Ministry of Finance

Revised Issuance Calendar for Marketable Dated Securities for the remaining period of H1 (May 11-September 30, 2020)

Posted On: 08 MAY 2020 6:06PM by PIB Delhi

After reviewing the cash position and requirements of the Central Government, Government of India in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, has decided to modify the indicative calendar for issuance of Government dated securities for the remaining part of the first half of the fiscal 2020-21 (May 11-Sept.30, 2020). The revised issuance calendar is as under:


Revised Calendar for Issuance of Government of India Dated Securities

(May 11, 2020 to September 30, 2020)

Sl. No.

Week of Auction


(in Rs crore)

Security Wise Allocation


May 11-May 15, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs 11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


May 18-May 22, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs  3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs 18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs 5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs 4,000 crore


May 25-May 29, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs 12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs 11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


June 01-June05, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs 3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs 18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs 5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs 4,000 crore


June 08-June 12, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs 12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs 11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


June 15-June 19, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs 3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs 18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs 5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs 4,000 crore


June 22-June 26, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs 12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs 11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


June 29-July 03, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs4,000 crore


July 06-July 10, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


July 13-July 17, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs4,000 crore


July 20-July 24, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


July 27-July 31, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs4,000 crore


Aug. 3-Aug. 7, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


Aug. 10-Aug.14, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs4,000 crore


Aug. 17-Aug.21, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs7,000 crore


Aug. 24-Aug.28, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs 5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs 4,000 crore


Aug. 31-Sept.04, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs7,000 crore


Sept. 07-Sept.11, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs4,000 crore


Sept. 14-Sept.18, 2020


  1. 5 Years Security for Rs12,000 crore
  1. 14 Years Security for Rs11,000 crore
  1. 30 Years Security for Rs 7,000 crore


Sept. 21-Sept.25, 2020


  1. 2 Years Security for Rs3,000 crore
  1. 10 Years Security for Rs18,000 crore
  1. 40 Years Security for Rs 5,000 crore
  1. Floating Rate Bonds for Rs 4,000 crore







As hitherto, all the auctions covered by the calendar will have the facility of non-competitive bidding scheme under which five per cent of the notified amount will be reserved for the specified retail investors.

Like in the past, the Reserve Bank of India, in consultation with the Government of India, will continue to have the flexibility to bring about modifications in the above calendar in terms of notified amount, issuance period, maturities, etc. and to issue different types of instruments, including instruments having non-standard maturity and Floating Rate Bonds (FRBs), including CPI linked inflation linked bonds, depending upon the requirement of the Government of India, evolving market conditions and other relevant factors, after giving due notice to the market. The calendar is subject to change, if circumstances so warrant, including for reasons such as intervening holidays. Such changes shall be communicated through Press releases.

The Reserve Bank of India, in consultation with the Government of India, reserves the right to exercise the green-shoe option to retain additional subscription up to
₹ 2,000 crore each against any one or more of the above security,
which will be indicated in the auction notification.

The Reserve Bank of India will also be conducting switches of securities through auction on every third Monday of the month. In case third Monday is a holiday, switch auction will be conducted on fourth Monday of the month.

The estimated gross market borrowing in the financial year 2020-21 will be 12 lakh crore in place of 7.80 lakh crore as per BE 2020-21. The above revision in borrowings has been necessitated on account of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The auction of dated securities will be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the F.No.4(2)–W&M/2018, dated March 27, 2018, issued by Government of India, as amended from time to time.




(Release ID: 1622168) Visitor Counter : 928