President's Secretariat
President of India launches the Fourth Krishi Road map of Bihar
Posted On:
18 OCT 2023 2:50PM by PIB Delhi
The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu launched the fourth Krishi Road Map (2023-2028) of Bihar at Patna today (October 18, 2023).
Speaking on the occasion, the President said that agriculture is an important part of the folk culture of Bihar. It is the basis of Bihar's economy. Agriculture and allied sectors not only employ almost half of the state's workforce but also contribute significantly to the state’s GDP. Therefore, all round development of the agriculture sector is very important. She was happy to note that the Government of Bihar has been implementing the Agriculture Road Map since 2008. She noted that as a result of the implementation of the last three agricultural road maps, the productivity of paddy, wheat and maize in the state has almost doubled. Bihar has also become a leading state in the production of mushroom, honey, makhana and fish. She said that the launch of the fourth Agriculture Road Map is an important step towards taking this effort forward.
The President said that the farmers of Bihar are known for striving and adopting new experiments in farming. This is the reason why a Nobel Prize winner economist called the farmers of Nalanda “greater than scientists”. She was happy to note that despite adopting modern farming methods, the farmers of Bihar have preserved the traditional methods of agriculture and varieties of grains. She described it as a good example of the harmony of tradition with modernity.
The President urged farmers of Bihar to take advantage of the rising demand for organic products. She said that organic farming is helpful in reducing the cost of agriculture and environment conservation. It is also capable of increasing the farmers’ income and providing nutritious food to the people. She was happy to note that the Government of Bihar has created an organic corridor in the districts along the banks of Ganga to boost organic farming.
The President said that global warming and climate change are a crisis for the existence of entire humanity. But these affect the poor the most. She noted that Bihar has received very little rainfall in recent years. She said that Bihar has been considered a water-rich state, rivers and ponds have been the identity of this state. To maintain this identity, it is very important to pay attention to water conservation. She stated that Climate Resilient Agriculture can play an important role in dealing with the challenge of climate change. By bringing changes in the current farming pattern, bio-diversity can be promoted, exploitation of water resources can be reduced, soil fertility can be conserved, and above all, balanced food can be delivered to the plates of people.
The President was happy to note that ethanol is being produced from maize, a major crop of Bihar. She said that it is an important step towards reducing dependence on fossil fuels, environmental protection and energy security of the country.
The President said that the contribution of Bihar is very important in fulfilling the dream of developed India. But to turn this dream into reality, we have to come out of man-made narrow-mindedness. There is no option other than holistic development to make Bihar a developed state. The policy-makers and people of Bihar have to set a road map for the progress of the state and follow it. She said that it is a matter of satisfaction that the agriculture road map is being implemented in Bihar. But, she would be more happy when Bihar is seen continuously moving on the path of progress by making a road map on every parameter of development – be it health, education, per capita income or Happiness Index.
Please click here to see the President's Speech
(Release ID: 1968711)
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