Ministry of Mines
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Mines Ministry Invites Nominations for National Geoscience Awards -2022

Posted On: 07 NOV 2022 5:31PM by PIB Delhi

The Ministry of Mines invites nominations for the National Geoscience Awards-2022 for contributions in the field of fundamental/applied geosciences, mining, and allied areas. The awards, instituted in 1966 and given annually, are an initiative of the Ministry to encourage geoscientists for striving toward excellence. The National Geoscience Awards are of three categories:

  1. National Geoscience Award for Lifetime Achievement: Award for Lifetime Achievement (single award) shall be given to an individual with an exceptionally high lifetime achievement for sustained and significant contributions in any of the disciplines mentioned in Clause-2 of NGA Regulation 2022. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 5,00,000/- and a certificate.
  2. National Geoscience Award: National Geoscience Award (10 Awards) shall be given to individuals or team(s) in recognition of meritorious contribution in any of the disciplines mentioned in Clause-2 of NGA Regulation 2022. Each award carries a cash prize of Rs. 3,00,000/- and a certificate. In the case of a team award, the award money will be equally divided.
  3. National Young Geoscientist Award: Young Geoscientist Award (single award) shall be given for outstanding research work in any field of geosciences to an individual below 35 years of age as on the 31st December 2021. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000 plus a research grant of Rs. 5,00,000/- spread over five years subject to satisfactory yearly progress and a certificate.

Any citizen of India with a significant contribution in any of the fields specified in Clause-2 of the NGA Regulation 2022 shall be eligible for these awards. The nominations are being received online at National Awards Portal, i.e., from 1st November 2022. The last date of receipt of nominations is 30th November 2022 . Nominations other than online mode through National Awards Portal will not be accepted.

For more details, may refer the ‘National Geoscience Awards Regulations 2022’ at the website . Information can be also be obtained from Director (Technical), Ministry of Mines, Room No 306-D, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi - 110001, Telefax - 01123385329, email: ngawards-mines[at]gov[dot]in



(Release ID: 1874282) Visitor Counter : 2011

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