Ministry of Development of North-East Region

Achievements of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region

‘North East Festival’ celebrated as a part of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav

Ministry of DoNER, in collaboration with NITI Aayog and UNDP, is in the progress to finalize the Second Edition of District level NER SDG Index, based on a north-east specific District Indicator Framework and comprising of 84 indicators

Announced in Budget 2022-23 as a 100% Central Sector Scheme, Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North East (PM-DevINE) has been initiated

The BE allocation for the year 2022-23 for North Eastern Region under 10% Gross Budgetary Support is Rs 76,040  crore

A Task Force constituted to steer the growth of Agriculture Sector in North Eastern Region

A Regional action plan is being drawn up for development of tourism in consultation with North Eastern States and active stakeholders

North Eastern Council (NEC) Golden Jubilee celebrated in Shillong

Posted On: 28 DEC 2022 4:03PM by PIB Delhi

1.     Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav (AKAM)

The ‘North East Festival’ was celebrated as a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav (AKAM)’ from 28th April to 4th May, 2022. Various participative activities were held in all eight NE States in the spirit of Jan-Bhagidari. The valedictory function, on 4th May 2022 at Srimanta Sankardev Kalakhsetra in Guwahati, was graced by then His Excellency President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind and then the First Lady of India, Smt. Savita Kovind. Hon’ble Union Minister of DoNER, Culture & Tourism, Shri G. Kishan Reddy and Hon’ble MoS MDoNER & Cooperation, Shri B.L. Verma were gracious hosts.

Hon’ble Union Minister of Law & Justice Shri Kiren Rijiju, Hon’ble Union Minister of Ports, Shipping, Waterways and AYUSH Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Hon’ble MoS of Labour & Employment and Petroleum & Natural Gas, Shri Rameshwar Teli, Hon’ble MoS of External Affairs and Education, Dr.R.K. Ranjan Singh, Hon’ble MoS of Social Justice & Empowerment, Sushri Pratima Bhoumik joined as special invitees. Other honourable dignitaries present were Hon’ble Governor of Assam Prof. Jagdish Mukhi, Hon’ble Governor of Manipur Shri La. Ganesan, Hon’ble CM of Assam Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma, Hon’ble CM of Arunachal Pradesh Shri Pema Khandu, Hon’ble CM of Manipur Shri N. Biren Singh, Hon’ble CM of Meghalaya Shri Conrad K. Sangma, Hon’ble CM of Tripura Shri Biplab Kumar Deb and Hon’ble CM of Sikkim Shri Prem Singh Tamang.

His Excellency the President enjoined upon all influential stakeholders – Central & State Governments and others – to work together to improve the ease of doing business parameters and to facilitate the flow of investments into the North East. He also  focused on issues like climate change and in his address he said, “When climate change has emerged as the greatest challenge before humankind, careful planning would be needed in the years to come to preserve the rich ecological heritage of the region”.

2.    District Level NER Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index

MDoNER had launched the country’s first district level SDG Index for the eight North East Region States as a collaborative effort with NITI Aayog, with technical support from UNDP. This is a first of its kind progress tracking tool for the North Eastern Region, of critical significance to the Region’s development trajectory. The SDG NER index is aligned to the SDG India Index and is based on a north-east specific District Indicator Framework, comprising of 84 indicators to measure progress of NER across 15 SDGs. In furtherance to the first edition of the NER District SDG Index Report released on 26th August, 2021, Ministry of DoNER in collaboration with NITI Aayog and UNDP is in the progress to finalize the Second edition of District level NER SDG Index in 2022.

The adoption of the NER SDG District Index for goal-based planning, gap-based prioritization, and indices-based outcome targeting is needed for coordinated planning and monitoring in the entire region. This will ensure a targeted and optimal utilization of available resources as per felt needs in the region. The institutionalization of this data-driven framework will empower all stakeholders in their decision-making and policymaking.

A dashboard has also been made available by NITI Aayog where a visual representation of the progress made by the districts against the 15 SDGs can be easily monitored. NESAC has further augmented its own geoportal for visual representation of the progress made by the districts against all the 84 indicators of the Index. These visualizations provide valuable insights into the status across key parameters to provide deeper policy insights and actionable inputs.

The index is fostering a healthy competition at sub-national level for better outcomes. To help imbue the SDG Framework in the States’ planning and project prioritization in follow-up of the publication of the District-wise SDG Index, MDoNER is negotiating with the UNDP and NITI to set up related Planning Units in the States, with deployment of trained and expert manpower preferably by January-2023.    

3.    Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North East (PM-DevINE)

As per its mandate, the Ministry of DoNER undertakes matters relating to the planning, execution and monitoring of developmental schemes and projects in NE Region. In light of the assessment that the NE Region has a significant  developmental backlog – not only in infrastructure but also in social development, livelihood and community capacities sectors – requiring attention across the 8 NE States, a new scheme, Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North East (PM-DevINE) has been initiated. Announced in Budget 2022-23 as a 100% Central Sector Scheme, it aims at rapid and holistic development of the Region by funding projects of significant impact.

Its objectives are - to fund infrastructure convergently, in the spirit of PM GatiShakti ; support social development projects based on felt needs of the NER States ; enable livelihood activities, particularly for youth and women ; and fill development gaps in various sectors - through initiatives of significant size and comprehensive reach / sub-activities. PM-DevINE is not a substitute for existing Central or State schemes. While the Central ministries may pose their candidate projects under PM-DevINE, priority will be given to those posed by the States. The projects will be implemented through the North Eastern Council (NEC) or the Ministries / Departments or Agencies.

The Union Cabinet eventually approved the PM-DevINE Scheme on 12.10.2022, with total outlay of ₹ 6,600 crore for remaining 15th Finance Commission Period from 2022-23 to 2025-26. Projects will be sanctioned during 2022-23 and 2023-24 and focused attention will be given on completion of Projects by 2025-26. Meetings of the Empowered Committee of PMDevINE Scheme and the projects’ sanction is already underway, in consultation with the North East Council, States of the Region, Central Ministries & partner Agencies. Two ongoing ropeway projects in Sikkim are targeted for completion by March-2023 ; while newer livelihood-oriented projects are planned to be launched within January-2023.

4.     10% Gross Budgetary Support for North Eastern Region

Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) monitors and keeps track of expenditure by all non-exempted Central Ministries / Departments (currently 55) mandated to spend at least 10% of their Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) of Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes for NE Region.

This is to ensure a quantum jump in budgetary resource flows to the region to fill the backlog and gaps in basic minimum services and infrastructure. About Rs.3.64 lakh crore have been spent in NER since 2014-15 (upto 30.09.2022) under 10% GBS. The increase in expenditure under 10% GBS in NER is of around 186%, from Rs.24,819  crore in 2014-15 to Rs. 70,874 crore in 2021-22. The BE allocation for the year 2022-23 for NER under 10% GBS is Rs 76,040  crore.

During 2021-22, the expenditure tracking was meticulously done, by grouping the Ministries / Departments into three broadly functional categories and upgraded reporting through PFMS. Resultantly, the expenditure increased by Rs. 22,311 crore (46%) over the 2020-21 level ; and exceeded the target (104%) for the first time ever.

Ministry of DoNER has also been delegated the powers to recommend reallocation of resources to those Ministries who have higher absorptive capacity for 10% GBS expenditure in NER to enable fuller utilization of allocated resources. Under re-appropriation mechanism, the requests received for seeking additional funds for North Eastern Region from 2 Ministries/Departments, namely Ministry of Civil Aviation and NIPER, Department of Pharmaceuticals respectively were sent to Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance during 2021-22.

For improved efficacy in meeting the objectives of the extant policy, specific reviews are being taken for Ministries / departments which have fallen short of the targets consistently. Moreover, the Ministries / Departments have been asked to report administrative and schematic expenditures separately. Possibility of tracking State-wise expenditure is also being explored.

5.     Inter-Ministerial Task Force for Agriculture

As agriculture sector is primary employer in the NE Region, priority is being accorded for its planned development. Following a joint review of agriculture sector conducted by the Hon’ble Ministers of Development of North Eastern Region and Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, a Task Force was constituted to steer the growth of Agriculture Sector in NE Region.

The Task Force held consultations with active stakeholders including State Governments and Central Agencies and considered (a) modifications required in the existing schemes of Agriculture Sector; and (b) New Schemes / Projects for improved utilization of 10% GBS. In its recommendations – horticulture, organic, agro-forestry and plantation sub-sectors are identified to be focused upon.

Integrated value chains - across raw material, infrastructure, processing, marketing stages - are detailed for high market potential commodities, viz. Bamboo, Spices (Ginger, Turmeric, Chilli, Large-Cardamom), pineapple and agarwood. Various supports for raw material, value addition and marketing segments of each value chain are also identified for concerted focus and convergent action by concerned Ministries / Agencies consultatively through pooling of resources, aligning scheme guidelines etc.




6.     Initiatives by MDoNER for development Tourism sector in NER

Promotion of tourism in the North Eastern Region (NER) is a high-priority focus sector of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region. Sustainable Tourism is emerging as a key driver of faster economic growth, as it does not suffer from the extra transportation costs and the resultant non-competitiveness of other economic activities in the NE Region. The natural beauty and environment, rich flora and fauna assets, distinctive lifestyles and adventure settings, diverse culture & tradition etc. are resources being tapped for boosting tourism with spin-offs for job creation, investment and trade, infrastructure development and social inclusion for women, youth and local communities etc.

Under the North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS), 80 projects have been sanctioned for Rs.2598.15 crore up to 31st March 2022, for tourism related infrastructure relating to connectivity, power and water supply in the Region. Moreover, 63 tourism development for Rs. 302.51 crore were sanctioned through NEC up to financial year 2021-22.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Consultative Committee for MDoNER, held on 29th September, 2022 on the subject “Development of Tourism in the NER”, inter-alia for a Task Force and for a regional tourism development plan for NE Region – a Regional action plan is being drawn up, for development of tourism in consultation with States and active stakeholders ; across Eco/Wildlife, Cultural and Heritage, Rural Homestays and Adventure, MICE and Education/Medical Tourism sub-sectors, through an appropriate inter-Ministerial Task Force.

North Eastern Handicrafts & Handloom Development Corporation (NEHHDC) under MDoNER, organizes tour guide course for SC & ST youth of the Region for self-employment generation. NEHHDC, with Department of Travel and Tourism Management of Sonapur College Assam, is promoting research and development on Craft Tourism and allied activities - like Nature Tourism, Rural & Agri Tourism, Heritage Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Community-Based Tourism, etc. It is also pursuing development of Craft Tourism on PPP model.

7.     World Expo Dubai 2020- NE participation (4th to 17th March, 2022)

States from North Eastern Region, related Agencies and private entrepreneurs / start-ups were supported to participate in the World Expo 2020 in Dubai. The participant States and Agencies made presentations followed by short films showcasing the opportunities in the region. Potential investors from skilling, agri-horticulture, tourism etc. sectors including Tour operators and School Principals attended. NE State officials presented various initiatives taken up for skilling the youth and their willingness to collaborate with companies and HR recruitment firms. One-on-One interactions between the State officials and potential investors were held on 7th and 10th March 2022.

Key points of discussion in B2G meetings inter alia included – Tie ups with States’ Tourism Department to be explored for promoting North East in Middle East ; MoU with Tour Operator Association ; Keen interest in NE products ; exploring the possibility of bridging logistic gaps with the support of the State & Central Governments ; exploring collaborative opportunity with NE states to attract tourists from UAE and other GCC country into the region; NE States to connect the exports of products to UAE ; Providing cold storage facilities e.g. to transport fish from Meghalaya to Gulf countries.

Key outcomes of the event are better networking with North-Eastern State officials ; Generating awareness and interest for the North East region of India ; Exposure to global market for North-eastern products (exporters and entrepreneurs) ; Inspire focused effort among the officials for promoting investment in the region ; Improve the presentation/pitching skills among the officials ; Encourage identification of investible projects etc.

A Team from Grand Hyper Market, Dubai visited Meghalaya, Assam and Manipur as a follow-up of their meetings in Dubai. They have expressed interest in procuring Agri- Produces like Tea, Jack Fruit, Ginger, Turmeric, Chilli, Pineapples, Assam. Grand Hyper Mart has also expressed interest in recruiting retail workers from North East.

8.     Mission mode program for Saturation of Model Blocks & Villages  

The need for resilient communities is particularly critical in the North-East region, given the status of its infrastructure, limited resources, ecological profile and the vagaries of nature. To address this, a Mission mode program for Saturation of Model Blocks & Villages (SAMBHAV) was conceptualized to enable the most backward and isolated communities to achieve their full potential and become “Atmanirbhar” through equal access to basic services and opportunities.

This pilot program targets to saturate identified 15 basic services in the 75 GPs / Villages spread across 40 Districts in the North-East Region. The services selected for saturation are based on National Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index (NMPI) ; and are identified for their potential to afford ease of living to the villagers. Progress on SAMBHAV is sought to be achieved in convergence within the existing schemes of the Government. These are to be monitored on the KPIs against about 20 flagship Schemes of 12 Central Ministries / Departments.

The SAMBHAV programme will thus help these communities in the remote villages of the NE Region seek better governance from the line Ministries and State Governments, through prioritized implementation of their flagship schemes in NER. In doing so, the exposure to the best practices and case studies of the other parts of the country will also be tapped into.

Appropriate information systems would be essential to help figure out the baseline status on the various services’ related Key Performance Indicators ; and track the progress thereafter on these KPIs. The optimized achievement on these dimensions would be pursued through alternate implementation approaches and innovative technologies needed for sustainable service delivery ; arrived at by ideation with local communities and non-state players with local presence apart from the local machinery of the State Governments.

9.  Achievements of NESIDS and Special Development Package (SDP)

The erstwhile Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources-State (NLCPR-State) Scheme was restructured as North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESISD) w.e.f. 15.12.2017. NESIDS is a central sector scheme, aimed to support filling up gaps of infrastructure in the Region in identified sectors like water supply, power, connectivity, tourism and social infrastructure in the areas of primary and secondary sectors of education and health.

During January to November 2022, total 54 projects of cost Rs. 952.94 crore have been sanctioned under NESIDS – including 11 projects costing Rs. 89.93 crore in Education ; 20 projects of cost Rs. 221.27crore in Health ; 2 projects of cost Rs. 41.03 crore in Power ; 16 projects of cost Rs. 508.44 crore in Roads & Bridges ; and 5 projects of cost Rs. 92.28 crore in Drinking Water Supply sectors. Of these, 3 projects of 85.36 crores are completed. Further, Under Bodo Territorial Council (BTC) SDP 3 projects costing Rs 250 crore have been sanctioned during January to November 2022.

10.   Formation of Field Technical Support Units (FTSUs)

For bolstering the development roadmap, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) took the decision of forming 'Field Technical Support Units (FTSUs)' to work as a bridge & communication facilitator between State Governments and MDoNER for the progress on Schemes and initiatives in NER. They have been stationed in the respective State Headquarters in the North East.

Each State FTSU has one State coordinator & 2 Project associates. They are responsible for monitoring the current development projects and share their regular reports with MDoNER. Along with State Projects, FTSUs will be monitoring the current Central Government projects and upcoming projects.

11.   North Eastern Council (NEC) Golden Jubilee

NEC, constituted in 1972, completed 50 years and celebrated its Golden Jubilee on 18th December 2022 in Shillong at a programme graced by Hon’ble PM, in the presence of other dignitaries. The eight ‘foundation pillars’ for development of the Region - peace, power, tourism, 5G-connectivity, culture, natural farming, sports, potential – can enhance the NE States that are often called 'Ashta Lakshmi' – the eight goddesses of wealth.

About the recent achievements in the region, Hon’ble PM made a special mention of the efforts for boosting connectivity in the last 8 years. Iconic bridge projects pending since several decades have since been completed ; the airports and flights, roads, railway-lines and tunnels - all have been accelerated and completed in the Region, increasing their numbers significantly in comparison to 2014. Government is also working on improving digital connectivity in the North-East by expanding the optical fibre network.

12.   Advancing North East Portal’

The “Advancing North East” developed by NEC with North Eastern Development Finance Corporation (NEDFi), a digital web-based platform provides needed knowledge and guidance - in education, employment and entrepreneurship - to the youth of NER. Inaugurated by Hon’ble President on 4th May 2022 during valedictory function of ‘North East Festival’ in Guwahati, this endeavour stems from the vision shared by Hon’ble PM in the 65th Plenary Session of North Eastern Council in May, 2016.

13.   Monitoring and Geo-Tagging of Projects

NEC in collaboration with North Eastern Space Application Centre(NESAC) under Department of Space has developed a Project Monitoring Portal that is a unique application of innovations for enhancing the governance process. Physical progress of projects especially for infrastructure is monitorable directly in three modes – mobile apps, satellite images and drone images. Time-series satellite imageries and UAV / drone images are used for relatively large or inaccessible project sites, for monitoring by MDoNER, NEC and States. The portal was inaugurated by Hon’ble President on 4th May 2022 during valedictory function of ‘North East Festival’ held in Guwahati as part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. Presently, 562 of 588 identified projects spread across 1664 different locations in NE Region were geo-tagged through satellite images and mobile app.

14.   Achievements under Schemes of NEC (January to November 2022)

  • A total of 212 projects were sanctioned for Rs.1114.70 crore and 120 projects of Rs.659.36 crore were completed under ‘Schemes of NEC’.
  • Backward Blocks: 28 projects costing Rs.131.20 crore were sanctioned for backward blocks under 30% component of Schemes of NEC.
  • Backward Communities: 26 projects for Rs.109.80 crore were sanctioned for backward communities under 30% component of Schemes of NEC.
  • Key Identified Services: 14 projects of Rs.26.56 crore were sanctioned for 14 identified villages under 30% component of Schemes of NEC.
  • Afforestation Programme: 5 projects for Rs.14.05 crore were sanctioned for afforestation programme under 30% component of Schemes of NEC.
  • Road projects: In addition, 5 road projects for Rs.407.35 crore were sanctioned under North East Road Sector Development Scheme(NERSDS).

15.   Achievements of North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Limited (NEHHDC)


  • As part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav; NEHHDC under the mentorship & guidance of Ministry of DoNER inaugurated on 31stJanuary, 2022 its new skill development training centre ‘PURBAGYANAM’ in Guwahati, for the youth of North East Region.
  • NEHHDC partnered with Kosha Handmade on 11th February, 2022 to bring the handmade authentication in the handloom sector of Northeast an innovative solution to increase the demand of handmade products.





  • Northeast Kalakriti 2022 conducted by NEHHDC, during February~March, 2022 which is a free platform where NEHHDC is offering the artisans of Northeast India to meet the urban customers directly. Leading to make the artisans understand the urban trends and on the other hand make the customers understand an artisan's lifestyle.
  • Team Invest India facilitated the signing of an MoU between Etsy & North Eastern Handicraft & Handloom Development Corporation Ltd. on 06th May, 2022 to provide market access and enable support to small sellers, weavers & artisans from the North-Eastern Region.
  • In collaboration with ‘Nature’s Orbit’ NEHHDC inaugurates a ZERO WASTE Campus at Craft Promotion & Experience Center, Garchuk, Guwahati on 26th May 2022 footstep towards Swatch Bharat Mission.




  • Furthering Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji's vision of 'Vocal For Local', NEHHDC has been allotted on 25th July, 2022 commercial spaces by NF Railway, Guwahati at 15 major railway stations in NER for One Station One Product stalls.
  • On 9th October 2022, during the 70th Plenary of the NEC, Hon'ble Union Home Minister & Chairman NEC Shri Amit Shah launched the Mobile Application of North Eastern Handicrafts and Handloom Development Corporation Limited (NEHHDC) dedicated to the artisans and weavers of North East India, in presence of Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Minister for MDoNER and Vice Chairman, NEC.



  • Nature’s Weave a premium brand of NEHHDC officially launched at North East International Fashion Week on 12th November 2022, at Craft Promotion & Experience Centre, Garchuk, Guwahati.


16.   Achievements of North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation (NERAMAC)


  • Procurement of Agri-horti produces like Pineapple, Ginger, Turmeric, Large Cardamom, Black Pepper, King Chilli (BhutJolokia), Bayleaf, Black Rice, Kiwi, Dragon Fruit, Water Melon, Pumpkin etc and marketing under its umbrella brand ‘NE Fresh’. Minor exports are being progressed to Europe, Bangladesh and Bhutan. While a test case of procurement of agri-produce has started through a private entity for Mumbai, a MoU is being entered into to formalize the arrangement.
  • NERAMAC has product basket of 75+ products in the retail segment.
  • A kiosk has been opened recently at ICP Agartala (Indo-Bangladesh border).
  • Opening of stalls under OSOP with the NFR is ongoing and Guwahati / Kamakhya station stalls are functional.
  • Supply of Agri-inputs and planting materials on behalf of State Governments - Vermi compost, Bio-Fertilizers, Rhizomes, Agro shade net etc.
  • Implementing Agency for -
  • Formation and Promotion of FPOs in NER under ‘Formation and Promotion of 10000 FPOs under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. 53FPOs has been registered out of allotted 55 in the year 2021 despite COVID-19 pandemic. 200 new FPOs have been allotted recently by the MoFW&A.
  • Bamboo Plantation Project of State Bamboo Development Agency (SBDA) of Assam : 900 ha of plantation has been undertaken in three districts of Assam in the first of a three-year project.
  • G.I. Registration of Agri-Horti produces of North East Region : 13 products of NER have been GI registered and 7 are in the in process. 
  • Horticulture Value Chain through Food Processing in Mizoram : The first Dragon Fruit juice processing plant is being set up in Mizoram by NERAMAC as Implementing Agency. This will also process Banana.


17.   Achievements of North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi)

  • NEDFi plays an important role in facilitating setting up of new industrial and service sector projects in the NE Region. The Corporation assisted 2917 projects, with total sanctions & disbursements of Rs.1023.38 crore and Rs.682.82 crore respectively, in diverse sectors  - education & training food processing, handlooms & handicrafts, healthcare, hotels & tourism, microfinance etc. From 1st January, 2022 to 21st December, 2022,


Arunachal Pradesh



Megh alaya



























  • For development of the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) sector, the Corporation has taken initiative to identify and nurture potential first generation local entrepreneurs and provide finance on easy terms to help them set up viable industrial projects. The credit schemes of the Corporation under micro & small enterprises sector are extended at concessional rate of interest. Besides, NEDFi undertakes initiatives/ activities towards promotion and development of MSME and Microfinance sectors in the region.


5. Fela Khiangte Salon & Spa

Fela Khiangte Salon & Spa in Mizoram. NEDFi ; set up through Rs.10.00 lakh sanctioned under North East Entrepreneurs Development Scheme (NEEDS)


Anup Kumar Choudhury’s agarbatti incense sticks unit in Tripura ; set-up through Rs.25.00 lakh sanctioned under North East Entrepreneurs Development Scheme (NEEDS)


  • To assist the grass-root small borrowers in unserved and underserved areas of the Region - “NEDFi Micro Finance Scheme” for wholesale micro-credit to Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) for on-lending to low-income individuals ; and “NEDFi Micro-Lending Scheme” to provide financial assistance directly to Micro Entrepreneurs, through Business Correspondents – were launched, for income generating activities in farm and non-farm sectors. During the period referred, the financial assistance of Rs.67.75 crore and Rs. 990 crore cumulatively was extended under the NMFS ; while assistance of Rs.22.69 crore was extended to 1727 borrowers under the NMLS. These have enabled improved economic status for around nine lakh beneficiaries, more than 90% of whom are women.

Sanasam Sandhyarani Devi

Ms. Sanasam Sandhyarani Devi from Thoubal Sabantongba, Manipur availed micro credit loan for running her dry fish business.

Form No-3503 Sumitra Sutradhar

 Sumitra Sutradhar from Darrang Assam availed loan under NMLS for hotel


  • NEDFi in collaboration with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) has set up the North East Venture Fund (NEVF), a dedicated venture capital fund, to encourage start-up ventures in the Region. The capital commitment to the fund is Rs.100 crore (MDoNER Rs.45.00 crore, NEDFi Rs.30.00 crore & SIDBI Rs.25.00 crore). The fund generated a lot of enthusiasm among the start-ups from the region. As of 21 December-2022 a total of 60 projects were given investment commitments of Rs.91.67 crore.

Menchukha Adventure Park in Arunachal Pradesh supported for tourism infrastructure & services

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Kraft Inn Home Décor India Private Limited at Jorhat, Assam as integrated sustainable Home Décor unit

  • Promotional & Developmental activities undertaken by NEDFi during the period:
  • Providing multi-disciplinary advisory & consultancy services to industrial, infrastructure and social development projects in the region. It has executed several prestigious consultancy assignments in various States of NE Region for Evaluation & Third-Party Monitoring of Infrastructure Projects, Impact Assessment Studies etc.
  • Conducting techno-economic feasibility studies for the NE Region through Techno Economic Development Fund (TEDF) . Among the total of 101 studies completed so far, the recent studies include : Study on Small & Medium Industries Marketing Infrastructure for North Eastern States, Study on Bringing Investors from South East Asia to NE India, Seed Project Approach, Study on Increasing MSME & Start-Up Financing Coverage etc.
  • Organizing Business Meets, in all the NE States, for the first-generation entrepreneurs to disseminate information on various schemes and programmes, with the objective to develop variety of skills and attributes such as the ability to think creatively, work in a team, manage various risks etc. During the period, NEDFi conducted a total number of 11 Business Meets with a participation of 523 prospective entrepreneurs.
  • Mentoring assistance is extended primarily to the first-generation entrepreneurs on Managerial, Technical, Financial, Commercial & Marketing, Preparation of project reports and credit linkages, through Business Facilitation Centres of the Corporation in all the NE States. During the period, a total of 294 entrepreneurs were nurtured, out of which credit linkage was extended to 124 entrepreneurs.
  • Capacity-building of Staff and functionaries of NGOs / MFIs to continuously upgrade their knowledge and skill sets to cope up with the changes & developments in the sector. A total of 63 participants have been benefited during the period.
  • Maintaining a web-based portal called “NER Databank” that is updated regularly with a view to provide information about North East India upto district level for various sectors at a single source. The details can be browsed at In addition, NEDFi has also so far published Databank Journals on 55 sectors of the NE Region economy.
  • Undertaking programmes for alternative sustainable livelihood to the artisans in water hyacinth craft, handloom & handicraft sectors etc. to ensure that the participants learn successful strategies and acquire appropriate tools for self/ wage employment. They will also be able to contribute towards poverty alleviation of their community. During the period, a total of 30 artisans benefited through various programmes.


WhatsApp Image 2022-12-22 at 3.24.36 PM

Training on banana fiber extraction and craft held at Peren, Nagaland

Craft stall at Indian Handicrafts and Gifts Fair, India Expo Mart, Greater Noida


  • Marketing Support: NEDFi is also facilitating marketing support to the artisans of NER through exhibition participation and its various showrooms. During the period, a total 125 artisans were provided platforms in various exhibition/ outlets.

18.   Fortnightly Visit of Hon’ble Union Ministers to NE States

Under the guidance of Hon’ble Prime Minister, it was decided that each North Eastern State would be visited by a Hon’ble Union Minister every fortnight, thereby help accelerate development in the NE region through efficacy of Government projects / schemes being implemented. MDoNER anchors and coordinates these visits by Hon’ble Union Ministers to the NE States.


Initiated in 2015, but subsequently discontinued since March, 2020 in view of lockdown & subsequent ban on travel etc., these fortnightly visits were restarted recently. These are broadly utilized by Hon’ble Union Ministers for:

  • Review of programme and policies of Central Ministries / Departments / Organizations for speedy implementation of flagship/other programs
  • Review of expenditure by Ministries / Departments under 10% GBS.
  • Review progress of Aspirational Districts in NE Region.
  • Review status of implementation of National Oil Palm Mission.
  • Interaction with local communities and other stakeholders to resolve as many pending issues as possible pertaining to the State/Areas visited.
  • Visiting various Institutions, project sites, etc. in/around areas of visit.
  • Interaction with State/District machinery and local people to understand their needs and instruct the concerned agencies to take timely steps.


From  January to November-2022, Hon’ble Union Ministers visited NER more than 135 times. The visits and the follow-up based on their reports are helping in mapping the aspirations and sentiments of the local population and effective implementation of Government projects / schemes in NER.




(Release ID: 1887062) Visitor Counter : 9993

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