Ministry of Home Affairs
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

In fulfilling vision of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi of ‘Insurgency free and prosperous North East’ andin significant boost to Naga peace process, under guidance of  Union Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, Government of India enters into Ceasefire Agreement with National Socialist Council of Nagaland (K)Niki Group

Posted On: 08 SEP 2021 7:41PM by PIB Delhi

            In fulfilling the vision of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi of ‘Insurgency free and prosperous North East’ and in a significant boost to the Naga peace process, under the guidance of Union Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, the Government of India has entered into a Ceasefire Agreement with National Socialist Council of Nagaland (K)Niki Group, with effect from 08th September, 2021 for a period of one year and more than 200 cadres of this group along with 83 weapons joined the peace process. The Ceasefire Agreement and Agreed Ceasefire Ground Rules were signed on 08th September, 2021. The Government of India has already signed a Framework Agreement with NSCN(IM) and Ceasefire Agreements with other Naga groups namely, NSCN(NK), NSCN(R) and NSCN(K)-Khango.


            Earlier Government of India had signed Agreement with NLFT(SD) in August, 2019 by which 88 cadres along with 44 weapons joined the mainstream of society in Tripura. In January 2020, with the signing of Bodo Agreement, more than 2,250 cadres of insurgent groups, including all factions of NDFB, along with 423 weapons and huge quantity of ammunition surrendered in Assam and joined the mainstream. On 23.02.2021, 1040 leaders/cadres of various underground Karbi groups of Assam surrendered along with 338 weapons which was followed by signing of KarbiAnglong Agreement on 04.09.2021.



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