Ministry of Science & Technology
Student Scientist Connect Program Event under the "One Week One Lab" Campaign CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI)
Posted On:
26 AUG 2023 10:35AM by PIB Delhi
Under the "One Week One Lab" Campaign CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), Kolkata conducted a school connect programme on 25th August, 2023. It was intended to promote scientific temper among school students and encourage them to pursue research in different scientific domains. Dr S.K. Mishra, Director CSIR-CGCRI welcomed the participants. The Chief Guest Dr. K. J. Sreeram, Director of CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute highlighted the role of CSIR in nation-building activities, and the Guest of Honour Dr. Arun Bandyopadhyay, Director of CSIR – Indian Institute of Chemical Biology inspired the students to pursue science for the best interest of the nation. This event was attended by around 295 students and 28 teachers from 7 schools. Participant schools included Kendriya Vidyalaya, Dumdum, St. Xaviers Institution, Laxmipat Singhania School, Silver Point School, Mukul Bose Memorial School, Jadavpur High School, and The Summit School. The school participants in this program enjoyed different scientific activities, including popular lectures, live interactive sessions, different product demonstrations of CSIR-CGCRI, scientific Quizzes, virtual lab platforms, and many more. Scientists working in different fields showcased CGCRI's various advanced technologies.
Legend (clockwise from left): Lighting of the lamp; dignitaries on the dais; the audience during the popular lecture session; group photo with dignitaries and team
(Release ID: 1952371)
Visitor Counter : 1143