Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

YEAR END REVIEW -2022 Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways

567 projects identified under Sagarmala Programme for Holistic Development of Coastal Districts with an estimated cost of Rs. 59,000 crore

Coastal shipping traffic  grows from 74.9 MMTA in 2014 to 133 MMTPA in 2022

Clear and robust pipeline of 81 projects of more than Rs 42,400 crore to be awarded on PPP till FY25

Jawaharlal Nehru Port becomes first 100% Landlord Major Port

The 1st Incredible India International Cruise Conference 2022  organized at Mumbai

CSL created maritime history  by delivering of the prestigious Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) ‘Vikrant to Indian Navy: With the delivery of Vikrant, India has joined a select group of nations having the niche capability to indigenously design and build an Aircraft Carrier

Posted On: 27 DEC 2022 3:36PM by PIB Delhi


(i)        Concept

Institutional framework for Sagarmala Project approved by the Cabinet. At the top of the framework, a National Sagarmala Apex Committee has been formed for overall policy guidance and high-level coordination, and to review aspect of planning and implementation of the plan and projects. The committee has been empowered to provide policy direction, guidance for the initiative implantation and review the progress of implementation of maritime plan. Till now Sagarmala has a tally of 802 projects worth Rs 5.4 Lakh Cr. which are currently under monitoring. Out of these, 220 projects to the tune of Rs 1.12 Lakh Cr. have been completed, 231 projects worth Rs. 2.21 Lakh Cr. are being implemented and the remaining projects are under various stages of development. Further, for the Holistic Development of Coastal Districts 567 projects with an estimated cost of Rs. 59,000 crore have been identified under the four pillars of Coastal Infrastructure Development, Coastal Industrial Development, Coastal Tourism Development and Coastal Community Development.

(ii)       National Maritime Heritage Complex, Lothal

Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways approved setting up of a National Maritime Heritage Complex at Lothal - proposed to be implemented in 3 phases. It would be the first of its kind world class Museum complex and an international tourist destination in the country to showcase India's rich Maritime Heritage dating back from Harappan times. Government of Gujarat (GoG) has transferred 375 acres of land in village Saragvada on lease for 99 years at token rate to MoPSW. EPC contract for the project has been awarded to M/s Tata Projects Ltd in March 2022. Also, a first tranche of funding of Rs. 150 Cr has been received from Govt. of Gujarat for developing the basic internal infrastructure of the project. Under Sagarmala funds amounting to Rs. 122 crore have been released so far.

(iii)     Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax

Water transport being economical as well as eco-friendly mode of transport, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways under Sagamala programme has undertaken Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax and passenger jetty projects across several routes. 15 new projects have been identified in the State of Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Karnataka for development of Ro Ro / Ro Pax ecosystem taking the tally of RoRo/Ropax Jetty projects to 71 under Sagarmala programme. 9 projects have already been completed with a total financial assistance of ~Rs. 207 crore under the Sagarmala funding scheme. Among these, one of the key impact projects is the ROPAX ferry between Ghogha – Hazira commenced from November, 2020which resulted in reduction of travel time from 10 hours to 4 hours apart from facilitating quick movement of 15,000+ trucks, 50,000 cars and around 2 lakh passengers so far. Similarly, to ease the road congestion in Mumbai, the government launched ferry service between Mumbai-Mandwa from November, 2022 resulting in reduction of distance of 109 km by road to 18.5 km sea-distance, time reduction from 3 hours to just 45 minutes and provided much needed relief to passengers resulting in movement of 5.5 lakh+ passengers and 1 lakh+ vehicles so far. Services have also been started on several routes in North – South Guwahati, Dhubri – Hatsingimari, Majuli – Neamati, Wellington Island – Bolgatty.

(iv)      Coastal Shipping

Promotion of Coastal Shipping is topmost priority of the Ministry under Sagarmala and the ministry has undertaken several initiatives to promote coastal shipping in the country. In order to continue this pace and seek further growth of coastal trade, a perspective plan up to 2025 on development of coastal shipping in India has been prepared by Asian Development Bank. To encourage a modal shift, Coastal vessels are being provided a discount of 40% in port charges over foreign going vessels. Other measures such as reduction of GST on bunker fuel from 18 percent to 5 percent, Cabotage relaxation for cargo vessels, integration of inland and coastal cargo, Subsidy support to Indian shipping companies, Green channel clearance for coastal cargoes and priority berthing for coastal vessels at major ports are some of the efforts to promote coastal shipping. GOI is providing assistance for construction or upgradation of exclusive coastal berths, platforms or jetties, mechanization of coastal berth, and capital dredging. Five dedicated Coastal Berths have already been constructed at various ports and another six are under development at various other ports. With the advent of PM GatiShakti and National Logistic Portal, Coastal shipping will get further required boost and will help in realizing the goal of bringing down the overall logistic cost. The coastal shipping traffic has grown from 74.9 MMTA in 2014 to 133 MMTPA in 2022.

(v)       Cruise Terminals

Under the coastal shipping and IWT pillar of Sagarmala programme, there are various projects which specifically focus on promotion of cruise passenger transport. Upgradation/Modernization of International Cruise Terminal at Indira Dock, Mumbai at a total coast of Rs. 303 crore has been undertaken in Sagarmala. Further, Ministry is providing assistance to Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port for Development Of River Cruise Terminal And River Tourism Facility Along With Riverfront Beautification Work.

(vi)      Floating Jetties

For development of water aerodromes /Floating jetties, guidelines on various technical aspects for implementation including the suitability of Floating Jetty/ platform and their broad Performance Criteria & Specifications and Loading and Stability were issued by the Ministry and has given approval to Syama Prasad Mookerjee port Authority (SMPA) for undertaking prefeasibility studies at 8 locations identified in the state of Jharkhand and West Bengal. Letter of Intent (LOI) has been issued to successful bidder to carry out prefeasibility studies at the identified locations.

(viii)   Coastal Community Development         

For the welfare of fishermen community, the Ministry is part-funding fishing harbour projects in convergence with Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying (MoFAH&D) under their Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY). Ministry under Sagarmala Programme has taken up modernisation of 5 Major Fishing harbour at Major Ports at a total estimated projects cost of Rs 549.03 Cr. A new initiative Ministry has identified a total of 166 locations in various costal states/UTs for development of floating jetties out of which MoPSW in consultation with IIT, Chennai and based on a desktop analysis has prioritized 50 locations for development of floating jetties.

(ix)      Skill Development

Phase 2 of Sagarmala Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushal Yojana (DDUGKY) for convergence for skill development in Port and Maritime Sector is progressive in Gujarat, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. 2400 candidates have been trained during Phase 2 of the program of which around 1200 candidates have been placed in logistics, ship breaking, tourism and hospitality industries. Multi-skill Development Centres (MSDC) are being setup at all major ports. MSDCs linked to Jawaharlal Nehru Port is operational. Further, more than 39,000 candidates have been trained in the Safety Training Institution at Alang Ship Breaking Yard.


(i)        National Monetization Pipeline (NMP)

  • The Ministry has a clear and robust pipeline of 81 projects of more than INR 42,400 crore which are going to be awarded on PPP till FY25.
  • 13 projects of value INR 6,944 crore for financial year FY 2021-22 approved by the Government.7 projects of INR 5,278 crore have already been awarded and others are in various stages of bidding.
  • 24 projects of value ~INR 12,550 crore scheduled for award in FY 2022-23. Out of which approval to 7 projects has been accorded by the Government, 1 project of value Rs. 343 crore has been awarded and other are under tendering/development phase.
  • Balance 44 projects of value more than INR 22,790 crore are identified for PPP mode from FY 2024 and FY 2025.
  • With the cargo volume expected to increase between 1.7 to 2 times (of 2020) by 2030, the percentage of cargo handled at Major Ports by PPP or other operators, is expected to reach 85% by year 2030.

(ii)       Development of Multipurpose Cargo Berth Off Tuna Tekra

Development of Multipurpose Cargo (other than Container/Liquid) Berth Off Tuna Tekra at Gulf of Kutch at Kandla on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode with an estimated cost of Rs.2,250.64 crore accorded by the Government through Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. Development of Berth will give it a strategic advantage as it will be the closest container terminal serving the vast hinterland of northern part of India.

(iii)     Development of Container Terminal at Tuna-Tekra,

Development of Container Terminal at Tuna-Tekra, Deendayal Port on Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) basis under Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) mode with an estimated cost of Rs 4,243.64 crore accorded by the Government through Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. On commissioning of the Project, it shall cater to the future growth in Container Cargo traffic.


(i)        Digitization

Major strides have been taken at the major ports towards the digitization of key EXIM processes. The PCS 1x has digitized processes such as Electronic Invoice (e-Invoice), Electronic Payment (e-Payment) and Electronic Delivery Order (e-DO) for physical release of cargo by custodians. Further, the process of generation of electronic Bill of Lading (e-BL) and enabling the Letter of Credit (LC) process to be conducted digitally have already been implemented in the PCS 1x. There is also going to be complete integration between PCS 1x and Indian Customs EDI Gateway (ICEGATE). Further the process to bootstrap PCS 1x into National Logistics Portal-Marine (NLP-Marine) is already underway which will act as a Unified Digital Platform all maritime stakeholders. NLP Marine + PCS 1x platform is envisaged as the central hub for all interactions with various stakeholders viz. Port, Terminals Shipping Lines/ Agents, CFS and Customs Brokers, Importer / Exporter etc.

Now, PCS module of NLP-M has been partially released on 5/12/2022. NLP-M is integrated with ICEGATE via SFTP for existing messages, further for SCMTR messages LP-M-ICEGATE is getting integrated for API integration. Out of 11 API payloads, 7 API payloads have been integrated.

Further, the Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) solution has been implemented at all major ports to enable seamless movement of traffic across port gates, including substantial reductions in documentation checks. All Major ports have already implemented Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID). Up gradation and integration with recent technologies- IGoT, Block Chain to ease transaction and real time basis tracking has been envisaged in Maritime India Vision 2030.

(ii)       Major Port Authorities Act, 2021

The Major Port Authorities Act 2021 (1 of 2021) has come into force with effect from 03.11.2021. Five Rules under the Act notified in the Gazette of India on 22nd November 2021. The Sixth Rule i.e. the “Major Port Authorities (Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Board Members) Rules, 2022” have been notified on 26.09.2022.

(iii)     Conciliation and Settlement Committee for Major Ports

Commercial dispute resolution through Arbitration or Courts has been found to be exceedingly time consuming and financially burdensome on commercial entities like Major Ports.  An  alternate  dispute resolution  mechanism  was  set  up  for  Major  Ports  in  October  2021 through appointment of a Conciliation & Settlement Committee (CSC) comprising of independent experts with innovative features  like  fee  to  conciliators  based  on  success  and  specified  time limit of 6 months for resolution  of  dispute. This dispute resolution mechanism will bring finality to a dispute as the parties reach to an agreement and thus do not require to further approach arbitration or court forums.

The    Committee    took   up   a   commercial   dispute   case of   Mormugao   Port Authority and    Roadwings   International   Private   Limited   in December   2021. The  contract  ‘Supply,  operation,  Maintenance  of  Container handling equipment, Logistics and Yard Management at Berth No. 10 & 11 for a period of 5 years was beset with commercial disputes since start in  2018  which  remained  unresolved  for  four  years.  Both the parties reached a mutually acceptable settlement with the suggestion, aid and advice of the Committee which was authenticated by the conciliators on 01st March, 2022. The dispute was thus mutually resolved in 3 meeting and within 3 months of reference to CSC.

(iv)      Inauguration of DFC Compliant Rail Yard

Union Minister, MoPSW, inaugurated the DFC Compliant Rail Yard and the recently renovated Administration Building at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) on 15.05.2022. He also launched the First Sustainability Report and reviewed various infrastructure and developmental projects at the Port.

(v)       JNPA SEZ Investor Conclave 2022

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA), organized ‘JNPA SEZ Investor Conclave 2022’ on 27.05.2022 in association with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in Mumbai for investors to invest and be a part of country’s growing port-led economy. In line with the objective of Port-led Industrialization, this multiproduct Special Economic Zone (SEZ) project is developed on 277.38 Ha of freehold land by JN port, incorporating the Land Use Plan of the Port. This industrial hub is India’s first Port-based multi-product operational SEZ.

(vi)      Grant of moratorium to Cochin Port Authority

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved a moratorium of three years (2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23) on 14.06.2022 for the Cochin Port Authority (CoPA), towards repayment of the balance outstanding Government of India (GoI) loans amounting to Rs. 446.83 crore to tide over the financial crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic.

(vii)    Jawaharlal Nehru Port becomes first 100% Landlord Major Port

The PPP mode of investment in Indian ports has made a remarkable progress in the last 25 years, beginning from the Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNP), resulting in the capacity addition and productivity improvement. Now, JNP has become the first major port of the country to become 100% Landlord port having all berths being operated on PPP model. JNPA has placed Letter of Award (LOA) to J M Baxi Ports and Logistics Ltd. and consortium member CMA Terminals on 28.06.2022 and the concession agreement signed on 29.07.2022.The Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminal (JNPCT) has 2 berths with total length of 680m and 15m draft which will be handed over under this PPP contract along with backup area of 54.74 hectares for 30 years. The concessioner has to upgrade, operate, maintain and transfer this terminal on PPP basis.

(viii)   Major Ports Exempted Ro-Pax/Passenger Ferries from paying Port and Vessel related Charges

In order to provide some respite to this sector from the impact of increase in price of marine fuel by the oil marketing companies, MoPSW has directed all Major Ports to exempt all berth hiring and vessel related charges being currently levied to the Ro-Pax/Passenger Ferries for the next six months with effect from July, 2022.

(ix)      Chabahar Day – In presence of Union Minister of PS&W

Ministry in association with India Ports Global observed ‘Chabahar Day’ on 30.07.2022 to promote Chabahar Port operated by IPGL as a link to International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) - Connecting Central Asian Markets in Mumbai. During the event, the delegates from the Central Asian countries highlighted how Chabahar link with INSTC can play a vital role in boosting EXIM trade in their regions and its potential to further boost development in the landlocked countries. During the day-long event, several presentations and Government to Business sessions took place.


(x)       Union Minister’s visit to Iran

The Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways and Ayush visited Shahid Behestti port at Chabahar in Iran on 20.08.2022 to review the progress in the development of the port. Union Minister also handed over Six mobile harbour cranes to Indian Ports Global Chabahar Free Trade Zone (IPGCFTZ) at the Chabahar port to improve the cargo handling capacity of the port. The Union Minister was accompanied by the India’s Ambassador to Iran.

(xi)      Inauguration & Foundation stone laid by Union Minister

On 14.08.2022 the Union Minister of PS&W laid the foundation stones for two Sewage Treatment Plants at the Chennai port in order to champion the cause of sustainable growth. The combined capacity of these two plants is pegged at 130 Kilo Litres per Day (KLD), with one at 90 KLD& other at 40 KLD capacity. The water generated through these plants will be used within the Port reducing its dependence on usage of fresh water. A new Drive through Container Scanner was inaugurated by the Union Minister to drive up economies of scale and boost business and trade.

(xii)    Inauguration / Foundation Stone laying of NMP Projects by PM

Prime Minister, during his visit to New Mangalore Port (NMP) on 2nd Sept 2022, inaugurated/laid foundation stone for 6 projects worth Rs.1277 crore. The project ‘Mechanization of container handling and other cargo at Berth No.14 on DBFOT basis’ was inaugurated. Foundation stone was laid for setting up of 4 storage tank farms for edible oil, LPG, bitumen and construction of fisheries harbour at Kulai during visit.

(xiii)   Projects worth Rs. 231.21 Crore unveiled in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu

Union Minister (PS&W) unveiled projects worth Rs.231.21 crore, on 30th September, 2022 at Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. Foundation stone for the Tuticorin SPEEDZ (Coastal Employment Unit) land for development of Port-based Industries, spanning 1300 acres, worth Rs. 100 crore and Inner Harbour development works (Widening the Port Entrance and dredging the widened portion) costing Rs. 65.53 Crore were laid. Upgraded Coal Yard Road and Drainage System, costing Rs.16 Crore, Fixed Fire Fighting System at Oil Jetty costing Rs. 18.79 Crore and Strengthened 22 KV HT Electrical Network costing Rs. 1.15 Crore were inaugurated.

(xiv)   Swachh Sagar Surakshit Sagar campaign

All Major Ports actively participated and organized awareness activities under Swachh Sagar Surakshit Sagar campaign involving events like Cleaning Drive at Beaches, along Coastal Roads, Port premises etc.  Significant amount of plastic wastes and other litter were collected as a part of campaign.

(xv)     Foundation stone by  President of India

The President laid the foundation stone of four Projects worth more than Rs.280 crore of Deendayal Port, Kandla, Gujarat on 03.10.2022. These Projects will enhance Port Infrastructure along with boosting its Logistics performance as well as the overall Economic Growth for its entire hinterland. These projects will also improve the cargo handling capacity of the port along with further improvement in the turnaround time of the Ships and faster evacuation of the cargo.

(xvi)   Emergency Department at Paradip Hospital

A well equipped “Emergency Department” at Paradip Port Hospital was inaugurated by the Chairman of Paradip Port. All the staff, including doctor will be available 24X7 at one place to attend the critical patients.

(xvii)  Prime Minister visit to Visakhapatnam

Prime Minister visited Visakhapatnam on 12.11.2022 for laying the foundation stone and inauguration of several projects worth of Rs.10,742 crore and to dedicate the same to the Nation. In this context, Hon’ble Prime Minister laid foundation stone to Port road from Convent Junction to Sheela Nagar worth Rs. 566 crore and Modernization, up-gradation of Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour with Rs. 152 crore.

(xviii) PM Gati Shakti Multimodal Maritime Summit 2022

Union Minister of State, MoPSW attended the PM Gati Shakti Multimodal Maritime Summit 2022 on 23.11.2022 at Kolkata, organized by Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port to highlight the need of transformation in Maritime & Logistics Industry. The PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan has ensured efficient logistics and cost reduction for the first and last mile connectivity. Visakhapatnam Port also organized PM Gati Shakti Maritime Summit-2022 on 22.11.2022 and 23.11.2022

(xix)   Port Performance

The traffic handled at Major Ports during the period “April to November” has increased by 8.78% in the current financial year (FY 2022-23) as compared to the same period last year. It has gone up from 466.19 million Tonnes last year to 507.12 million Tonnes this year.

(xx)     Container handling

In terms of container traffic, 39,29,735 TEUs were handled at JNPA during the April to November, 2022 which is 7.59% higher as against 36,52,474 TEUs handled in April to November, 2021. During November, 2022, JNPA handled 559 container rakes and 79,765 TEUs as compared to 515 rakes and 80,704 TEUs in November 2021. During April to November, 2022, JNPA handled 4,352 container rakes and 674,243 TEUs as compared to 4,133 rakes and 651,654 TEUs during corresponding period in previous financial year.



(i)        Inauguration of new Projects by Union Minister- PSW

  • MV Lal Bahadur Shastri carrying food grains of FCI was flagged off from Patna to Pandu by Union Minister of MoPSW& Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution on 5th February, 2022.
  • In order to promote the use of IWT, Union Minister of PS&W also flagged off MV Ram Prasad Bismil with Dumb Barge APJ Abdul Kalam & Kalpana Chawla loaded with 1798.27 MT of rime TMT Bars of M/s. Tata Steel Limited on 16th February, 2022 at Haldia Dock Complex.
  • Union Minister of PSW&A flagged off the voyage of bulk cargo (Gypsum) by M.V. Dristi from IFFCO Riverine Jetty to Paradip Port for further mobilisation of Gypsum to various destinations of India.

Ø Inauguration of Tourist Jetty at Bogibeel Riverfront (Railways) and Unveiling of Foundation Stone for Construction of Floating Jetties at Bogibeel&Guijan on NW-2 (IWAI) was held in the presence of Union Minister PS&W on 19th September 2022 at Bogibeel, Dibrugarh, Assam.




  • Work for construction of floating and conventional community jetties started on river Ganga during 2022. This will give access to the population living close to the river for cross-river transport.


(ii)       Stakeholder Conclave

            The Waterways Conclave was held at Dibrugarh on 11th & 12th April, 2022. The event was attended by Union Minister of PSW, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Assam and other Dignitaries.

(iii)     India International Cruise Conference 2022

            The 1st Incredible India International Cruise Conference 2022 was organized by at Mumbai on 14-15 May, 2022. The Sessions relating to Potential of River Cruising was organized by IWAI wherein leading cruise operators had participated. They have shown keen interest in harnessing the potential of river cruise tourism in India, which is in nascent stage. MoUs were also signed with M/s. Heritage River Journeys Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Antara River Cruise and M/s. J.M. Baxi& Co.

(iv)      PM GatiShakti Multimodal Waterway Connectivity Summit

            PM GatiShakti Multimodal Waterway Connectivity Summit held in Varanasi from 11th -12th November 2022 attended by Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (PSW), Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh, Union Minister of Commerce,  Ministers- PSW. This summit focussed on creating more awareness about the PMGatiShakti and 07 community jetties were inaugurated, and foundation stones laid for 08 community jetties on the Ganga.

(v)       Signing of MoUs

Ø MoU signed between IWAI & Ultratech Cement on 06.06.2022 for Movement of Cargo (Gypsum) from Paradip Fertilizer unit of IFFCO, on National Waterway–5, National Waterway-64 to Cement Plants situated along the banks of National Waterway–1, in Bihar and West Bengal.

  • MoU signed for construction of electric powered Catamarans with Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) during PM GatiShakti Multimodal Waterway Connectivity Summit held in Varanasi from 11th -12th November 2022.

(vi)      Movement of Cargo/Cruise on National Waterways

Ø The Cargo movement on National Waterways achieved all time high of 108.79 Million Ton from April 2021- March 2022 against 83.61 Million ton last year for the same period recording 30.12 % growth. The Cargo movement on National Waterways for April to September, 2022 recorded as 60.25 Million Ton (an increase of 30 % as compared to Apr to Sep 2021 of 46.34 million).

Ø Tourist Vessel MV Rajmahal of M/s Assam Bengal Navigation Co. Pvt. Ltd. have completed its voyages successfully carrying foreign tourists from Kolkata - Patna - Varanasi and return on NW-1 during Aug- Sep. 2022.

(vii)    Inland Vessels Act, 2021

            The Rules under the Inland Vessels Act, 2021 were drafted and notified to start a unified regime of inland vessel registration, certification and specifications through the country, instead of State-wise regulations under the previous Inland Vessels Act, 1917.


(i)        Make in India

            In pursuance of the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 notified vide Department For Promotion of Industry And Internal Trade (DPIIT) Notification No. 45021/2/2017-PP(B.E.II) dated 15.06.2017, 28.05.2018 and 16.09.2020, revised notifications were issued by this Ministry on 17.09.2021 on following subjects:

Ø To encourage ‘Make in India’ and to promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India to enhance income and employment, Ministry notified certain items as shipbuilding items being manufactured / assembled in India under license from a foreign manufacturer holding intellectual property rights and where there is technology transfer agreement.

Ø To encourage ‘Make in India’ and to promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India to enhance income and employment, Ministry notified certain items in shipbuilding as items where there is sufficient local capacity and where public procurement is to be carried out only from class-I local suppliers.


(ii)       SOP for charter of tugs by Major Ports

            In continuation of the issued SOP for charter of tugs by Major Ports under Atmanirbhar Abhiyan Policy, the Approved Standardized Tug Design & Specification(ASTDS) were published on the website of IPA in FY 2021-22.

(iii)     Amendment of Guidelines regarding financial assistance policy

            Guidelines regarding financial assistance policy were amended in December, 2021 to include "Self-Propelled Dredgers (Classified by the IACS members)" in Scheduled-II (List of Specialized Vessels) of SBFAP guidelines .

(iv)      SOP for Procurement of Deep-Sea Fishing Vessels

            SOP issued on 08.02.2021 for Procurement of Deep-Sea Fishing Vessels to assist the state fisheries departments in expeditious implementation of PMMSY. Three design versions of Fishing vessels for PMMSY scheme were formulated and sent to D/o Fisheries.

(v)       All Women Officers’ Sailing 2.0 on M.T. Swarna Godavari

            Celebrating the Inaugural IMO International Day for Women in Maritime, SCI achieved another feat of all Women Merchant Officers’ Fleet on m.t. Swarna Godavari. The vessel was flagged off from JawaharDweep oil terminal, Mumbai on 14th May, 2022 by the Union Minister of State, Ministry of External Affairs and Union Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Smt. MeenakashiLekhi as Chief Guest. This is the second of the exemplary voyages (earlier M.T. Swarna Krishna) that SCI has sailed towards promoting diversity and inclusivity in the Indian Shipping Industry while making global footprints.

(vi)      Participation in the 12th Fleet Review by  President of India

            SCI’s two owned vessels M.T. Swarna Sindhu and M.V. SCI Sabarmati have participated in the 12th Fleet Review along with Naval Fleet by President of India & Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces on 21st February, 2022 showcasing India’s maritime might off the Visakhapatnam coast in Andhra Pradesh.

(vii)    Dredging Corporation of India Limited

            The Major Ports with annual estimated maintenance dredging quantity of 80 million cubic meters are in requirement of higher hopper capacity dredger to augment the pace of dredging to maintain the design depth at Ports. Under AtmaNirbhar Bharat Scheme Dredging Corporation of India Ltd. (DCIL) has placed an order to Cochin Shipyard Ltd for procurement of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) with 12000m3 Hopper Capacity at an estimated cost of Rs. 104.59 Million Euros with construction duration of 34 months.

(viii)   Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

            The Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, 2021 was passed by Lok Sabha on 22.03.2021 and by the Rajya Sabha on 27.07.2021. The Act was notified in the Official Gazette on 2nd August, 2021 after getting the President’s assent on 31.07.2021. The Act came into force from 31.03.2022. The Act replaces the old Lighthouse Act,1927 and incorporates the global best practices, technological developments and India's International obligations in the field of Marine Aids to Navigation. The new Act will facilitate harmonized and effective functioning of aids to marine navigation and Vessel Traffic Services along the Indian coastline.

(ix)      Establishment of new of Lighthouses

            To enhance the safety of mariners and fishermen and to provide seamless coverage along the Indian Coast, two Lighthouses have been established. Minister for PSW, inaugurated two new Lighthouses at Dhanuskhodi (Tamil Nadu) and Kelshi (Maharashtra) on 14th May, 2022 through video conferencing during the Incredible India International Cruise Conference held on 14-15 May, 2022 at Mumbai.

(x)       Start-up program in Maritime sector – MOU between CSL and IIT (Madras)

            Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) signed an agreement on 06.11.2022 to support start-ups in the maritime sector. IIT Madras will act as one of the implementation partners of this initiative and will provide incubation, mentorship, training to start-ups selected under this program. This is part of the start-up engagement program ‘USHUS’, launched by CSL to augment the Government of India's initiatives to encourage and develop an ecosystem in India for supporting Maritime Start-ups from the technical, regulatory, financial, and marketing points of view by bringing the stakeholders together. This program is expected to provide a platform for young and talented entrepreneurs to develop products/services in the marine space with financial support provided by CSL. Under this initiative, start-ups can get upto Rs.50 lakhs as seed grants, Rs.1 crore as prototyping grants and equity funding for start-ups at the scale up stage.

(xi)      Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited

            Union Minister of Port, Shipping and Waterways & AYUSH dedicated the newly built State-of-the-Art ship building facility of Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited at Nazirgunge, Howrah, West Bengal to the nation on 16 August 2022. The Rs. 180 Crore facility, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cochin Shipyard Ltd, a PSE under the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways was dedicated to the nation by the Union Minister of PSW and AYUSH in the presence of Minister of State of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.

(xii)    Delivery of Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) “Vikrant” by CSL to Indian Navy

            CSL has created maritime history on 28.07.2022 by delivering of the prestigious Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) ‘Vikrant to Indian Navy. The vessel designed by Indian Navy's inhouse Directorate of Naval Design (DND) and built by CSL at an overall cost of Rs. 20000 crore, the carrier is christened after illustrious predecessor, India's first Aircraft Carrier which played a vital role in the 1971 war. The 262 mtr long carrier has a full displacement of close to 45,000 tonnes which is much larger and advanced than her predecessor. The ship is powered by four Gas Turbines totalling 88 MW power and has a maximum speed of 28 Knots. With the delivery of Vikrant, India has joined a select group of nations having the niche capability to indigenously design and build an Aircraft Carrier.

(xiii)   Delivery of 2nd 500 PAX vessel of A&N Administration by CSL

            The second 500 PAX vessel of Andaman and Nicobar Administration M.V. Nalanda was delivered on 05.07.2022. The vessel built at Cochin Shipyard Ltd, Kochi.  Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) as Technical Manager was actively involved during the shipbuilding process and further the Operation and Management (O&M) will also be done by SCI. M.V. Nalanda sailed on its maiden voyage from Kochi anchorage on 22.07.2022 at 06:30 hrs and reached Port Blair on 26.07.2022.



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