Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

English rendering of PM's speech at 150th Foundation Day of India Meteorological Department

Posted On: 14 JAN 2025 2:53PM by PIB Delhi

My colleague in the Union Council of Ministers, Dr. Jitendra Singh Ji, Secretary General of WMO, Professor Celeste Saulo Ji, our guests from abroad, Secretary of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Dr. M Ravichandran Ji, Director General of IMD, Dr. Mrityunjay Mohapatra Ji, other dignitaries, all the scientists and officials of various departments and institutions, ladies and gentlemen. 

Today we are celebrating 150 years of the Indian Meteorological Department, IMD. These 150 years of IMD are not just the journey of the Indian Meteorological Department. It is also a glorious journey of modern science and technology in our country. IMD has not only served crores of Indians in these 150 years, but has also become a symbol of India's scientific journey. Today, a postage stamp and a special coin have also been released on these achievements. A vision document has also been released for what will be the form of the Indian Meteorological Department in 2047, when the country celebrates 100 years of independence. I extend my best wishes to all of you and all the countrymen for this glorious occasion. IMD also organized the National Meteorological Olympiad to connect the youth with this journey of 150 years. Thousands of students participated in it. This will further increase their interest in meteorology. I just got the opportunity to talk to some of these young friends, and even today I was told that our youth from all the states of the country are present here. I especially congratulate them for taking interest in this program. Many congratulations to all these participating youth and the winning students as well. 


In 1875, the Indian Meteorological Department was established on 15 January, around the time of Makar Sankranti. We all know how important Makar Sankranti is in Indian tradition. And I am from Gujarat, so my favourite festival used to be Makar Sankranti, because today all the people of Gujarat are on the roof and enjoy kite flying the whole day. When I used to live there, I had a great passion for it, but today I am among you. 


Today, the Sun enters Capricorn from Sagittarius. The Sun gradually shifts northwards. In our Indian tradition, it is called Uttarayan. In the northern hemisphere, we gradually start feeling the increasing sunlight. Preparations for agriculture begin. And that is why this day is considered so important in the Indian tradition. It is celebrated in different cultural colours from North to South, East to West. On this occasion, I extend my heartfelt greetings to all the countrymen for the various festivals associated with Makar Sankranti.


The progress of scientific institutions of any country shows its awareness towards science. Research and innovation in scientific institutions is a part of the temperament of the new India. That is why, in the last 10 years, there has been an unprecedented expansion in the infrastructure and technology of IMD. The number of many modern infrastructures like Doppler Weather Radar, Automatic Weather Stations, Runway weather monitoring systems, District-wise Rainfall Monitoring stations has increased manifold, they have also been upgraded. And just now Dr. Jitendra Singh ji also told you in figures where we were earlier and where we have reached today. Meteorology is also getting full benefit of India's space technology and digital technology. Today, the country has 2 meteorological observatories named Maitri and Bharati in Antarctica. Last year, Ark and Arunika supercomputers were started. This has also increased the reliability of the Meteorological Department more than ever before. In future, India should be prepared for every weather condition, India should become a climate smart nation, for this we have also launched 'Mission Mausam'. Mission Mausam also symbolises India's commitment towards sustainable future and future readiness.


The relevance of science is not only in reaching new heights. Science is relevant only when it becomes a medium for the life of the most ordinary man, and for the betterment of his life, for ease of living. India's Meteorological Department is ahead on this criterion. IMD has run special campaigns in India to ensure that the weather information is accurate and reaches every person. Today, the Early Warning for All facility is reaching more than 90 percent of the country's population. Any person can get information about the weather of the last 10 days and the coming 10 days at any time. Weather forecasts also reach directly on WhatsApp. We launched services like the Meghdoot mobile app, where information is available in all the local languages of the country. You can see its effect, till 10 years ago, only 10 percent of the farmers and livestock farmers of the country were able to use weather related advice. Today this number has increased to more than 50 percent. Even warnings of lightning strikes have become possible for the people to get on their  mobiles. Earlier, when lakhs of fishermen of the country used to go to sea, their families were always worried. There was a fear of something untoward happening. But now, with the help of IMD, fishermen also get timely warning. These real time updates are ensuring the safety of people and also giving strength to sectors like agriculture and the blue economy.


Meteorology is the most important strength of any country's disaster management capability. A large number of people associated with disaster management are present here. To minimize the impact of natural disasters, we need to maximize the efficiency of meteorology. India has continuously understood its importance. Today we are succeeding in changing the direction of those disasters, which were earlier left as destiny. You will remember how much devastation the cyclone caused in Kandla, Kutch in 1998. A large number of people died at that time. Similarly, in 1999, thousands of people lost their lives due to the super cyclone in Odisha. In the past years, many big cyclones and disasters have come in the country. But, in most of them, we have been successful in reducing the loss of life to zero or minimum. The Meteorological Department has a very big role in these successes. This unity of science and preparedness also reduces the economic loss of lakhs of crores of rupees. This creates a resilience in the country's economy, the confidence of investors also increases, and my country benefits a lot. Yesterday I was in Sonamarg, initially that program was planned early, but all the information from the Meteorological Department revealed that that time is not suitable for me, then the Meteorological Department told me that sir, the 13th is fine. Then I went there yesterday, the temperature was minus 6 degrees, but the entire time I was there, there was not a single cloud, there was complete sunshine. Due to this information from the Meteorological Department, I returned after completing the program so easily. 


Progress in the field of science and the use of its full potential are the biggest basis of the global image of any country. Today you see, due to our meteorological advancement, our disaster management capacity has been built. The whole world is getting its benefits. Today our Flash Flood Guidance system is also giving information to Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. If any disaster strikes anywhere in our neighbourhood, India is the first to come forward to help. This has also increased the trust in India in the world. India's image as a world brother has become stronger in the world. For this, I especially appreciate the scientists of IMD.


Today, on the 150th anniversary of IMD, I will also discuss India's thousands of years of experience and expertise in meteorology. In particular, I will clarify that this structural system has been in place for 150 years, but even before that we had the knowledge and tradition. Especially our international guests will find it very interesting to know about this. You know, weather is one of the primary factors that have the greatest impact on human evolution. In every part of the world, humans have constantly tried to understand the weather and the environment. In this direction, India is a country where systematic study and research was done in the field of meteorology even thousands of years ago. Traditional knowledge was written down and refined here. A lot of work was done on meteorology in our Vedas, Samhitas and astrological texts like Surya Siddhanta. A lot of information is also available in the Sangam literature of Tamil Nadu and the folk literature of Ghagh Bhaddari in the north. And, this meteorology was not just a separate branch. These included astronomical calculations, climate studies, animal behaviour and social experiences. The entire world knows about the mathematical work done on planetary positions. Our sages understood the positions of the planets. We did calculations related to zodiac signs, constellations and weather. In texts like Krishi Parashar, Parashar Ruchi and Vrihat Samhita, there is a deep study on the formation of clouds and their types. It is said in Krishi Parashar- 

अतिवातम् च निर्वतम् अति उश्नम् चाति सीतलम् अत्य-भ्रंच निरभ्रंच शाद विधाम मेघ लक्ष्णम्॥

That is, higher or lower atmospheric pressure, higher or lower temperature affect the characteristics of clouds and rainfall. You can imagine how much research those sages and scholars must have done hundreds and thousands of years ago, without modern machinery. A few years ago I launched a book on this subject, Pre-Modern Kutchi Navigation Techniques and Voyages. This book is a transcript of the hundreds of years old knowledge of the sailors of Gujarat related to the sea and weather. Our tribal society also has a very rich heritage of such knowledge. Behind this is the understanding of nature and a very detailed study of animal behaviour. 

I remember, it must have been more than 50 years ago, I had gone to spend some time in Gir forest. There, the government people used to give 30 rupees every month to a tribal child as a criterion, so I asked what is this? Why is this child being given this money? They said that this child has a special kind of ability, if there is a fire anywhere in the forest, even far away, then initially he comes to know that there is a fire somewhere, he had that sensation, and he would immediately inform the system and that is why we used to give him 30 rupees. That is, whatever ability that tribal child must have had, he would tell that Sir, I am getting a smell from this direction. 


Today is the time, we should do more research in this direction. We should find ways to link the knowledge which is proven with modern science.


The more accurate the weather department's forecasts become, the more important its information will be. In the coming times, the demand for IMD data will increase. The utility of this data will increase in various sectors, industries, and even in the lives of ordinary people. Therefore, we have to work keeping in mind the needs of the future. There are also challenges of natural disasters like earthquakes, where we need to develop warning systems. I would like our scientists, research scholars and institutions like IMD to work towards new breakthroughs in this direction. India will play an important role in the security of the world along with serving the world. With this spirit, I am confident that IMD will touch new heights in the coming times. I once again congratulate IMD and all the people associated with meteorology for this glorious journey of 150 years. And all those who have accelerated this progress in these 150 years also deserve equal congratulations. I congratulate those who are here and remember those who are not among us. Once again, I thank you all very much.


DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.



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