Ministry of Earth Sciences

Intense rainfall spell over central parts of the country during next 5 days

Isolated extremely heavy falls over Odisha on 19th; Chhattisgarh on 19th & 20th; East Madhya Pradesh on 20th; West Madhya Pradesh on 21st & 22nd; East Rajasthan on 22nd and Gujarat State on 22nd & 23rd August, 2020

Isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall very likely over Jammu Division on 19th; Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi on 19th & 20th and West Uttar Pradesh on 19th August, 2020

Posted On: 19 AUG 2020 7:49PM by PIB Delhi

According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre/Regional Meteorological Centre, New Delhi of the India Meteorological Department (IMD):


  • A Well Marked Low Pressure Area lies over north coastal Odisha & neighbourhood. It is very likely to move westwards and concentrate into a Depression during next 24 hoursandaneast-westshearzonerunsroughlyalongLat.21°NacrosscentralIndiain mid troposphericlevels.
  • Under the influence of above systems, widespread rainfall with isolated heavy to very heavy falls very likely along with isolated extremely heavy falls (≥ 20 cm) over Odisha on 19th; Chhattisgarh on 19th& 20th; East Madhya Pradesh on 20th; West Madhya Pradesh on 21st& 22nd; East Rajasthan on 22nd and Gujarat State on 22nd& 23rd August,2020.
  • The monsoon trough is active and lies close to its normal position. It is very likely to be south of its normal position and active during next 4-5days.
  • The convergence of strong moist southwesterly winds from the Arabian Sea over plains of Northwest India and Central India at lower levels very likely to continue during next 2days.
  • Under the influence of above systems, fairly widespread to widespread rainfall activity with isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall very likely over Jammu Division on 19th; Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi on 19th & 20th and West Uttar Pradesh on 19th August,2020.

Impact expected over Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat state

  • Localized Flooding of roads, water logging in low lying areas and closure of underpasses mainly in urban areas of the aboveregion.
  • Occasional reduction in visibility due to heavyrainfall.
  • Disruption of traffic in major cities due to water logging in roads leading to increased traveltime.
  • Minor damage to kutcharoads.
  • Possibilities of damage to vulnerablestructure.
  • LocalizedMudslides.
  • Damage to horticulture and standing crops in some areas due toinundation.
  • It may lead to riverine flooding in some river catchments (for riverine flooding please visit website of center water commission(


For specific district wise impact kindly visit IMD’s sate level meteorological center websites ( and national website (

Action Suggested

  • Check for traffic congestion on your route before leaving for yourdestination.
  • Follow any traffic advisories that are issued in thisregard.
  • Avoid going to areas that face water logging problemoften.
  • Avoid staying in vulnerablestructure.



Legends: Heavy rain: 64.5-115.5 mm/day; Very heavy rain: 115.6-204.4 mm/day; Extremely heavy

rain: Greater or equal to 204.5 mm/day

For further details and forecast updates kindly visit websites of IMD, New Delhi:

For district level warning, kindly visit website of Meteorological Centres/Regional Meteorological Centres of IMDat state levels.

For lightning warning please visit Damini App.


NB/KGS/(IMD Release)

(Release ID: 1647060) Visitor Counter : 397

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