Ministry of Power
azadi ka amrit mahotsav


Posted On: 29 JUL 2024 4:09PM by PIB Delhi

PAT scheme was launched in 2012. To date, 1333 Designated Consumers across thirteen sectors have been given energy conservation targets under the scheme. These targets are set for a three-year period. During the year 2022-23, the above units under PAT have saved 25.77 Million Ton of Oil Equivalent (MTOE), which is about 8% of their total annual energy consumption.

Till date 11,127 candidates have been certified as Energy Auditors, in the country.

Currently, designated consumers under thirteen energy intensive sectors including thermal power plants, refineries, iron and steel, and textile industries are covered under the Perform-Achieve-Trade (PAT) scheme. With the introduction of the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS) in June 2023, nine of these sectors which are Green-House Gas emission intensive, including refineries, iron and steel plants, and textile industries will gradually transition to the CCTS by the financial year 2026-27. The remaining four energy intensive sectors including thermal power plants will continue to be covered under PAT scheme. Addition of new energy intensive industries through energy audits is a continuous process under PAT scheme.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Power, Shri Shripad Naik, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today




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