Ministry of Home Affairs
azadi ka amrit mahotsav


Posted On: 30 JUL 2024 4:29PM by PIB Delhi

The Information Technology (IT) systems for criminal justice delivery established in the country primarily consists of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems i.e. CCTNS (for police), eForensics (for the Forensic Science Laboratories), eProsecution (for public prosecutors), eCourts(for courts) and ePrisons (for Prisons). These IT systems are stand-alone systems functional in all States/ Union Territories. The phase-II of the ICJS Project will inter-link these stand-alone IT systems for seamless data exchange and also  provide  new  technologies  for  smart  policing. The objectives of

ICJS Phase-II are as under:-

    1. Facilitate seamless integration between the various data sets of Police, Prisons, Forensics, Prosecution and Courts.
    2. Enhance data quality by reducing errors in data entry.
    3. Increase effectiveness and timeliness in investigations, and consequently in Trials, due to easy access of data between pillars.
    4. Enable effective use of data analytics and modern tools available in the investigations.
    5. Reduce dependence on paper records in decision-making.
    6. Enable a shift towards “SMART Policing”.

         The components of ICJS Phase-II are as under

  1. Hardware (application servers and client-end systems)
  2. Software update for ICJS
  3. ICJS development and management
  4. Network connectivity
  5. IT infrastructure (dedicated and secure cloud-based)
  6. Operations & maintenance
  7. Awareness & capacity building


    This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Bandi Sanjay Kumar in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha.



(Release ID: 2039059) Visitor Counter : 784

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