Guidelines for Al-scrap
    • Standard for aluminium alloys & products
  • Ministry of Mines
    • National Nonferrous Metal Scrap Recycling framework
    • Circular Economy Actions for nonferrous primary and secondary sector
    • NFMIMS (Aluminium, Copper, Lead & Zinc import monitoring system)
    • Inter-Ministerial committee for Import Substitution in Aluminium Sector
  • Metal Recycling Authority (MRA)
    • JNARDDC is nominated Metal Recycling Authority (MRA) by Ministry of Mines - to carry out the non-statutory functions earmarked for MRA as stipulated in the “National Non-Ferrous Metal Scrap Recycling Framework 2020”
  • Referee Lab for Coal
    • JNARDDC is nominated referee lab for coal sample analysis of third party sampling of coal by CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad.

Seminars and Conferences

  • 26th  International Conference on  Non ferrous Metals (ICNFM-2022) ; Radisson Blu, Nagpur on 8-9 July 2022 was co-organized by JNARDDC ;
  • 10thInternational IBAAS Conference & Exhibition- Raipur; IBAAS - JNARDDC 2022 September 14-17, 2022  and one day Brainstorming session on Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling was co-organized by JNARDDC :

40th International Conference and Exhibition, ICSOBA 2022 was organized by The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium during 10-14 Oct 2022 at Radisson Blu Park, Athens, Greece. Director, JNARDDC participated and delivered the keynote lecture on “Framework to Drive Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy in Indian Aluminium Sector”.


One patent was filed for the “process for beneficiation and enrichment of rare earth elements in bauxite residue” vide no. 202221024081 dated 25.04.2022.

Five patents were granted for various innovative process and products developed by JNARDDC.


Patent details


A process for preparing smelter grade alumina:

Granted vide no. 404896 on 29/08/2022

Inventors : S B Rai, M J Chaddha, M T Nimje, R J Sharma, K J Kulkarni & K R Rao (JNARDDC)


Process for preparation of low ferric alum from waste or low grade aluminium dross

Granted vide no. 406384 on 12/09/2022

Inventors : Dr Upendra Singh, J Mukhopadhyay, (JNARDDC) & Binuta Patra and P Bandopadhyay (NALCO)


“A process for conversion of Hazardous 1st Cut SPL Waste of Aluminium Industries into Non Hazardous Material by Converting Inorganic Toxic Cyanide to Non Toxic Species by Selective Heat Treatment and Recovery of Sodium, Fluoride and Carbon Value

Granted vide no. 407276 on 21/09/2022

Inventors : M T Nimje, Mohamed Najar Anupam Agnihotri, (JNARDDC) & A S P Mishra (VEDANTA)


A process for selective leaching of iron from alumina hydrate

Granted vide no. 407793 on 28/09/2022

Inventors : Dr Mohamed Najar, M T Nimje, S P Puttewar, Anupam Agnihotri (JNARDDC) &Subrat Kar, V Krishna Kumari P K Behera, (NALCO)


A Light Weight Foamed Geopolymer (LWFGEOP) and its preparation

Granted vide no. 409005 on 12/10/2022

Inventors : Dr Mohamed Najar, Mukesh Chaddha, Pravin  Bhukte, Numanuddin Azad, ShamaWadsariya, Suresh Puttewar, Anupam Agnihotri (Jnarddc) And Saket Jain (Swarnalatha Holdings)


Technology Transfer to Shakti Plastics, Mumbai

Chemical delamination process was developed by JNARDDC for Multi-Layer Plastic Waste (MLPW) that enables improved purity of materials for making quality products from multilayers of rejects. JNARDDC transferred the developed recycling process to M/s Shakti Plastics, Mumbai for processing different types of MLPs they collect from various collection centers across the country for recycling. A patent for the process has already been filed vide no. 201921050658 on 08.12.2019

Inauguration of new facilities / labs

Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, IAS, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Mines undertook review of JNARDDC, Nagpur on 6thDec 2022. Shri Bharadwaj inaugurated three new lab facilities (i) GEO-Analytical Lab equipped with carbon Sulphuranalyzer, direct mercury analyzer & TCLP (ii) Reference Materials for the Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys and (iii) Unit for AlF3 and Silica (SiO2) recovery from coal fly ash.

Awards / Recognition

  • Scientific excellence award  toDr Upendra Singh HoD (Analytical) in the 26th   International Conference on  Non ferrous Metals (ICNFM-2022) ; Radisson Blu, Nagpur on 8-9 July 2022
  • 2nd prize for the poster presented on “Preparation of poly-aluminium chloride; a bench scale study” :Jyoti Pendam, Sonali Thwrani, Mayur Tirpude, Dr. Upendra Singh and Dr A Agnihotri at ICNFM-2022
  • First prize in IBAAS-2022 Raipur for the paper “Synthesis of 3N pure Alpha- Nano  Alumina from Aluminium Foil by Dr Priyanka Nayar, Dr Pooja Yadav, Sandeep Kowe, Jyoti Pendam, Dr Upendra Singh& Dr Anupam Agnihotri.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

JNARDDC undertook special campaign for cleanliness of all labs and office premises. Swachatha Pakhwara was observed in October 2022 with a view to encourage the zeal of the above program. In the current year JNARDDC has undertaken the following activities under Swachta Action Plan (i) Re-carpeting of office road of technical complex (ii) Mass Plantation programs (iii) Review and disposal of files of record room (iv) Renovation of Guest House and sanitation facilities (v) Disposal of scrap

The 800 metres cement road of JNARDDC was inaugurated by Ms NirupamaKotru, IRS, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of Coal & Mines in July 2022.

National Institute of Rock Mechanics (NIRM)

  1. During the period of review (2022) completed 66 projects worth 16.6crores fulfilling the requirements of various geo-scientific projects (civil, mining and infrastructure sectors. The scientific investigations and the scientific initiatives through advanced geological, in-situ stress measurements, numerical modelling, excavation design, engineering geophysical investigations, advanced seismic and microseismic monitoring from surface and underground, seismic hazard estimation, and stability of slopes/ underground excavations have been of considerable value addition to projects on turnkey basis.

NIRM Specialised areas:

  • Site Characterisation investigation – engineering geological, engineering geophysical, geotechnical in-situ investigation, seismotectonic studies
    • Design and Excavation – surface and underground mine design, excavation engineering, controlled blasting, numerical modelling, design of hill slopes
    • Advanced Monitoring – microseismic monitoring, engineering seismological investigation, slope stability monitoring, conventional instrumentation
    • Testing Services – laboratory testing of rock samples & wire ropes and in-situ testing of various mining accessories using NDT technique
  1. Rock excavation design and numerical modelling in hydro electric projects have been immensely helpful in planning and monitoring of the excavations in progress. The advanced modelling and instrumentation have been time and again sought by the industry to keep the projects functioning at its peak efficiency without interruption. Combined with the in-situ stress measurements, permeability and deformation tests at various sites, NIRM have provided vital clue about the behaviour of rockmass during excavation and construction.
  2. NIRM has been carrying out advanced seismic hazard investigations and microseismic monitoring for surface and underground mines. The inputs have been vital for planning of various activity and safety of structures involved. The time-to-time reporting of the seismic behaviour of rocks in the underground have proved significantly useful for continuing the mining operations without interruption or long downtime. In addition to providing solutions, NIRM also strives to publish high quality scientific works through national and international conferences, symposium, peer reviewed journals and other technical publications.
  3. Industry Training: NIRM also trains industry engineers, associates in scientific projects through onsite training and virtual online programmes. NIRM had successfully conducted advanced lectures series through AKAM (75 years of Indian Independence) technical weekly lectures with the participation of industry experts and scientists of the organisation. NIRM also imparted skills on basic awareness and practices required for seismic monitoring skills under a programme sponsored by Ministry of Mines, Govt. Of India, in February 2022.
  4. Industry – Academia Interaction: NIRM scientists work hard to earn higher skills and degrees like PhD in advanced areas of their specialisation. Such works ensure strong industry–academic relationship and provide opportunities for young engineers, science graduates to interact with the scientists of the organisation. This enables two way opportunities for upgradation of knowledge, skill and high quality scientific solution



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