PIB Headquarters


Posted On: 24 FEB 2021 6:03PM by PIB Delhi










India’s Active Caseload stands at 1.46 lakh today; Daily recoveries more than the daily new cases in the last 24 hours, India’s Cumulative Vaccination coverage has crossed 1.21 crore

India has been containing the country’s Active Caseload under 1.50 lakh. The active cases are 1,46,907 today. The present active caseload now consists of 1.33% of India’s total Positive Cases.13,742 new daily cases have been recorded in the last 24 hours whereas 14,037 recoveries registered in the last 24 hours. It has led to a net decline of 399 cases in the total active caseload.Maharashtra reported maximum positive changes with an addition of 298 cases whereas Kerala has recorded maximum negative change with subtraction of 803 cases.In last one week, 12 states have reported more than 100 average daily new cases. These are Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Punjab, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Telangana, Delhi and Haryana. Two States, Kerala and Maharashtra both report more than 4,000 average daily new cases in past one week.As on 24thFebruary, 2021, the vaccination coverage was 1,21,65,598 through 2,54,356 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 64,98,300 HCWs (1st dose), 13,98,400 HCWs (2nd dose) and 42,68,898 FLWs (1st dose).The 2nd dose of COVID19 vaccination started on 13th February, 2021 for those beneficiaries who have completed 28 days after receipt of the 1st dose. Vaccination of the FLWs started on 2nd Feb 2021.On Day-39 of the vaccination drive (23rdFebruary, 2021), 4,20,046 vaccine doses were given. Out of which, 2,79,823 beneficiaries were vaccinated across 9,479 sessions for 1st dose (HCWs and FLWs) and 1,40,223 HCWs received 2nd dose of vaccine.Out of total 1,21,65,598 vaccine doses, 1,07,67,198 (HCWs and FLWs) have received 1st dose of vaccine and total 13,98,400 HCWs have received the 2nd dose of vaccine.12 States/UTs have administered more than 75% of the registered HCWs.India’s cumulative recoveries stand at 1,07,26,702 today. The Recovery Rate is 97.25% today. The gap between total recovered cases and the active cases is constantly rising and stands at 10,579,795 today.86.26% of the new recovered cases are observed to be concentrated in 6 States.Maharashtra has reported the maximum number of single day recoveries with 5,869 newly recovered cases.4,823 people recovered in Kerala in the past 24 hours followed by 453 in Tamil Nadu.86.15% of the new cases are from 6 States.Maharashtra continues to report the highest daily new cases at 6,218. It is followed by Kerala with4,034 while Tamil Nadu reported 442 new cases.104 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours.Five States account for 81.73%of the new deaths. Maharashtra saw the maximum casualties (51). Kerala reported 14 deaths and Punjab reported 10 deaths.19 States/UTs have not reported any COVID19 deaths in last 24 hours. Thirteen states have reported 1 to 5 deaths; 2 states have reported 6 to 10 deaths; 1 state has reported 10 to 20 deaths and 1 state has reported more than 20 deaths.

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Centre Rushes Multi-disciplinary High Level Central teams to States/UTs witnessing surge in cases, Health Secretary writes to 7 States/UTs on Recent Surge in COVID19 Cases & advises specific measures to be taken

The Centre has deputed high level multi-disciplinary teams to Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for supporting them in public health measures for targeted COVID response and management, and effectively tackling the pandemic. The three –member multidisciplinary teams are headed by Joint Secretary level officers in the Health Ministry. These teams will work closely with the States/UT administration and ascertain reasons for recent surge in the number of COVID19 cases. They will also coordinate with health authorities of the States/UT for requisite COVID19 control measures to break the chain of transmission. The States/UT has been advised for regular critical review of the emerging situation with concerned District officials to ensure that gains made so far in COVID management are not lost.The Centre has also written to Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir which have been witnessing a rise in daily COVID cases, along with decreasing proportion of RT-PCR tests and rise in positivity in some districts.They have been asked to focus on undertaking aggressive measures to break the chain of transmission and to ensure that RT-PCR testing is amplified to flush out hitherto undetected cases from the population. These States/UT have been advised to increase testing in a focussed manner in the affected districts with the appropriate split of RT-PCR and Rapid Antigen Tests and to also ensure that all symptomatic negatives of antigen tests are compulsorily tested via RT-PCR tests.

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Cabinet approves Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Pharmaceuticals

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has approved Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Pharmaceuticals over a period of Financial Year 2020-21 to 2028-29.The Scheme will benefit domestic manufacturers, help in creating employment and is expected to contribute to the availability of wider range of affordable medicines for consumers.The scheme is expected to promote the production of high value products in the country and increase the value addition in exports. Total incremental sales of Rs.2,94,000 crore and total incremental exports of Rs.1,96,000 crore are estimated during six years from 2022-23 to 2027-28.The scheme is expected to generate employment for both skilled and un-skilled personnel, estimated at 20,000 direct and 80,000 indirect jobs as a result of growth in the sector.It is expected to promote innovation for development of complex and high-tech products including products of emerging therapies and in-vitro Diagnostic Devices as also self-reliance in important drugs. It is also expected to improve accessibility and affordability of medical products including orphan drugs to the Indian population. The Scheme is also expected to bring in investment of Rs.15,000 crore in the pharmaceutical sector.

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States/UTs roll out Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 3.0

Various States and UTs have started implementation of the Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0, a campaign aimed to reach those children and pregnant women who have been missed out or been left out of the Routine ImmunisationProgramme. This is aimed to accelerate the full immunization of children and pregnant women through a mission mode intervention. The first phase has been rolled out from 22nd Feb 2021 for fifteen days. The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan, launched the campaign on 19th February, 2021 and urged the States and district functionaries to reach each and every child and attain maximum Full Immunization Coverage. The campaign has exemplified ownership of the immunization program by top most leadership at the state level also. The campaign is scheduled to have two rounds of immunization lasting 15 days (excluding Routine immunization and holidays). It is being conducted in pre-identified 250 districts/urban areas across 29 States/UTs in the country. As per the Guidelines released for IMI 3.0, the districts have been classified to reflect 313 low risk; 152 as medium risk; and 250 as high risk districts. As per data reported till 1700 hrs. on 22nd February, nearly 29,000 children and 5,000 pregnant women were vaccinated (data provisional).IMI 3.0 campaign spearheaded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), will be implemented in mission-mode with support from key departments, as well as a strong network of partners and civil society organizations, youth groups, and community members.

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Dr. Harsh Vardhan delivers the valedictory address on “Workshop on Good Practices of COVID-19” with 9 neighbouring countries

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PM addresses a workshop on “Covid-19 Management: Experience, Good Practices and Way Forward” with 10 Neighboring Countries, Suggests special visa scheme for doctors and nurses, a regional Air Ambulance agreement

The Prime Minister addressed a workshop on “Covid-19 Management: Experience, Good Practices and Way Forward” with health leaders, experts and officials of 10 Neighboring Countries viz Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka along with Indian officials and experts, on Thursday.The Prime Minister lauded the way the health systems of the countries cooperated during the pandemic and for meeting the challenge in the most densely populated region with coordinated response.The Prime Minister recalled creation of COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to meet the immediate costs of fighting the pandemic and sharing of resources - medicines, PPE, and testing equipment. He also notedsharing of experiences and learning from each other’s best practices in testing, infection control and medical waste management.“This spirit of collaboration is a valuable take-away from this pandemic.Through our openness and determination, we have managed to achieve one of the lowest fatality rates in the world.This deserves to be applauded’’.Asking the countries to raise the ambition further, the Prime Minister suggested creating a special visa scheme for our doctors and nurses, so that they can travel quickly within our region during health emergencies, on the request of the receiving country.

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Text of PM'S address to the Workshop on “Covid-19 Management: Experience, Good Practices and Way Forward" with 10 Neighboring Countries

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Dr. Harsh Vardhan addresses the inaugural ceremony of the third India Tourism Mart
Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare addressed the inaugural ceremony of the third India Tourism Mart, organized by the Federation of Associations in India Tourism and Hospitality (FAITH), through video conferencing on Thursday. Congratulating FAITH for organising the event, Dr. Harsh Vardhan expressed his appreciation at the participation of over 250 delegates from 60 countries who attended the event virtually. He also added that, “This third India Tourism Mart holds even more significance as it is being organized at a time when the world is emerging from the dark clouds of the pandemic and countries all across the world are contemplating on opening up travel albeit with all health & security precautions in place.” Highlighting the government’s efforts in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr Vardhan said, “India has embarked on the world’s largest immunization program against COVID-19. We have not only vaccinated over 8.5 million people in India but have also sent millions of doses to other countries seeking our help.” Speaking on the advancements in India’s healthcare facilities which has led to a spike of medical tourism in India, the Minister noted that, “India has always been a popular tourist destination, but over the last few years, it has also emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism. He further said that to encourage it further, we have already started issuing medical visas and are planning to soon restart E-Tourist Visas as well as scheduled International flights’’.

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Gangwar launches Software Applications and instruction manuals with questionnaire for five All India Surveys; Says labour data is crucial inputs in policy making

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour& Employment Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar today launched the trainers’ training programme for the All India Surveys being conducted by Labour Bureau, an attached office of Ministry of Labour& Employment by releasing the Instruction Manuals & Questionnaires for the surveys and the software application developed. He was accompanied by Secretary L&E Shri Apurva Chandra and Senior Labour& Employment Advisor and Director General, Labour Bureau Shri DPS Negi. Speaking on the occasion, Union Labour Minister said that data on all aspects of labour is crucial to serve as inputs in policy making especially in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The four All India surveys on migrant workers, domestic workers, employment generated by professionals and transport sector have tremendous role to play at national level by providing data on the most effected labour market participants. The Minister lauded the efforts of Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary, L&E and Shri DPS Negi, Director General, Labour Bureau for their steadfastness and exemplary role which have finally culminated in the launch of four All India surveys.

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  • Kerala: The Centre has deputed yet another multi-disciplinary team to the state as it is witnessing a witnessing a surge in COVID-19 cases. The state has decided to exert more pressure on the Centre for additional vaccine stocks, as a chunk of the population still remains susceptible to Covid-19. Meanwhile, Kerala’s cumulative burden of Covid cases rose to 10,40,903 with the state reporting 4,034 cases yesterday. The total death toll till date is 4,119. The first instance of local transmission of the mutant variant of Covid-19 was detected in Kerala on Tuesday. The state has reported 11 cases of the new strain so far. Immunisationprogramme for poll officials has begun in the state. As many as two lakh officers will get the first dose of the vaccine before March 31 and the second dose before the ensuing assembly election.
  • Tamil Nadu: As on date, Tamil Nadu recorded 8,49,166 total cases, 12,472 deaths, 442 Active cases and 8,32,620 discharges.
  • Karnataka: State budget session will commence from March 4. The state government announced that marshals will be deployed at wedding halls and at events to ensure adherence to COVID protocols. A series of check posts were put across Maharashtra and Kerala borders to check COVID. Those entering Karnataka from these States must have RTPCR negative report. Upper primary classes reopened from Feb 22 and day one 42% attendance registered. Meanwhile state government has set a target of 80% to vaccinate health care workers in all districts by February end.
  • Andhra Pradesh:  As on date, Andhra Pradesh recorded 8,89,409 total cases, 7168 deaths, 575 active cases and 8,81,666 discharges. The recovery rate stands at 99.13 per cent. The state has conducted tests for 1,37,75,253 samples so far including 28,268 in the last twenty-four hours.Covid-19 vaccination drive was launched for the police personnel at AR Grounds in Vijayawada, yesterday. The vaccination drive for the police personnel will continue for 10 days. The vaccination programme to the police staff was postponed due to Panchayat polls held in the State in four phases.  The first phase vaccine was given to the health workers and the second phase of vaccination is underway for the frontline workers.
  • Telangana: A total of 1,11,829 health care workers have received the second dose of vaccine till now in the state. 1,95,850 Govt and Private health care workers received the first dose of vaccine. This is 59 percent of the total 3,31,097 health care workers targeted for Covid vaccination in the state. A total of 88,987 other frontline workers received the first dose till now. This is 35 percent of the total 2,57,239 frontline workers targeted for the vaccination. The second dose of vaccination for health care workers will be carried out on Wednesday (Today). A mop up session for first dose of vaccine for the left-out health care workers and other frontline workers will be carried out on 26th and 27th of this month. In the backdrop of number of Covid cases growing in neighbouring states like Maharashtra, Telangana Health Minister EetalaRajender held a review meeting with senior officials of his department on 22nd of this month to take stock of the situation. The Minister said the situation in the state is very much in control and there is no proposal to impose curfew and lockdown in any part of the state. He instructed the officials to ramp up RT-PCR tests.
  • Maharashtra: Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray reviewed the COVID situation in a meeting with Municipal Commissioners of MMR region. He also asked the Washim District Administration to take strict action against those who organised a large gathering at a religious place where the State Forest Minister offered worship.  Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said that the sale of Coronil tablets of Patanjali will not be allowed in Maharashtra without proper certification from competent health organizations like WHO, IMA and others.In Marathwada region indefinite night curfew is being imposed in the district of Hingoli. Night curfew will begin at 7 pm every day and shall remain till next morning 7 am. In Jalna district, all schools, colleges, hostels, coaching classes and residential schools will remain closed till 31st March. A curfew has been imposed in Aurangabad. There will be a curfew from eleven o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning.  Dahiwadi village and the surrounding area in Satara district has been declared as a containment zone.

New Cases - 6,218

Recoveries - 5,869

Deaths - 51

Active Cases - 53,409

Total Cases till date - 21,12,312

Total Recoveries till date - 20,05,851

Total Deaths till date - 51,857

  • Gujarat: More than 1.15 crore samples have been tested in the state so far. Number of active cases in the state currently is 1786. Also 294 patients recovered on Tuesday which brings the total recoveries in the state to 261416.

Recovered patients- 294

Active Cases – 1786

Total recoveries- 2,61,416

Total deaths- 4403

Samples tested so far- 1,15,50,722

  • Rajasthan: State has recorded 76 new cases on Tuesday.  Number of positive cases reported in the state so far is 3,19,702. More than 3.15 lakh people have recovered already.

New Cases – 76

Total positive cases – 3,19,702

Total recoveries- 3,15,722

Total deaths- 2,785

  • Madhya Pradesh – The covid positivity rate has increased to 2.2percent.  MP government has increased vigilance and awareness drive against Covid 19 in the wake of steady rise in Covid cases in the state since last week.  Thermal testing of those coming from adjoining Maharashtra has begun. Bordering districts are on alert as a large number of people from Maharashtra attend the fairs held at Chhindwara and Betul on the occasion of Shivaratri.

New Cases – 233

Recovered patients-221

Deaths- 03

Active cases- 1856

Total positive cases- 2,58,082

Total recovered patients-2,52,385

Total Deaths –3,841

Total number of people tested- 56,03,016

  • Chhattisgarh:  The State Government has issued instructions to screen all travelers who enter the state through various modes of transport amid rise in fresh Covid-19 cases.

COVID screening and contact tracing of all passengers including the passengers from Mumbai and Delhi arriving at Raipur and Jagdalpur (Bastar) airport will be conducted. Travelers coming by road and rail from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi are being particularly investigated.

New Cases - 274

Recovered patients - 39

Deaths- 02

Active Cases- 2977

Total recovered patients- 3,04,647

Total Deaths – 2,809

Total positive cases- 3,11,433

  • Goa: State has 479 active cases as on Tuesday. More than 53,000 patients have recovered and 788 people have lost their lives so far. Total number of positive cases in the state is 54,648.

Active Cases – 479

Total recovered patients- 53,381

Total deaths- 788

Total positive cases- 54,648



















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