Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

1,60,33,081 candidates have been trained/oriented under the PMKVY scheme from 2015 to 2024

Posted On: 26 MAR 2025 4:21PM by PIB Delhi

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has been implementing its flagship scheme, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), since 2015 to impart skill development training through Short-Term Training (STT) and up-skilling and re-skilling through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to youth across the country. Under the PMKVY scheme, since its inception in 2015 till 31.12.2024 a total of 1,60,33,081 candidates have been trained/ oriented.

Placements were tracked under Short Term Training (STT) component of PMKVY in the first three versions of the scheme which is PMKVY 1.0, PMKVY 2.0 and PMKVY 3.0 implemented from FY 2015-16 to FY 2021-22. The reported placement rate in STT certified candidates till PMKVY 3.0 was 43%.

Under PMKVY 4.0, the focus is to empower our trained candidates to choose their varied career path and they are suitably oriented for the same. To enable the opportunities for employments, Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) platform has been launched to integrate skilling, education, employment, and entrepreneurship ecosystems. PMKVY 4.0 is a Central Sector Scheme. Under PMKVY 4.0, during the last three financial years including current financial year (as on 31.12.2024), Rs. 1244.52 crore has been utilized across States/UTs.

Further, several steps have been taken to ensure the successful implementation and expansion of PMKVY 4.0 across the country. These efforts aim to address skill gaps, improve employability, and support economic growth. A few of them are as under:

  1. Focus on New Age Skills like Industry 4.0, Web 3.0, AR/VR, Climate Change, Circular Economy, Green Economy, etc;
  2. Greater reliance on On-Job-Training (OJT) for better practical exposure to candidates;
  3. Emphasis on Re-skilling, and Up-skilling under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL);
  4. Flexibility in course curriculums by introducing courses in partnership with industry.
  5. Cross utilization of available infrastructure with the educational institutions viz. Institutes of National Importance (INIs) / Schools / Colleges / Universities / Central and State Government Institutions, etc; 
  6. Training aligned to National Priorities and Policy Announcements focusing on clusters in sectors like Semiconductor, 5G, AI, Green Hydrogen, EV, Solar Mission, Care, Tourism etc.

This information was provided by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Shri Jayant Chaudhary in reply to an unstarred question (No: 3000) in Rajya Sabha today.


Pawan Singh Faujdar/Divyanshu Kumar

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