Ministry of Defence
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

NCC RDC-2022 selection process in full swing in friendly countries

Posted On: 08 OCT 2021 4:26PM by PIB Delhi

Key highlights:


·               Quiz test for selection completed

·               Participation in RDC-2022 made aspirational

·               As of now, Brazil, Argentina, Mauritius, Seychelles, Nigeria, Mozambique and Maldives confirm participation


Process to select participants for National Cadet Corps (NCC) Republic Day Camp 2022 (RDC-2022) is in full swing. Competitive tests were conducted in 25 friendly countries in September 2021 to select approximately 300 cadets of NCC/equivalent/youth organisations.   

As part of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’, the participation of cadets has been expanded to 15 more countries, i.e., France, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Mauritius, Seychelles and Mozambique. Earlier, the usual participation was from 10 friendly countries i.e., Russia, Singapore, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are invited for the NCC Camp. 

The selection process will be completed by the end of October 2021. From each country, 10 cadets alongwith their instructors numbering total of around 300 participants will take part in the RDC-2022. The competitive test comprised of a quiz on India to promote knowledge about the country’s culture & heritage, geography, politics, achievements and famous personalities among the participants. The tests were conducted by Embassy/High Commission in their respective countries in coordination with host country organisation. 

Till now, seven countries, namely Brazil, Argentina, Mauritius, Seychelles, Nigeria, Mozambique and Maldives have confirmed their participation. The rest are in the final stage of confirmation. 

The NCC RDC-2022 selection process has also commenced in States and Union Territories by NCC Directorates. Around 1,600 cadets from across the country would participate in the NCC Camp. Due to COVID-19 protocol, the duration of the Camp would be 43 days from December 17/18, 2021 that include quarantine period as well. The actual commencement of the Camp is scheduled from January 16 to January 29, 2022, which includes Prime Minister’s Rally on January 28, 2022. 

To ensure safety of the youth participating in the Camp, all protocols and safety aspects of COVID-19 will be followed. The cadets visiting India would be requested to have full vaccination and health insurance.



(Release ID: 1762130) Visitor Counter : 4140

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