Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Year- End Review 2022- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Posted On: 20 DEC 2022 5:17PM by PIB Delhi

Text Box: 1.	India stands 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity & 4th in Solar Power capacity2.	A total of 172.72 GW of capacity from non-fossil fuel sources installed in the country as on 31.10.2022, including 119.09 GW RE, 46.85 GW Large Hydro and 6.78 GW Nuclear Power capacity3.	Generation from non-fossil fuel sources is 42.26% of total installed generation capacity in the country 4.	A total of 14.21 GW of Renewable Energy (RE) capacity added during the period Jan to Oct. 2022 as compared to capacity of 11.9 GW added during the period January to October 20215.	As on 31-10-2022, 56 Solar Parks sanctioned with a cumulative capacity of 39.28 GW in 14 states6.	As on 31.10.2022, cumulatively over 1.52 lakh stand-alone solar pumps installed under the Component-B and 73.45 MW cumulative capacity solar power plants installed under Component-A

Text Box: 7.	Against a total target of solarization of 15 lakh pumps under Component-C, demand of over 57 lakh pumps received under feeder solarization sub-component8.	National Portal ( developed for any residential consumer from any part of the country to apply for rooftop solar without waiting for Discom to finalise tender and empanel vendors9.	Inter-state GEC with target capacity of 3200 circuit kilometer (ckm) transmission lines and 17,000 MVA capacity sub-stations, completed in March 202010.	A total capacity addition of 1761.28 MW of Wind energy achieved during the period of January to October 202211.	Ministry  issues Scheme Guidelines for implementation of the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche II) on ‘National Programme on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules’, with an outlay of Rs. 19,500 crore12.	Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicates to the nation, India's first Battery Storage and Solar Power based 'Suryagram' -

In line with  Prime Minister’s announcement at COP26, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is working towards achieving 500 GW of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030. So far, a total of 172.72 GW of capacity from non-fossil fuel sources has been installed in the country as on 31.10.2022. This includes 119.09 GW RE, 46.85 GW Large Hydro and 6.78 GW Nuclear Power capacity. This has a share of 42.26% of total installed generation capacity in the country i.e. 408.71 GW as on 31.10.2022.

India stands 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity & 4th in Solar Power capacity (as per REN21 Renewables 2022 Global Status Report). A total of 14.21 GW of Renewable Energy (RE) capacity was added, during the period Jan to Oct. 2022 as compared to capacity of 11.9 GW added during the period Jan to Oct. 2021. A total of 151.94 BU have been generated from RE sources during the period Jan to Sept. 2022 as compared to the 128.95 BU during the period Jan to Sept. 2021.


Simplified procedure on RTS: To simplify implementation process, Ministry has developed a National Portal ( wherein any residential consumer from any part of the country can apply for rooftop solar without waiting for Discom to finalise tender and empanel vendors.

The Intra-State GEC Phase-II (InSTS GEC-II) scheme was approved by the CCEA in January 2022. The total target is 10750 ckm intra-state transmission lines and 27500 MVA sub-stations with scheduled commissioning timeline of March 2026.

Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche II) on ‘National Programme on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules’, with an outlay of Rs. 19,500 crore was approved and launched.

Solarisation of sun-temple and town of Modhera, Gujarat: On 09.10.2022,  Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicated to the nation, India's first Battery Storage and Solar Power based 'Suryagram' - "Modhera" in Gujarat. Imposition of Basic Customs Duty (BCD) on solar cells & modules was done away by the Ministry .

National Bioenergy Programme: The National Bioenergy Programme which comprises the following Sub-schemes was launched on 2.11.2022:

  1. Waste to Energy Programme (Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes/ Residues)
  2. Biomass Programme (Scheme to support Manufacturing of Briquettes & Pellets and Promotion of Biomass (non-bagasse) based cogeneration in Industries.
  3. Biogas Programme: for promotion of family type Biogas plants.

Vayumitra and Jalmitra Skill Development Programme under Human Resource Development Scheme were launched in 2022. Equity infusion of Rs. 1500 crore in IREDA & Rs. 1000 crore in SECI.


  1. Solar Parks Scheme:

To facilitate large scale grid-connected solar power projects, a scheme for “Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects” is under implementation with a target capacity of 40 GW capacity by March 2024. Solar Parks provide solar power developers with a plug and play model, by facilitating necessary infrastructure like land, power evacuation facilities, road connectivity, water facility etc. along with all statutory clearances. As on 31-10-2022, 56 Solar Parks have been sanctioned with a cumulative capacity of 39.28 GW in 14 states. Solar power projects of an aggregate capacity of over 10 GW have already been commissioned in 17 parks and the remaining parks are at various stages of implementation. Solar projects of capacity 832 MW have been commissioned in various Solar Parks during period January to October, 2022.



  1. PM-KUSUM Scheme:

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahaabhiyan (PM-KUSUM): To provide energy and water security, de-dieselise the farm sector and also generate additional income for farmers by producing solar power, Government launched PM-KUSUM Scheme for farmers. The Scheme consists of three components:

  • Component A: Installation of 10,000 MW of Decentralized Grid Connected Solar Power Plants each of capacity up to 2 MW
  • Component B: Setting up of 20 lakh standalone Solar Powered Agriculture Pumps
  • Component C: Solarisation of 15 Lakh existing Grid-connected Agriculture Pumps

The Scheme aims to add 30.8 GW of solar capacity with central financial support of over Rs. 34,000 Crore. Following are the major achievements in implementation of the Scheme during the year 2022:

  • Department of Expenditure approved the proposal of MNRE to extend the Scheme till 31.03.2026 with following modifications:


    • Under Component-B and Component-C of the Scheme, Central Financial Assistance (CFA) will be available for pump capacity up to 15 HP to the individual farmers in the North-eastern States, UTs of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, States of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh and Island UTs of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep, and for each farmer in the cluster/ community irrigation projects in high water table areas in all the States/ UTs, subject to the restriction of 10% of the total allocation. For the remaining quantity the current provision will prevail, unless superseded.
    • The condition of domestic content requirement for solar cells has been waived off for the feeder solarization projects under Component-C for which work is awarded to the implementing company by 20.06.2023.


  • Cumulatively, about 4886 MW capacity of small solar power plants under component-A, 8.07 lakh standalone solar pumps under component-B and solarisation of 25.43 lakh grid connected pumps under the two variants of component-C have been allocated in various States.
  • As on 31.10.2022, cumulatively over 1.52 lakh stand-alone solar pumps have been installed under the Component-B out of which 79,418 nos. of pumps have been installed during 2022 and 73.45 MW cumulative capacity solar power plants installed under Component-A out of which 48.2 MW has been installed during 2022.
  • Implementation of feeder level solarization variant under Component-C, which was introduced in December, 2020. Against a total target of solarization of 15 lakh pumps under Component-C, demand of over 57 lakh pumps has been received under feeder solarization sub-component. A number of states viz., Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra have issued tenders under feeder solarization during 2022. 


  1. Solar Rooftop:

Cumulative progress upto 18.11.2022:

Cumulative installed capacity (with or without CFA)

7.2 GW

Estimated investment*

Rs. 35000 Crore

Capacity sanctioned for Central Financial Assistance (CFA)

Around 5.5 GW (i.e. 2.1 GW under phase I and 3.4 GW under phase II)

Capacity installed with CFA

2.838 GW (i.e. 1.350 GW under phase I and 1.488 GW under phase II)

Amount of CFA and incentives provided

Rs. 4623.97 Crore


Progress in Calendar year 2022:

Installed capacity in year 2022 (with or without CFA)

1.33 GW

Estimated investment*

Rs. 6100 Crore

Capacity installed with CFA support

0.31 GW

Amount of CFA and incentives provided

Rs. 1051.6 Crore

*Estimated investment has been calculated based on yearly benchmark rate and the capacity installed in that year.

Phase II of the rooftop solar programme timelines has been extended upto 31.03.2026.


Simplified procedure on Rooftop Solar (RTS): To simplify implementation process, Ministry has developed a National Portal ( wherein any residential consumer from any part of the country can apply for rooftop solar without waiting for Discom to finalise tender and empanel vendors. The subsidy is fixed and is same for the entire country. Since its launch on 30th July 2022, the total number of applications received on the national portal is for 117 MW solar capacity and the feasibility of more than 18 MW projects is granted.


  1. Off-Grid Solar:

Off-grid Decentralized and Solar PV Applications Programme Phase III: Phase III of the Off-grid Decentralized and Solar PV Applications Programme for Solar Street Lights, Solar Study Lamps and Solar Power Packs was available till 31.03.2021. In the current year, a total of 56,670 nos. of solar study lamps were distributed. During the closure of the installation of the programme, over 1.46 lakh solar street lights were installed, 9.71 lakh solar study lamps were distributed and 2.5 MW solar power packs have been set up as reported by State Nodal Agencies (SNAs).

Atal Jyoti Yojana (AJAY) Phase-II: The AJAY Ph-II Scheme for installation of solar street lights with 25% fund contribution from MPLAD Funds was discontinued from 1 April 2020 as the Government decided to suspend the MPLAD Funds for the next two years i.e. 2020-21 and 2021-22. In the current year, a total of 14,176 nos. of solar street lights were installed. During the closure of the installation of the programme, over 1.37 lakh solar streetlights were installed.

Ministry issued a Framework on 14.02.2022 for the Promotion of DRE (Decentralized Renewable Energy) Livelihood Applications with the objective to facilitate the development of an enabling ecosystem for widespread access to DRE for promoting sustainable livelihoods in the country including in rural and remote areas.


  1. Green Energy Corridor:

In order to facilitate renewable power evacuation and reshaping the grid for future requirements, the Green Energy Corridor (GEC) projects have been initiated. The first component of the scheme, Inter-state GEC with target capacity of 3200 circuit kilometer (ckm) transmission lines and 17,000 MVA capacity sub-stations, was completed in March 2020. The second component - Intra-state GEC with a target capacity of 9700 ckm transmission lines and 22,600 MVA capacity sub-stations is expected to be completed by March 2023. As on 31.10.2022, 8651 ckm of intra-state transmission lines have been constructed and 19558 MVA intra-state substations have been charged.

During the calendar year a total of 183 ckm of transmission lines have been commissioned and 4930 MVA capacity of substations have been charged.


Further to above, the Intra-State GEC Phase-II (InSTS GEC-II) scheme was approved by the CCEA in January 2022. The total target is 10750 ckm intra-state transmission lines and 27500 MVA sub-stations with scheduled commissioning timeline of March 2026. The InSTS GEC-II scheme is currently under implementation by the State Transmission Utilities (STUs) of 7 States, i.e. Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. The estimated project cost is Rs. 12031.33 crore with central financial assistance from MNRE of Rs. 3970.34 crore (i.e. 33% of project cost). The projects are being set up for evacuation of approx. 20 GW of RE power in the above 7 States. Currently, the states are preparing the packages and are in process of issuing tenders for implementing the projects.


  1. Wind Energy:


A total capacity addition of 1761.28 MW has been achieved during the period of January to October 2022.

  • COVID- 19 related relaxations:
    1. In order to give relaxation on account of COVID-19, part commissioning of 10 MW or more capacity of wind power projects under SECI Tranche-II to Tranche-VIII have been permitted till 31st March, 2023.
    2. In order to provide relief to wind power project developers on account of supply chain disruption due to second COVID-19 surge, an additional time extension up to 3 (three) months in the Scheduled Commissioning Date have been provided for wind power projects.
  • Other achievements
    1. Amendments in ‘Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Wind Solar Hybrid Projects.
      1. Amendment dated 09.03.2022: Authorized representatives of procurers are allowed to conduct bidding process on behalf of procurers. Commissioning schedule of hybrid projects increased from 18 months to 24 months.
      2. Amendment dated 02.11.2022: Provision relating to delay in Commissioning on account of delay in LTA Operationalization is rationalized.
    2. On the basis of MNRE’s recommendation, concessional custom duty benefit (CCDC) for several wind turbine components has been extended till 31.03.2023 vide Ministry of Finance vide its Notification No. 02/2022-Customs dated 01.02.2022.
    3. Draft National Repowering Policy for Wind Power Projects, 2022 has been issued for stakeholders consultation. The objectives of the Repowering Policy are optimum utilization of Wind energy resource by maximizing energy (kWh) yield per of the project area and utilizing the latest state-ofthe art onshore Wind turbine technologies.
  • Offshore Wind:
    1. Strategy paper including business models for offshore wind energy has been issued. This provides roadmap for achieving 30 GW of offshore wind energy target by 2030. A concept note for VGF scheme of Rs 14283 crore for the initial 3 GW of offshore wind energy projects has been sent to Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, for ‘in-principle’ approval. A trajectory to bid out offshore wind energy blocks for 37 GW capacity till FY 2029-30 has been issued. Draft Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules, 2022 have been finalized and sent for legal vetting. Draft contractual documents for offshore wind energy projects have been finalized and being circulated for stakeholders’ consultation.


  1. Bioenergy:

The following Bioenergy schemes are under implementation by the Ministry:

  • Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes/ Residues
  • Scheme to Support Promotion of Manufacturing of Briquettes & Pellets and Biomass (Non-Bagasse) Based Cogeneration in Industries in the Country for the period from FY 2021-22 to 2025-26.
  • Biogas Power (Off-Grid) Generation and Thermal application Programme (BPGTP)
  • New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme (NNBOMP)

A total capacity of 30 MW has been achieved in the year of 2022. As on 31.10.2022, cumulative installed capacity of biomass power and cogeneration projects stood at about 9.4 GW (Bagasse & IPP) and 0.77 GW (Non-Bagasse), waste to energy projects capacity was 223.14 MW (grid connected) and 272.09 MWeq (off-grid).

The progress regarding installed capacity of WTE projects made during the period from 01.01.2022 upto 31.10.2022 is 61.12 MWeq, with 24 MW (grid connected) and 37.12 MWeq (off-grid).

  1. Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme:

Approval and Issuance of Rs.19,500 crore PLI Scheme (Tranche-II) for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules:

Subsequent to the Cabinet approval dated 21.09.2022, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, on 30.09.2022, has issued Scheme Guidelines for implementation of the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche II) on ‘National Programme on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules’, with an outlay of Rs. 19,500 crore. The Tranche-II is expected to result in setting up of around 65 GW of fully / partially integrated solar PV manufacturing.

  1. Solarisation of sun-temple and town of Modhera, Gujarat:

            On 09.10.2022, Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicated to the nation, India's first Battery Storage and Solar Power based 'Suryagram' - "Modhera" in Gujarat, with Round the Clock Renewable Power Supply, set up through joint efforts of MNRE and Govt. of Gujarat. Modhera is the 1st modern village in India that's: (i) Powered by MWh scale Battery Storage; (ii) Having solar based EV charging stations; (iii) Net electricity producer with solar rooftops on all feasible household & Govt buildings, generating renewable energy higher than consumption, thus greening grid & paying villagers.


    1. Human Resource Development:

Human Resource Development Scheme supports short term trainings & skill development programmes, fellowships, internships, support to lab upgradation for RE and renewable energy chair.

A total of 4363 no. of suryamitras were trained from April, 2021 to October, 2022 totaling to cumulative 51529 no. of trained suryamitras out of which 26967 no. suryamitras got employment from FY 2015-16 to October, 2022 under suryamitra programme.

Ministry has launched the Jal-Urjamitra Skill Development Programme to train  technicians for maintenance of Small Hydro Power Projects with a target to develop over 1700 no. of skilled manpower for the period of 5 years i.e. FY 2021-22 to 2025-26.  Hydro and Renewable Energy Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee is coordinating the programme.

Vayumitra Skill Development Programme (VSDP) (Phase-1) is launched by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy assigning the task to National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai for creating skilled and trained manpower for Wind power projects with a target to develop over 5000 no. trainees during the period FY 2021-22 to 2023-24.


    1. National Green Hydrogen Mission:

In the Independence Day address on 15 August 2021, Hon’ble Prime Minister announced the National Green Hydrogen Mission and stated the goal to make India the global hub of Green Hydrogen production and export.

           MNRE is accordingly developing the National Green Hydrogen Mission with the objectives of decarbonising major economic sectors, making India energy independent and serving as an inspiration for the global clean energy transition. The Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) approved the proposal on the National Green Hydrogen Mission in April 2022.

Ministry of Power notified provisions for facilitative open access and banking of renewable energy for Green Hydrogen production vide the Green Open Access Rules.

Working Group has been constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary, MNRE for development of Regulations, Codes and Standards framework for Green Hydrogen. The Group has undertaken mapping and gap analysis of all relevant standards and regulations.

The Ministry undertook stakeholder consultations and put forth views India’s views at international forums on regulations for certifying Green Hydrogen and its derivative fuels. Detailed comments on the EU specifications on renewable fuels were provided through our Embassy in Brussels. This resulted in relaxation of EU specifications.

Draft bidding guidelines for Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia have been prepared. The model guidelines will be useful, particularly for Bidding for Green Ammonia initially.

Bilateral cooperation activities on hydrogen have been initiated with several countries including USA, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, and the UK. Task forces on hydrogen have been constituted with US and Germany, and India is leading active technical cooperation on Hydrogen in the Quad. MNRE is also leading the track on hydrogen under the Energy Transition Working Group for India’s G-20 presidency.

    1. International Solar Alliance

International Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, and the President of France on 30.11.2015 at Paris, France. With the signing and ratification of the ISA Framework Agreement by 15 countries, on 06.12.2017, ISA became the first international intergovernmental organization to be headquartered in India.

On 15.07.2020, an amendment came into force, which enables all member States of the UN, including those beyond the tropics, to join the ISA. As on 30.11.2021, 110 countries have signed the Framework Agreement of the ISA. Of these, 90 countries have also ratified the same. The fifth Assembly of International Solar Alliance was held on 18.10.2022. India and France have been re-elected as the President and Co-President of ISA Assembly for a third consecutive two year term for the period Oct-2022 to Oct – 2024.





(Release ID: 1885147) Visitor Counter : 67181

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