Ministry of Rural Development
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Rural connectivity under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana - PMGSY

Posted On: 10 DEC 2024 3:07PM by PIB Delhi

The Government of India, as a part of the poverty reduction strategy, launched the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY-I) on 25th December, 2000 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide rural connectivity, by way of a single all-weather road, to the eligible unconnected habitations of designated population size (500+ in plain areas and 250+ in North-Eastern States, Himalayan States and Himalayan Union Territories and some special areas as per 2001 census) in the core network for uplifting the socio-economic condition of the rural population. In the critical Left Wing Extremism affected blocks, habitations with population 100 persons and above as per 2001 census are also covered. PMGSY-II was launched in the year 2013, with a target to upgrade 50,000 Km of the existing rural roads. Road Connectivity Project for Left Wing Extremism Affected Areas (RCPLWEA) was launched in 2016 for construction/ upgradation of strategically important roads in the 44 worst affected LWE districts and adjoining districts in the 9 affected States. PMGSY-III was launched in 2019 for consolidation of 1,25,000 Km Through Routes and Major Rural Links.

Various independent evaluation studies, conducted by NITI Aayog, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), World Bank India and International Labour Organization (ILO), on Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) have concluded that it has improved access to education and health care facilities, facilitated employment generation in both farm and non-farm sectors, helped farmers in getting better farm prices etc. Since inception, a total of 1,90,155 road works measuring length 8,34,657 Km and 11,948 LSBs with value of projects amounting to Rs. 3,95,560 crore under various interventions/verticals of PMGSY have been sanctioned, out of which, 1,81,151 road works measuring length 7,69,51 Km and 9,199 LSBs have been completed till 6th December, 2024 at an expenditure of Rs 3,32,071 crore (including State share).

The evaluation of PMGSY, at the national level, by NITI Aayog, in 2020, has specifically mentioned the following impacts:

  1. Scheme is well aligned with India’s International Goals and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as it addresses the issues of poverty, hunger and infrastructure for growth;
  2. Roads constructed under PMGSY have been observed to create positive impact at both at level of the household and the community;
  3. The roads have been observed to increase access to market and livelihood opportunities, health and education facilities; and
  4. PMGSY is noted to build the foundations for long-lasting poverty reduction in rural India. Improved rural connectivity provides a long-term and sustained boost in the living standards of rural populations as it allows households to accumulate wealth and human capital.

Government of India has approved phase IV of PMGSY in September 2024 to provide all-weather connectivity to 25,000 unconnected habitations of population size 500+ in plains, 250+ in NE & Hill Sates/UTs, special category areas (Tribal Schedule V, Aspirational Districts/Blocks, Desert areas) and 100+ in LWE affected districts, as per Census 2011. The PMGSY-IV covers eligible unconnected habitations which have become eligible in view of their population increase as per census 2011.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Rural Development, Shri Kamlesh Paswan in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.



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