Ministry of Education
Last date for seeking feedback/suggestions on ‘Transformative Reforms for Strengthening Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of all Higher Educational Institutions’ Report extended till 15th August, 2023
Posted On:
07 AUG 2023 6:28PM by PIB Delhi
For strengthening the Assessment & Accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions, the Government of India had constituted a High Level Committee, under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Chairperson, Board of Governors, IIT Kanpur & Chairperson, Standing Committee of IIT Council vide Order dated 03rd November, 2022.
The Committee considered the introduction of strategic reforms consistent with the vision of the National Education Policy, 2020 and the need for adopting a simple, trust-based, objective and rationalized system for approval, accreditation and ranking of Higher Educational Institutions with a verifiable and secured centralized database through technology-driven modern systems. Methodologies for facilitating Ease of Doing Business for the stakeholders, duly facilitating students in making informed choices for selection of institutions/programmes, were also considered by the Committee. After a series of deliberations, the Committee submitted its draft Report on ‘Transformative Reforms for Strengthening Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions in India’ to the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Earlier, this report was placed in the public domain from 19th May, 2023 to 15th July, 2023 to seek feedback/suggestions from all the stakeholders for finalization of the Report.
Now, the last date for seeking feedback/suggestions from all the stakeholders for finalization of the Report, placed in the public domain, has been extended upto 15th August, 2023.
The report is available on the website of the Ministry of Education ( and the “MY GOV” portal. You can share your ideas at or visit ‘MyGov’ portal: for more details.
(Release ID: 1946471)
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