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IFFI 52 unveils potpourri of films in World Panorama Section

55 cinematic gems from across the world to be presented at World Panorama Section

Posted On: 18 NOV 2021 2:25PM by PIB Mumbai

Goa, November 18, 2021

As many as 55 films across the world will be showcased under the World Panorama Section of 52nd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) this year. The nine-day film festival, being organized in both hybrid and virtual formats, is being held in Goa during November 20 - 28, 2021.

  1. 1000 Dreams directed by Marat Sarulu

Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyz

  1. A Film About Couples directed by Natalia Cabral, Oriol Estrada

Dominican Republic | Spanish, Catalan

  1. A Higher Law directed by Octav Chelaru

Romania | Romanian

  1. Absence directed by Ali Mosaffa

Iran, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic | English, Persian, Czech

  1. Abu Omar directed by Roy Krispel

Israel | Hebrew, Arabic

  1. Anais in Love directed by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet

France | French

  1. Asterrarium directed by Armen H'Akopian

Russian Federation | Russian

  1. Atlantide directed by Yuri Ancarani

Italy, France, US, Qatar | Italian

  1. Bebia, À Mon Seul Désir directed by Juja Dobrachkous

Georgia, UK | Georgian, Russian

  1. Bergman Island directed by Mia Hansen Love

France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden | English

  1. Captain Volkonogov Escaped directed by Natasha Merkulova and Aleksey Chupov

Russia| Estonia| France | Russian

  1. Celts directed by Milica Tomović

Serbia | Serbian

  1. Clara Sola directed by Nathalie Álvarez Mesén

Sweden, Costa Rica, Belgium | Spanish

  1. Dark Matter directed by Iman Tahsin

Andorra | Turkish

  1. Fathers directed by Salem Salavati

Iran | Persian

  1. Hinterland directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky

Austria, Luxembourg | German

  1. Holy Island directed by Robert Manson

Ireland | English

  1. Humanization directed by Giulio Musi

Sweden | Swedish

  1. Islands directed by Martin Edralin

Canada | Filipino, Tagalog, English

  1. Lamb directed by Valdimar Jóhannsson

Iceland, Sweden, Poland | Icelandic

  1. Love Songs for Tough Guys directed by Samuel Benchetrit

France, Belgium | French

  1. Luzzu directed by Alex Camilleri

Malta | Maltese

  1. Miss Osaka directed by Daniel Dencik

Denmark, Norway, Japan | English, Japanese, Danish

  1. Nightride directed by Stephen Fingleton

United Kingdom | English

  1. Ninjababy directed by Yngvild Sve Flikke

Norway | Norwegian

  1. Our Father directed by David Pantaleón

Spain | Spanish

  1. Out of Sync directed by Juanjo Giménez

Spain, Lithuania, France | Spanish

  1. Patio of Illusion directed by Shangshi Chen

Macau | Cantonese

  1. Private Desert directed by Aly Muritiba

Brazil, Portugal | Brazilian-Portuguese

  1. Promises directed by Thomas Kruithof

France | French

  1. Pure White directed by Necip Caghan Ozdemir

Turkey | Turkish

  1. Rafaela directed by Tito Rodriguez

Dominican Republic | Spanish

  1. Rhino directed by Oleh Sentsov

Ukraine, Poland, Germany | German, Ukrainian, Russian

  1. Saloum directed by Jean Luc Herbulot

Senegal | French, Wolof

  1. Silent Land directed by Aga Woszczyńska

Poland, Italy, Czech Republic | Polish, English, Italian, Franch

  1. Tailor directed by Sonia Liza Kenterman

Greece, Germany, Belgium | Greek

  1. The Blind Man Who Did Not Want To See the Titanic directed by Teemu Nikki

Finland | Finnish

  1. The Book of Delights directed by Marcela Lordy

Brazil | Brazilian-Portuguese

  1. The Exam directed by Shawkat Amin Korki

Germany, Iraq, Qatar | Kurdish

  1. The Giants directed by Bonifacio Angius

Italy | Italian

  1. The Girl and The Spider directed by Ramon Zürcher, Silvan Zürcher

Switzerland | German

  1. The Gravedigger’s Wife directed by Khadar Ayderus Ahmed

France, Somalia, Germany, Finland | Somali

  1. The Guest directed by Ana Mancera

Spain | Spanish

  1. The Hotel directed by Alexandr Baluyev

Russian Federation | Russian

  1. The Innocents directed by Eskil Vogt

Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France, United Kingdom | Norwegian

  1. The Night Belongs to Lovers directed by Julien Hilmoine

France | French

  1. The Odd-Job Men directed by Neus Ballús

Spain | Spanish, Catalan

  1. The Preacher directed by Tito Jara H.

Ecuador, Colombia, Spain | Spanish

  1. The Red Tree directed by Joan Gómez Endara

Colombia, Panama, France | Spanish

  1. The Restless directed by Joachim Lafosse

France, Belgium, Luxembourg | French

  1. The Seed directed by Mia Maariel Meyer

Germany | German

  1. The Staffroom directed by Sonja Tarokić

Croatia | Croatian

  1. The Sun of that Moon directed by Setareh Eskandari

Iran | Balochi

  1. Unbalanced directed by Juan Baldana

Argentina | Spanish

  1. What We Know directed by Jordi Núñez

Spain | Spanish

The synopses of the films can be found here.



Team PIB IFFI | Shamila/DJM/PM/IFFI-17



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