Ministry of Law and Justice
The flagship e-Courts project completes full circle with Supreme Court of India onboarding the National Judicial Data Grid portal
All three tiers of Indian judiciary now on NJDG portal
Posted On:
14 SEP 2023 3:31PM by PIB Delhi
With Supreme Court of India onboarding the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) portal, the flagship project of the e-Courts project completes the full circle. Now we have all three tiers of Indian judiciary on NJDG portal. NJDG is recognized as a significant innovation under the ease of doing business initiative of the Government of India.
The NJDG portal is a national repository of data relating to cases instituted, pending and disposed of by the courts across the length and breadth of the country. Now on a click of a button, one may access case related information, statistics such as institution, pendency and disposal of cases, case-types, year-wise break-up of the Supreme Court of India.
NJDG has been developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) in close coordination with the in-house software development team of the Computer Cell, Registry with an interactive interface and analytics dashboard. The entire database shall be periodically updated on the NJDG portal.
To date, the NJDG portal remains unparalleled, and the same is accessible at a click of a button to its citizenry. NJDG is sui generis as it has brought transparency, and accountability within the realm of the Indian judicial system by sharing all relevant data of cases instituted, pending and disposed of.
Since the launch of the NJDG portal, the benefits of the NJDG portal can be summed up as under:
increased transparency
accountability and responsibility
improved efficiency
increased coordination
informed decision making
optimum deployment of resources and manpower
single source of data
huge potential for high-quality research work
The NJDG-SCI portal can be accessed through the website of the Supreme Court of India by clicking on the tab button – NJDG
There are three main webpages of the NJDG-SCI portal
At a glance
Pending dashboard
Disposed dashboard

At a Glance
At a Glance web page publishes:
current year’ pendency of civil and criminal cases
total pendency inclusive of REGISTERED and UNREGISTERED CASES
number of cases instituted in last month
number of cases disposed of in last month
number of cases instituted in current year
disposal in current year and
CORAM wise pending cases - 3 Judges, 5 Judges, 7 Judges, 9 Judges
As is seen on the screen, for the year 2023 the total pendency of registered cases and unregistered casesis 64,854 and 15,490 respectively . Last month, the cases instituted and cases disposed were 5,412 and 5,033 respectively .
(Release ID: 1957318)
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